Jagged Germany

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Declare war (ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Gentlemen, the Serbs outrageously rejected our request. They assassinated the crown prince of the empire, and at the same time dared to refuse our request. This undoubtedly shows that the assassination of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was completely planned by the Serbs for a long time. The empire must punish the Serbs and let them know the price of provoking the empire!" Marshal Herzendorf, Chief of the Army General Staff of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, said angrily.

Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I sat on his throne with a tired face, not knowing what he was thinking. Is he thinking about the future war situation, the fate of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in this war, or who will inherit the crown prince of the empire after Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated and killed. After all, Franz Joseph I is now 84 years old and has little time left.

Other ministers and military generals of the Austro-Hungarian Empire also clamored. They all believed that the time had come for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to annex Serbia and dominate the Balkan Peninsula. What awaits them will be a brilliant victory.

"Friedrich, is the army ready?" Franz Joseph I asked.

"Your Majesty, our six legions are ready for battle!" Archduke Friedrich replied.

As a large country with a population of more than 50 million, the Austro-Hungarian Empire can expand the total strength of the army to more than one million with a little mobilization. However, among these armies, there are very few troops with strong combat effectiveness. Among other things, the language problem alone was enough to collapse the officers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Because there were many nationalities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, their languages ​​were also different. This often results in people who speak multiple languages ​​in an army. This leads to the fact that officers often cannot understand what soldiers are saying, and soldiers cannot understand the orders of officers. Coupled with lax training, the will to fight is weak. It is simply impossible to expect such a force to have strong combat effectiveness.

However, the rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire obviously did not think of this. In their view, Serbia is just a small country with a population of three million. Even if they were all soldiers, there were not as many troops as the fully mobilized Austro-Hungarian Empire. Under such circumstances, how could they be the opponents of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

"Your Majesty, according to the battle plan we have formulated. If Russia does not go to war against the Empire, then, out of the six legions of the Imperial Army, three will be dispatched to attack Serbia. Two will defend Russia. The other will serve as a reserve. If Russia goes to war against the Empire, Then the Imperial Army will dispatch two legions to attack Serbia, three legions to guard against the Russians, and one as a reserve." Marshal Herzendorf reported.

"If the Russians attack us, can our army resist it?" Prime Minister Mario Weber was a little worried.

Although Russia was just defeated by the dwarf in the East a few years ago. However, the name of the Russian steam roller is not for nothing.

"Russia's military strength is indeed strong. However, we are not fighting alone. As long as Russia dares to attack us, Germany will send troops to help us." Marshal Herzendorf said.

"Germany? Their main enemy is on the Western Front." Foreign Minister Leopold von Berchdold Baron said.

"Germany does not need to send the main force to the Eastern Front. It only needs a part of the troops to contain a considerable part of the Russians. Besides, our mobilization is still going on. Soon, we will have enough troops to deal with the Russians Yes!" Archduke Friedrich also said.

"Okay, everyone. Now that the army is ready and confident in future wars. Then, we should trust the army. Believe that they can do it. Next, leave everything to the army! Empire Our destiny lies in this battle! May God bless the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Franz Joseph I said.

"God bless Austria-Hungary!" Everyone shouted.

Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I had an extremely high reputation in the empire, and no one could object to what he decided. It can be said that Franz Joseph I was the pinnacle of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With him, Austria-Hungary was a powerful country, one of the top powers in the world. Unfortunately, Franz Joseph I was too old to live much longer. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire is defeated this time, and there is no capable heir who can inherit the entire empire, the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be in sight.

On July 28, the Austro-Hungarian government officially declared war on Serbia on the grounds that Serbia rejected the request of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The world war officially kicked off because of the declaration of war by the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Facing the declaration of war by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Serbia asked the Russian Empire for help on the one hand, and mobilized on the other. The army was deployed on the border to prepare for the invasion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big. Without the help of external forces, Serbia would not be an opponent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at all.

After declaring war on Serbia, the Austro-Hungarian army, which had been prepared for a long time, launched a massive attack on Serbia. Since it is unclear whether the Russian Empire will go to war against Austria-Hungary. Therefore, the Austro-Hungarian Empire only sent two legions to participate in the attack in the early stage. But even so, it is not something Serbia can resist.

The Russian Empire has always regarded Serbia as its younger brother and supported Serbia's expansion in the Balkan Peninsula. The Austro-Hungarian Empire dared to ignore the warnings of the Russian Empire and launch an attack on Serbia. Of course, Tsar Nicholas II could not accept it.

Under the order of Tsar Nicholas II, the Russian Empire began a general mobilization. At the same time, troops began to move towards the border.

France, as an ally of the Russian Empire, immediately began to mobilize and mobilize troops.josei

Germany is an ally of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and has promised to provide support to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Immediately after discovering the actions of the Russian Empire and France, a warning was issued.

On July 31, Germany presented an ultimatum to Russia and France, asking them to stop their general mobilization. If Russia uses the army to support Serbia, Germany will not hesitate to fight. However, both Russia and France rejected Germany's request and continued mobilization. On July 31, Germany officially declared war on Russia. Russia then declared war on Germany. The scale of the war has further expanded.

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