Jagged Germany

Chapter 182

Chapter 182: Brutal War (600 votes plus more)

On the Atlantic Ocean, the wind is sunny and sunny, except for the slightly high wind and waves, everything seems so calm.

'Black Pearl' is a merchant ship specialized in transporting iron ore, traveling between Canada and the British mainland. As the situation becomes more and more tense, in order to strengthen combat readiness, Britain's demand for iron ore is also increasing. This has allowed many merchant ships like the 'Black Pearl' to make a lot of money.

Old Jack, the owner and captain of the ship, appeared on the deck with a cigar in his mouth.

"Boys, don't be lazy and clean the deck. My boat is a new boat that has only been in the water for three years. Don't make it like those old boats that have been in service for more than ten or twenty years." Old Jack shouted loudly .

"Captain, we are a ship transporting iron ore, how can we clean it?" a sailor complained.

"As long as you don't be lazy, you can clean it!"

"Captain, come and listen to the radio. The radio said that the Empire and the Germans are at war!" A sailor rushed out.

"What? Is there a war? Is the British Empire also involved in the war?" The sailors started talking. As the hegemon of the world, Britain's people also have a high sense of national self-esteem and pride. They are proud of being British.

Old Jack's eyes were even brighter. War means that the consumption of steel will increase exponentially, and this also means that he will earn more money.

"I don't know if the Royal Navy will still recruit people. When you get to the shore, go ask about it." A sailor said.

"Forget it, just like you, will the Royal Navy want you?"

"How could the Germans be the opponents of the empire? Their army may be very strong, but their navy, the Royal Navy of the British Empire is the number one in the world!"

While the captain and sailors of the 'Black Pearl' were talking about it, they never expected that danger was already approaching them.

The battlecruiser 'Moltke' has spotted the 'Black Pearl' and began to accelerate towards it. A merchant ship full of iron ore can travel at most ten knots. The top speed of the "Moltke-class" battlecruiser has reached 27 knots. This also means that the merchant ship 'Black Pearl' has nowhere to go.

When the battlecruiser "Moltke" narrowed the distance to ten kilometers, the people on the merchant ship "Black Pearl" discovered the danger. However, it was too late by this time.

"My God! What is that? Is it a battleship of the Royal Navy?" a sailor exclaimed.

"Damn it, where is the battleship of the Royal Navy? It's the flag flying on it, not the flag of St. George. It's a German battleship!" The captain, Old Jack, was well-informed and found something wrong.

"German warships? The German warships have arrived here just after the empire started war with Germany? What about the Royal Navy? Those damned guys, didn't they find out?" Some sailors began to curse the Royal Navy when they were terrified. . Although, they still admired the Royal Navy before, and even wanted to join the Royal Navy. But when their lives are threatened, everything changes.

"Calm down, calm down. We are merchant ships, not warships. The Germans shouldn't do anything to us!" Old Jack said.

"Captain, the Germans asked us to stop the ship. Otherwise they will fire!" said the lookout.

"Stop the boat? You can't stop the boat. Once you stop the boat, you won't be able to run away."

"Are you kidding? The Germans are warships, and we are merchant ships. How could we outrun the German warships. Stop the ship. If the ship doesn't stop, maybe the Germans will really fire!"

The sailors quarreled.

On the battlecruiser 'Moltke', Lieutenant General Spee issued a new order.

"Secondary battery fired, warning shot."

"Boom! Boom!" The two 150mm secondary guns of the battlecruiser "Moltke" started shelling.

Two shells fell into the side of the "Black Pearl" merchant ship, and exploded less than 200 meters away from the hull, splashing a high column of water. This immediately frightened the sailors on board.

"My God! Those **** Germans really can shoot. They're gonna kill us. I don't want to die here!"

"Stop the ship, stop the ship immediately!" The captain, Old Jack, also shouted loudly, and he was also terrified.

The battlecruiser 'Moltke' quickly approached and stopped at a distance of more than 100 meters from the 'Black Pearl'. All the auxiliary guns were pointed at the 'Black Pearl'. At this distance, it was like putting a cannon directly on the belly of the 'Black Pearl'.

Two small boats boarded the 'Black Pearl', and the wolf-like German marines boarded the 'Black Pearl'. The British sailors were silent one by one, raising both hands high.josei

"What's on your ship?" a German officer asked in English.

"Sir, what we transport is iron ore, and we are merchants!" Old Jack said quickly.

"Is it iron ore? Very good. Get on the lifeboat yourself!" said the German officer.

"Sir, what do you mean?" Old Jack was taken aback.

"Now, the empire and Britain are at war. And iron ore is an important strategic resource. So, you should understand what I mean!"

"Sir, are you going to take my boat? No, please do me a favor and let me go. This boat is all my wealth! Without this boat, how can my family survive? "Old Jack burst into tears and begged the German officer for forgiveness.

"No, I'm not trying to **** your ship. Rather, this ship is going to sink into the sea. If you don't agree, then you can sink into the sea with this ship!" The German officer said coldly.

Old Jack was immediately frightened by the murderous words, and fell silent.

Losing the ship would put him out of business. But it's better than being buried in the sea.

Under the supervision of the German army, Old Jack and others were driven to a lifeboat. The German soldiers directly opened the sea valve of the "Black Pearl".

Sea water poured out from the bottom of the ship, making the draft of the 'Black Pearl' deeper and deeper. Gradually, the side of the ship did not enter the sea. The entire merchant ship sank completely into the sea soon.

Old Jack on the lifeboat watched this scene with tears in his eyes.

At this moment, the battlecruiser 'Moltke' has left, looking for the next target. The route between the UK and North America is very busy. They could easily find more British merchant ships and finish them off. Although, these are innocent civilians. However, war is inherently so cruel. In order to win, both sides will stop at nothing!

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