Jagged Germany

Chapter 282

Chapter 282: Annihilation (seeking monthly ticket)

On the night of September 12, the headquarters of the Russian Guards 2nd Army.

After the sun went down, the German attack stopped. This allowed the 2nd Guards Army to finally gain some respite.

"General, the current situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us. I'm afraid we have to make plans." A lieutenant general suggested.

"I know! It's unimaginable that the Germans' attack power is so powerful. Perhaps it was a mistake to join the Allied Powers to fight against Germany this time!" Admiral Krapovich sighed.

It's just that he can't decide which side Russia joins in the war. Even if he is a general of the Russian Army, he can be regarded as a high position. But in the face of such national affairs, there is still no right to decide, not even the right to make suggestions. Tsar Nicholas II was also not a person who could listen to opinions.

The current situation of the 2nd Russian Guards Army is indeed very bad. Not only did they lose nearly half of their troops, but at the same time, their living space became smaller and smaller under the continuous compression of the German army. Most of the troops that are still fighting are still surrounded by the German army. Once the German army gradually eats up their vital forces, the 2nd Guards Army will die.

Originally, Admiral Krapovich pinned his hopes on the Russian 9th Army, hoping that the 9th Army could break through the blocking of the German army in time and come to rescue them. However, now the Russian Ninth Army is firmly blocked by the German army in Siedlce, unable to move northward. This undoubtedly made the hopes of Admiral Krapovich come to nothing.

At the same time, General Krapovich also deeply realized how powerful the German army is. Even if they are fighting an enemy twice as large as themselves at the same time, they can still firmly grasp the advantage. Victory may even come soon. Under such circumstances, how could they possibly defeat the Russians?

"Damn Ivan Jilinski, it's that guy. If he hadn't threatened us to go to Warsaw, we wouldn't have fallen into the trap of the Germans. None of this would have happened." Admiral Krapovich gritted his teeth with hatred for Admiral Ivan Jilinsky. If Admiral Ivan Jilinski dared to appear in front of him, he would definitely draw his gun and shoot him without hesitation.

As for Admiral Ivan Jilinski, he seemed to know that he had caused trouble again, so he stayed in Warsaw as a coward, and dared not send another telegram.

But because of him, the Russian Guards 2nd Army and 9th Army were in crisis, but it couldn't be changed.

"General, why don't we break through?" A general suggested.

"Breakout, how do you break out? How many troops do you have in your 6th Guards Army?" Another general sneered.

Immediately, the general fell silent.josei

Indeed, although the 2nd Russian Guards Army, half of the remaining troops continue to fight. But the problem is that these troops are almost surrounded by the German army. In the case of chaotic command, it is simply impossible to issue orders to them in time. It is impossible to gather these troops, let alone command them to break through.

"Then what should we do? Should we just wait to die like this?"

No one wants to wait for death, but the problem is that there is no other way! They couldn't even break through the siege, and there was no other way but to stick to their positions and wait for the Germans to attack.

"General, a telegram from General Letsky." The adjutant came over and handed a telegram to General Krapovich.

After Admiral Krapovich finished reading the telegram, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"General, what did General Retzky say?" All the generals asked.

"General Letzsky said that the Ninth Army has done its best. However, the German defense line is very strong. They have already suffered heavy losses under the German defense line. Now, Their losses have exceeded 50,000 people," said Admiral Krapovic.

"General, is the Ninth Army planning to retreat?" a general asked.

Although, even if the 9th Army retreats, it is understandable. However, they were somewhat unacceptable in their hearts.

"General, what should we do now?"

Even the 9th Army of the Russian Army is about to give up. For them, they have undoubtedly lost their last chance.

"Send a telegram to all the troops we can contact, and break out to the east early tomorrow morning. As for whether we can successfully break through, it depends on God's will. May God bless us!" Admiral Krapovic said.

"May God bless us!" Other Russian generals also said one after another.

Indeed, the only thing they can do now is to pray to God.

On September 13, the surrounded troops of the Russian 2nd Guards Army began a large-scale breakout. These Russian soldiers, with empty eyes and numb expressions on their faces, held their rifles and staggered on their feet. Under the urging of the officers, they attacked the German defense line.

Of course, what greeted them was the rain of bullets from the German army.

"Da da da!"

The German machine guns fired wildly, knocking the attacking Russian army to the ground.

"Boom! Boom!"

Cannons of various calibers, mortars and grenades were also firing continuously, smashing the shells at the Russian army, taking away the fresh lives of the Russian army.

"This is the last struggle of the Russians, and the pressure on the 17th Army is very high." Major General Ludendorff reported to Qin Tian.

"Ask General Zeckert, his 17th Army, whether it can withstand the Russian attack." Qin Tian said.

"Yes, General." Major General Ludendorff nodded.

They all know that whether the 17th Army can resist the Russian army will be related to whether they can eat all the Russian Guards 2nd Army in this battle.

Fortunately, although the 17th Army has been under a lot of pressure, it is not impossible to hold on. Although the Russian army's offensive was fierce, there was no unified command at all, just like a mob. Under such circumstances, it can only cause a little trouble to the German army.

The large-scale counterattack of the Russian army lasted for more than half a day before it ended. The huge loss made it impossible for the Russian army to continue to attack.

When the Russian army's breakout operation had to stop, it meant that their breakout had failed. Next, they had nothing to do but wait for death.

On September 14, the battle came to an end. In the 2nd Russian Guards Army, except for a very small number of people who escaped the encirclement due to the chaos, the rest were all annihilated or entered the German prisoner-of-war camp, including Admiral Krapovich.

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