Jagged Germany

Chapter 231

Chapter 231: this is an opportunity

"Gentlemen, the British have set a trap against our breaching fleet. I must say that this is a great threat. But within this threat lies an opportunity. If we can seize With this opportunity, this will make the navy of the German Empire further ahead of the British. In future naval battles, our chances of winning will be even greater," Qin Tian said.

All eyes were on Qin Tian, ​​as if they were waiting for what he would say next.

"According to the information we have so far, there are four 'King George V-class' battleships providing **** for the British fleet. These are four powerful super-dreadnought ships equipped with five dual-mounted 343mm main guns , is definitely the main battleship of the British Navy. If we can eat up these four British battleships in one go, the British will undoubtedly suffer heavy losses." Qin Tian said.

"However, Your Highness. The British must have been prepared. They will definitely ambush other fleets, waiting for us. Our fleet's strength will destroy the British's four 'King George V-class' battleships. It won’t be a big problem. But if we fall into an ambush by the British, then the problem will be serious.” Marshal von Pohl was a little worried.

Qin Tian smiled, and continued: "Let's continue to analyze. The British know that the main force of our fleet is battlecruisers. They also know very clearly the advantage of battlecruisers, that is, they are faster than battleships." Many. Therefore, if they want to ambush us, the greatest possibility is to use battlecruisers. After the British battlecruiser 'Lion' was sunk by us, they still have nine battlecruisers left, namely Three 'Invincible-class' battlecruisers and three 'Invincible-class' battlecruisers, as well as the remaining two of the 'Lion-class' battlecruisers and the just completed 'Tiger' battlecruiser. 'Invincible' Battlecruisers and the 'Indefatigable-class' battlecruisers pose very little threat to us. This kind of thin-skinned battlecruiser is not an opponent of our advanced battlecruisers at all. Only the 'Lion-class' battlecruisers The battlecruiser "Tiger" can confront us in front of us. Of course, the previous naval battles have proved that the "Lion-class" battlecruiser is still no match for our "Moltke-class" battlecruiser. The most powerful is also comparable to our 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers. Therefore, even if the British dispatched battlecruisers to ambush us, it will not pose a great threat to us. For us, this will be a Great opportunity to hit the British Navy hard."

"Your Highness, what if the British send to ambush our fleet, including other battleships?" asked Marshal Earl Tirpitz. After all, what Qin Tian said just now was all speculation that the British only sent battlecruisers to ambush the German navy.

Qin Tian nodded: "It is indeed possible. Therefore, I think that the 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers we have been hiding all along can also be dispatched. They will serve as our break-off fleet in this battle. The follow-up supplementary force. Once the British ambush appeared, they immediately launched an attack and dealt a fatal blow to the British."

The 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruiser is completely different from another time and space. This time-space "Derfflinger-class" battlecruiser is equipped with three terrifying battlecruisers with triple 50-caliber 380mm main guns. The firepower of the main gun is astonishing. At the same time, in terms of defense, compared with the previous "Moltke-class" battlecruiser, it has also been greatly improved. It can be said that even if it is a confrontation with the British battleships, the first to be unable to support it is definitely the British battleships. Before the follow-up "Makensen-class" battlecruisers enter service, this will be the most powerful battlecruiser in the German Navy and even in the world.

After the "Derfflinger-class" battlecruisers entered service, they have been kept under high secrecy. Although the British tried their best to find out the true strength of the German Navy, they still failed.

Although, Germany invests huge sums of money in intelligence work and counter-espionage work every year. However, it now appears that these investments have undoubtedly paid off. And now is the time to reap those rewards.josei

"Let the 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers join the battle? Your Highness, have you considered it? If the 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers join the battle, the British will know that we have equipped with 380mm main guns There's news about the battleship." Marshal Earl Tirpitz frowned.

"It's not a big deal. Even if our 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers are not exposed, the British will not slow down their shipbuilding plan. According to the latest information obtained, the British 'Queen Elizabeth The construction speed of the "Revenge-class" battleship and the "Revenge-class" battleship have been greatly accelerated, and they are expected to enter service next year. Therefore, there is no need for us to hide any longer. If we can cause heavy damage to the British Navy in this battle, Then, everything will be worth it." Qin Tian said.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, Your Highness's plan is absolutely feasible. If we can severely damage the British navy, even if we only sink four British battleships in this battle, it will be enough for us to further maintain our advantage over the British. That If we do, our chances of winning will be even greater in future naval battles." Admiral Reinhard Scheer said.

Even Marshal von Bohr, chief of staff of the navy, couldn't help but nodded, approving Qin Tian's plan.

Indeed, for the senior officials of the German Navy, what they want to do most is to defeat the Royal Navy. It's just that the background of the British navy is so strong that they have to face it cautiously. Every step must be done carefully. This time the plan, although a bit risky. But the chances of success are undoubtedly great. No matter how bad it is, even if it is really dangerous, these battlecruisers of the German Navy can completely use their speed advantage to throw off the enemy and escape. After all, the battlecruisers of the German Navy are much more powerful than those of the British Navy. If the British battlecruisers dared to pursue them, they would undoubtedly be courting death.

"Well, since everyone thinks so, let's implement His Highness's plan." Marshal Earl Tirpitz nodded.

"Gentlemen, this will be a rare opportunity for the Imperial Navy. Whether you can seize this opportunity is up to you." Qin Tian is also full of expectations for this plan.

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