Jagged Germany

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: veto

"Your Highness, oil-fired boilers and steam turbines, although we have already started research in this area. But so far, we have not made any breakthroughs. Moreover, we have no experience in this area. The battleships we built before, All coal-fired boilers and triple-expansion reciprocating steam engines are used. If oil-fired boilers and steam turbines are used rashly, performance and reliability may not be guaranteed.” Bruckner, chief engineer of the Naval Technical Committee, expressed his opinion.

"Oil-fired boilers and steam turbines are indeed new things. However, we cannot deny their performance just because of new things. The British have already tested steam turbines on large warships and achieved very good results. By It can be seen that the performance of the steam turbine is better than that of the triple-expansion reciprocating steam engine, and it even represents the future development direction. Even if we do not have experience in this area, we can also start research and experiments in this area from now on, I believe Well, with the scientific and technological strength of the German Empire, there is no problem in making breakthroughs in this area. I hope that in this area, we will not be left too far behind by the British." Qin Tian said.

"Oscar, if oil-fired boilers are used, doesn't that mean that we will consume a lot of heavy oil? Germany is short of oil. Once the war breaks out and our overseas trade lines for importing oil are cut off, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, I think A coal-fired boiler would be better." Crown Prince William jumped out, and he seemed to have forgotten that at the beginning of the demonstration conference, he said that he only had eyes and ears. But now, he has put what he said behind him.

"Oil-fired boilers have great advantages over coal-fired boilers. Although Germany lacks oil, we can store as much oil as possible before the war. In this way, once the war breaks out, we will have enough oil to use. As long as our navy can defeat the British in naval battles and break through their blockade, then everything will be fine." Qin Tian continued.

He knew that there were some oil fields in Germany itself. However, the output is not large. At the same time, mining is more difficult. In terms of current technical conditions, it is difficult to mine. Therefore, storing enough oil before the war has become the best way to solve the problem. Anyway, as long as the German navy wins, all problems will naturally be solved. If the German Navy loses, it will naturally be meaningless.

"Your Highness, what do you think of the battleship designed by Prince Oscar?" Marshal Earl Tirpitz asked.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, it seems to be a very good battleship. Its performance and combat effectiveness are outstanding. If we can have such a battleship, the strength of the High Seas Fleet will be further improved." High Seas Fleet Commander Hein Prince Rishi said.

Marshal Earl Tirpitz nodded. He was well aware of the gap between the German Navy and the British Navy, and also knew that if the German Navy wanted to defeat the British Navy, it had to take a different path. However, judging from the current situation, the experts of the Naval Technical Committee clearly disagree with Qin Tian's design plan. This made it very difficult for them to turn Qin Tian's design into reality.

Of course, if William II and Marshal Count Tirpitz use their power to forcefully promote the construction of a new type of battleship, others have no choice but to pinch their noses to recognize it. However, this will seriously trample on the traditions and rules and regulations of the German Navy, which will cause a series of problems.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, can we overcome the novelty of Prince Oscar's design?" Prince Heinrich asked.

If there is an outstanding naval ship designer among the children of the royal family, it will undoubtedly make the royal family proud. Prince Heinrich is also happy to see this.

"There are some problems, but if we concentrate our efforts on public relations, the problems will not be big." Marshal Earl Tirpitz said.

"Then it depends on the decision of the Naval Technical Committee." Prince Heinrich sighed.

"Experts, do you have any doubts about this?" Count von Warren asked.

"Your Highness, I have noticed that the main guns of the battleships you designed are 305mm main guns. However, we only have the old-fashioned 305mm main guns. The main guns are not very powerful and the range is not far. And , The rate of fire is very low. The overall performance is not as good as Krupp’s 280mm 45-caliber cannon. Therefore, I think it is more appropriate to use the 280mm Krupp cannon.” Brigadier General Gusad said.

"The performance of Krupp's 280mm main gun is indeed very good. However, the disadvantage of too small a caliber will greatly affect the armor-piercing performance of the shell. Facing the enemy's thickly armored battleship, it will be greatly affected. Restrictions. With Krupp’s strength, it shouldn’t be a problem to develop a 305mm main gun as soon as possible! As far as I know, the British have generally adopted 305mm main guns. Even the 343mm main gun with a larger caliber, They are also developing it. In terms of the caliber of the main gun, we are far behind the British." Qin Tian retorted.

"No, we can't let Oscar go on anymore, otherwise those experts should be persuaded by him." Crown Prince William was secretly anxious.

"Everyone, it's almost time. Prince Oscar has explained your doubts. So, can you draw conclusions now?" Crown Prince William asked with a smile on his face.

The experts of the Naval Technical Committee immediately began to think about it.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, I think we should be more cautious. Your design is a little too bold." Sir Dietrich said.josei

"His Royal Highness's design uses a lot of new technologies. We have not yet mastered these technologies. In addition, there is no evidence of the advantages of full-heavy artillery. Therefore, I think this design should be reviewed again." Brooke Na also opposed Qin Tian's opinion.

Subsequently, other experts also expressed their opinions one after another. No one supported Qin Tian's design.

"His Royal Highness, the opinion of the Naval Technical Committee is already obvious. That is your design, which may be correct. However, judging from the current situation, it is not suitable. Therefore, it cannot be passed for the time being." Naval Technical Committee Chairman Count von Warren said.

"Oscar, don't be discouraged. Although your design was rejected, you are still young, and there are still opportunities in the future." Crown Prince William comforted. But Qin Tian clearly saw the unconcealable gloating in his eyes.

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