Jagged Germany

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Offense (seeking monthly ticket)

Cheum, one of the two strategically important places where the Russian 4th Army is stationed. The 4th Army has deployed a full 100,000 people here, which is already equivalent to one-third of all the troops of the entire 4th Army. In addition, in Zamość, they also deployed a hundred thousand people. The last 100,000 people will be used as a reserve team.

General Dmitriev, commander of the Russian 4th Army, even placed his headquarters in Chelm. The reason is to hope to be able to resist the German attack at this critical strategic node.

"General, the Germans have begun to prepare for the attack. It is expected that their attack will begin soon." The adjutant reported to Admiral Dimitriev.

Hearing the news, Admiral Dimitriev couldn't help feeling tense. Even though, he had expected it a long time ago, this day was inevitable. But what I didn't expect was that it would come so soon.

Admiral Dmitriev can be regarded as a half-length military veteran. His years of military career have made him used to seeing life and death. Even in the face of great danger, he can still maintain his composure. But unfortunately, facing the German attack now, he couldn't hide the tension on his face, even panic.

"Order all troops and prepare for battle. The 22nd Army and the 34th Army are ready for reinforcements at any time!" Admiral Dimitriev ordered.

"Yes, General." The adjutant nodded, also looking as if he was facing a big enemy.

"How is our defense line prepared? Especially the anti-tank trenches against German tanks, have you dug them?" Admiral Dimitriev asked.

Digging wide anti-tank trenches has become the only way the Russian army can think of when facing German tanks. In the absence of weapons to deal with German tanks, the only way to stop them is to use this kind of trench with a width of three meters.

Although the Russian army's soil work has never been very good, there is no difficulty in such a simple matter as digging trenches. All you need is for the officers to drive the soldiers to dig with fatigue.

"General, the anti-tank trenches have been dug. They are all three-meter-wide trenches according to your requirements. If the German tanks come again this time, they will definitely not be able to pass!" the adjutant said excitedly.

"Well, very good! I hope God bless us, this time we must resist the German attack." Admiral Dimitriev also showed a smile on his face.

Admiral Dimitriev is most worried about the German tank unit. In his view, although the German army is powerful, if the tank troops are excluded, the attack power is not too strong. As long as the German tank unit is resisted, then it should be able to resist the German attack. Although it may not be possible to defeat the German army, it should not be a big problem to persist under the German attack.

On the position of the 17th Army of the German Army, Lieutenant General Zeckert, the commander of the army, is observing the position of the Russian Army with a telescope. The infantry divisions of the German 17th Army have already begun to prepare for the attack. The soldiers were queuing up to receive breakfast, and the quartermaster also distributed the bullets to every soldier.

A group of generals stood behind Lieutenant General Zeckert.

"The Russians are clearly prepared! Even the anti-tank trenches have been dug. Colonel Rommel, it seems that you are in big trouble this time." Lieutenant General Zeckert put down the binoculars in his hand and said with a smile.

"General, it's not a big trouble, it's just a few minor problems. At least, until the Russians have weapons that can destroy our tanks, our biggest trouble is still a mechanical failure. During the battle, because of a mechanical failure There are far more tanks destroyed than those destroyed by the enemy." Colonel Rommel said disdainfully.

Rommel is now the deputy commander of the 8th Armored Division and the head of the 1st regiment, and his rank has also been promoted to colonel. However, it is said that he will not last long in the 8th Armored Division. After this battle is over, he will serve as the commander of the 9th Armored Division that is being formed. At that time, I am afraid that the military rank will be promoted again and become brigadier general. Although he is only 23 years old now, his outstanding talents and the high regard for him by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince make him very likely to become the youngest general in the history of the German Army.

This time, the 8th Armored Division was split into two halves, and Colonel Rommel led a part to assist the 17th Army in attacking Cheum. Brigadier General Guderian led another part to assist the 20th Army in attacking Zamosic.

"Since this is the case, there should be no problem. Are the infantry divisions ready?" Lieutenant General Zeckert asked.

Colonel Rommel nodded. Through investigation, they had already discovered that the Russian army had dug long anti-tank trenches a hundred meters in front of the defense line. The anti-tank trenches with a width of three meters made it impossible for German tanks to cross. If you launch an attack, you will definitely be blocked there. But it is a pity that the Russian army does not have anti-tank guns to deal with tanks, otherwise, this would be enough to make the German armored forces suffer. Therefore, it is not very difficult for the German armored forces to pass through the Russian anti-tank trenches. At that time, it is only necessary to use a few trucks to transport some stones and soil to fill up the Russian anti-tank trenches.

The commanders of the other three infantry divisions also nodded, expressing that they were ready.

"Ten minutes later, launch shelling and fire preparations. After half an hour of fire preparations, the armored forces and the 50th Infantry Division launched an attack, tearing apart the German defense line in one fell swoop." Lieutenant General Zeckert ordered.

"Yes, General." Everyone replied. Everyone knows that this time the war is about to kick off. Whether the German 8th Army can achieve fruitful results again in this battle depends on them.

In this battle, the 17th Army of the German Army was the first to launch an attack, and the 20th Army on the other way would not be able to launch an attack until tomorrow. As for the 11th Army, it is used as a reserve force.

On the artillery positions of the German army, the artillery of the three infantry divisions is ready. 54 150mm heavy howitzers, 108 105mm light howitzers and 162 75mm field guns have raised their barrels.


Following the order of the artillery commander, the artillery positions immediately started shelling.

"Boom! Boom!"josei

The heavy artillery of each door began to shoot. Under the action of huge kinetic energy, the shell slammed fiercely towards the target.

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