Jagged Germany

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Right to Boom (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

The heavy shells, under the action of huge kinetic energy, flew towards the target more than ten kilometers away. The body of the shell and the air rubbed violently, producing a sharp whistling sound.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shell slammed into the sea fiercely, exploded, and splashed a column of water as high as ten meters.

On the command tower of the battleship 'King George V', Rear Admiral Carroll watched coldly as the battlecruisers of the German Navy started shooting first, but he was completely unmoved.

Because of the distance, the German navy's shooting was not effective. The nearest impact point was three to four hundred meters away. Seeing this scene, Rear Admiral Carroll's face appeared even more. A sarcastic smile.

"Stupid Germans, is this all they can do? I really don't know how the battlecruiser 'Lion' was sunk by them at that time. Perhaps, those guys on the battlecruiser 'Lion' were unlucky Alright. I hope this time, God will be on our side." Major General Carroll thought secretly.

In naval battles, luck is very important. As long as you are lucky, even if you are at a disadvantage, you may have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

After the first round of test firing, the German Navy's break-off fleet did not immediately conduct the second round of test firing, but began to make adjustments. The seaplane in charge of the school building was right above the head of the British fleet, reporting the observed impact points to its own fleet. The gunners of the own fleet will adjust the shooting position according to the point of impact, so that they can achieve better bombardment effects in the next round of bombardment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After three full minutes, the German Navy's fleet carried out the second round of shelling. Although this round of shelling still failed to achieve a hit. However, the point of impact was getting closer.

Next, the German Navy fired a few more rounds. Although they still failed to score a hit, the nearest point of impact was less than 100 meters away from the British Navy's warship. This is already a dangerous distance. Maybe, as long as one is lucky, one can get a hit.

The smile on Major General Carroll's face had also disappeared completely, and he also felt that something was wrong.

"Damn, is the German technology so good? It's only been a few rounds of test firing, and it has such an effect. Even the Royal Navy has absolutely no advantage over them!" Rear Admiral Carroll Exclaimed in my heart.

"General, there is something above our heads. It seems to be a German plane." An officer shouted.

Major General Carroll rushed out of the command tower and looked into the sky with binoculars. Sure enough, in the sky, there were two planes of the German Navy. They are more than a thousand meters away from the sea. Coupled with the energy of the British Navy, it was completely focused on naval warfare, so they were not found.

"Damn! No wonder the German bombardment is getting more and more accurate. It turns out that two more planes are providing them with artillery guidance. The Germans are really despicable. They can only use this method to fight the Royal Navy. They have no guts at all. Fight us upright." Major General Carol was a little out of breath. However, there is no way at all. The battleships of the British Navy are not equipped with anti-aircraft weapons, so there is no other way but to shake their fists and curse a few words.

"General, what should we do now? If this posture continues, the Germans will probably get hit soon." An officer said with some concern.

Major General Carroll frowned. The distance between the two sides is about 12,000 meters. Originally, he wanted to shorten the distance to 10,000 meters, which would be more conducive to the Royal Navy's artillery skills. However, now it seems that the wait can no longer be continued. I'm afraid their battleship will be hit before the distance is shortened to 10,000 meters. At that time, the Germans will definitely not let them get closer as they wish. After all, the battlecruisers of the German Navy are faster, and it is almost impossible for the battleships of the British Navy to forcibly shorten the distance between the two sides.

"Order all ships and prepare to fire! I believe that the quality of the Royal Navy is far stronger than that of the Germans, and they definitely cannot make up for it with two small toy-like planes." Rear Admiral Carroll ordered.

"Yes, General." The communications officer immediately conveyed Rear Admiral Carroll's order to the ships.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battleship 'King George V' took the lead in firing, and the five double-mounted 45-caliber 343mm main guns let out a roar that shook the sky. One after another, the heavy shells roared and smashed into the battleships of the German Navy.

Although, the battleships of the British Navy also failed to score hits in this round of shooting. However, their impact point was closer to the German fleet. It can be seen that in this era, the quality of the Royal Navy is definitely not covered.

The other three battleships of the British Navy soon joined the shooting.

The battle lines of the two sides launched fierce shooting at a distance of more than ten kilometers.josei

Although both sides are only testing fire, the artillery fire is still very fierce. On the sea, the cannons rumbled like thunder. Cannonballs exploded in the sea one after another, splashing high water columns, as if a storm was raging.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battlecruiser "Blücher" scored its first hit during the test firing at 10:24 in the morning. A 305mm artillery shell directly hit the side of the British Navy's "Bold" battleship. Although, the side armor of the battleship "Bold" is as thick as 305 mm. However, in the face of the shells fired by the 305mm main gun with a caliber of 50 times, it still could not resist it.

The artillery shell penetrated the side armor of the battleship 'Audacious', blasting a big hole, and blowing away a secondary gun at the same time. But it's a pity that the place where it was penetrated was above the waterline of the battleship 'Audacious'. If this shell hit below the waterline, this blow alone would be enough to make the battleship 'Bold' pay a heavy price. Even if it doesn't sink, it will be severely damaged, and even affect its combat effectiveness.

But even so, the officers and soldiers of the German Navy cheered.

The captain of the battlecruiser 'Blücher' directly issued an order to focus fire. Three triple-mounted 50-caliber 305mm main guns began to fire at the maximum rate of fire.

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