Jagged Germany

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Secret support (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Your Excellency, isolationism is prevalent in the country now. If we are directly involved in the war, this may arouse strong opposition from the people. Therefore, it is not a good idea to get involved in the war now." Vice President Marshall said.

"Your Excellency, I also think that we should wait until the situation becomes clearer before deciding whether to join the war, or which side to join." Secretary of the Navy Daniels also said.

"Gentlemen, what should we do with the British request?" asked President Wilson.

"Your Excellency, since the British want to hire our merchant ships, buy our war materials, and lend us loans, we can agree to them. In this way, we can further stimulate the development of our economy. At the same time, it can also strengthen the British The strength of the Germans. The Germans' breaking war is indeed about to hang the British. The British mainland is small and relies heavily on sea transportation. Once the sea transportation line is completely cut off by the Germans, they will be completely finished." Minister of Commerce Redfield said.

"It would be best if the Germans could not win the war. Before the war broke out, a large amount of German capital entered South America and competed with us for South America. Once the Germans won the war, I'm afraid they will be even more unscrupulous. At that time, we will most likely lose South America. I think everyone doesn't want this to happen." Redfield continued.

The faces of the senior officials of the American cabinet present all of a sudden became serious.

The U.S. government has always regarded the Americas as its own back garden, and will never allow other countries to intervene in the Americas. The previous competition between the United States and Germany in South America has aroused the vigilance of the US government. If Germany really won the war, they would definitely speed up their scramble for South America. At that time, Germany will become the world's hegemon, will the United States still be able to hold South America?

"Your Excellency, we secretly support the British, let the British and the Germans fight! It is best for them to fight and lose both sides. In this case, it will be beneficial to us." Minister Garrison said.josei

"But, if we do this, will it anger the Germans?" Vice President Marshall was a little worried.

"As a neutral country, the United States did not participate in the war. The relationship between us and the British is just a normal trade relationship. The Germans can't prohibit us from trading with the United Kingdom, right? The military strength of the United States of America is not very strong. , However, it is definitely not something that the Germans can bully at will." Secretary of State Bryan said.

President Wilson thought about it, and then nodded: "You can agree to the British's request and let them hire our merchant ships to transport supplies for them. You can also sell war supplies to them, but the price must go up. As for the loan , can also be provided to them. However, the British must have collateral. Such as gold, or their colonies!"

The United States practices mercantilism, and the senior officials of these governments are undoubtedly very clear about the way of business. Now that the British have something to ask them, of course they will take the opportunity to open their mouths and make a fortune from the British. You know, the United States now owes a lot of foreign debts, and it is the world's largest debtor country. Whether they can pay off all those debts depends on how much war fortune they can make in this war. up.

Britain has been the overlord for hundreds of years, and the wealth it has accumulated is undoubtedly amazing. It would undoubtedly be better if the United States could wrest that wealth from the British. In addition, the United States is also coveted by the huge British colony. The United States rose too late. Like the Germans, when they successfully rose and wanted to participate in the carve-up of the world, they found that the world had already been carve-up too late. So, they just got some leftovers. Now, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity for them to take advantage of the fire.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." Secretary of State Bryan nodded. He already fully understood what President Wilson meant.

"However, on the German side, we can't make enemies with them. If the development of the war situation is very beneficial to the Germans. Even if the Germans are destined to win the war, we can't be enemies with the Germans The United States of America will always be on the victor's side," President Wilson said.

This cannot be blamed on the reality of the Americans, there is no other way. If you stand on the wrong team and stand on the loser's side, even the United States will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." The other cabinet ministers nodded one after another.

"Gentlemen, the development of this war has exceeded our expectations. The strength of the Germans is unexpectedly strong. Therefore, there are not many opportunities for us to choose. Next, we must be more careful Be cautious. Every decision you make must be more careful, and it is directly related to the future of the American Republic," President Wilson said.

"Your Excellency, I think that under the current situation, it is necessary for us to strengthen our military construction. The army is nothing more than that. No country has the ability to cross the ocean and attack the mainland of the United States. Our navy must be further strengthened. OK. Ten dreadnoughts and four battleships under construction are too few, far from being able to compare with Britain and Germany. Therefore, we need to have a stronger navy. Otherwise, this will make us In the future international society, the right to speak will become weaker and weaker." Vice President Marshall said.

"Well, the strength of the navy should indeed be further strengthened." President Wilson nodded.

"Minister Daniels, the Navy should submit a new warship construction plan as soon as possible. The Navy of the Republic of America must be at the forefront of the world. Other countries who want to provoke the Republic of America have to think about it." President Wilson said.

Once Germany wins the war, Germany will be more difficult to deal with than Britain. In addition to the strong navy, the British army is not strong. But Germany is different. The German army has long been number one in the world. If Germany's navy also becomes the number one in the world, then no country in the world has a military strength that can compete with it. If the United States wants to ensure its own interests, it must further strengthen its military strength.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." Secretary Daniels nodded.

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