Jagged Germany

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: general heart

"His Royal Highness, congratulations, we have won!" Admiral Hindenburg looked joyful. It can defeat 200,000 enemies and wipe out more than 150,000 enemies in one battle. No matter when it is placed, this is already a big victory worth boasting about.

What's more, the Battle of Tannenberg was just the opening battle of the entire Eastern Front. Next, there was a larger Russian army, which had already fallen into the calculations of the German army. If this Russian army can also be eliminated, then the 8th Army will win a bigger victory, which will make the 8th Army shock the entire Eastern Front and even the entire war.

"Well, the soldiers all worked very hard, and that's why we won." Qin Tian didn't have the habit of taking all the credit for himself. He knows very well that only when rewards and punishments are clearly defined and he does not compete with his subordinates can he be loved by the soldiers.

"Your Highness, stop being humble. If it weren't for you, how could the Eighth Army have changed so much? How could it be equipped with so many advanced weapons? So, if we can win this battle, you He is definitely the person who has contributed the most." Major General Ludendorff said sincerely.

The other generals all looked deeply convinced.

Qin Tian smiled and said nothing more. Indeed, he worked too hard for the German Empire to win this battle. Not only the army, but also the navy, Qin Tian made even greater efforts.

The current High Seas Fleet of the German Navy is not a little stronger than the High Seas Fleet in another time and space, and it can be described as completely reborn. Not to mention there is a powerful submarine force, and two aircraft carriers that are undergoing intense training and will soon become combat-ready. These will become an important capital for the German Navy to win this decisive battle at sea. And all of these were changes brought about by Qin Tian.

Of course, the reason why Qin Tian worked so hard was entirely for his own sake. He didn't want to become a down and out prince in exile, and he didn't want his wealth to bring him death. Through his own efforts, Qin Tian is about to achieve all this. He not only changed his own destiny, but also that of the entire German Empire. Thinking of these, Qin Tian was also very proud.

"In this battle, are our casualties large?" Qin Tian asked.

Although Germany has a population of more than 60 million, it is the most populous country in Europe after Russia. However, in Qin Tian's view, such a small population is still too small. Therefore, the life of every soldier is very precious.

"Your Highness, in this battle, we lost more than 2,000 soldiers. Many of them were killed while luring the enemy. Thanks to the powerful assault capabilities of the 8th Armored Division, the Russian army could not Organize a decent resistance. Otherwise, our losses will be more than doubled." Major General Ludendorff said.

Qin Tian nodded, but when he thought of so many people dying in the war, he felt a little uncomfortable. Of course, if it wasn't for Qin Tian, ​​the German army's losses in this battle would probably be much more than that.

"Those officers and soldiers who died in battle should be well compensated. Injured officers and soldiers should be treated as much as possible. If they can recover from their injuries, they are definitely elite. As for the soldiers who are seriously injured and disabled, let them do as much as possible." Until life can be managed. Only in this way can they continue to live in this world." Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Highness. Please rest assured that we will do all of this well." Admiral Hindenburg and Major General Ludendorff both assured.

They are all from aristocratic backgrounds, and their families are relatively rich, so they don't have to worry about making a living. However, as generals in the army, they naturally knew the situation of those ordinary soldiers. Once seriously injured and disabled, the consequences will be very serious. Life in the future will also be very embarrassing. As the crown prince of the empire, Qin Tian was aloof, and it was undoubtedly very commendable for him to be able to consider these things.

This also made Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and other generals more convinced of Qin Tian.

Although, Qin Tian is now the commander of the 8th Army, and even more expensive is the Crown Prince of the Empire. But at the beginning, Qin Tian couldn't convince them at all. Many of them just don't oppose Qin Tian. But it is impossible to make them serve Qin Tian.josei

However, with Qin Tian's vigorous reforms in the 8th Legion and investing huge sums of money in refitting, the combat effectiveness of the 8th Legion has been greatly improved. Only then did the generals start to look at Qin Tian with admiration.

Now, Qin Tian has shown that kind of care for ordinary soldiers, and he has not faked it at all. This is what really made the generals determined to be loyal to him. Even the emperor of the empire couldn't make them change this. If the emperor of the empire and Qin Tian gave orders at the same time, they would definitely carry out the orders given by Qin Tian without hesitation. Although this is a bit rebellious, it is also because of their personal charm that they have won the loyalty of the generals.

"Everyone, we have succeeded in the Battle of Tannenburg. Although a small number of troops of the Russian Second Army escaped, it is actually not enough to worry about. Next, we should consider how to annihilate the battle in Mazuli The 1st Russian Army in Lake Lake. The 17th Army is under a lot of pressure to hold back the 1st Russian Army. If we don’t help them get rid of the 1st Russian Army earlier, the 17th Army will definitely suffer heavy losses .” Qin Tian said.

"Your Highness, the main force of the 11th Army and the 20th Army can leave Tannenburg and rush to Masurian Lake tomorrow. We have prepared a large number of trains, and within three days, the army can be transported to Masurian Lake , launched an attack on the Russian 1st Army there. However, the 8th Armored Division suffered a lot of tank losses in this battle, and it needs to be replenished if it is to form combat effectiveness.” Major General Ludendorff said.

The 8th Armored Division originally had more than 200 tanks, but after going to the battlefield, due to various mechanical problems, there were only more than 100 tanks left when they went to the battlefield. After a fierce battle, only a few dozen vehicles remained in the end.

Of course, those tanks that were destroyed were all due to mechanical failures and were hardly destroyed by the Russian army.

Qin Tian's German Arms Company has developed tanks and started mass production to equip troops. However, due to technological constraints, there is still no good solution in terms of reliability.

"Don't worry about the tanks. The German Armament Company has already sent a new batch of tanks in advance. Let the train go directly to Masurian Lake, and the 8th Armored Division can change gear there." Qin Tian had already thought of a solution way out.

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