Jagged Germany

Chapter 325

Chapter 325: Tear open (2400 votes plus update)

"Quick! Quick! Enter the position. The German attack has begun." The frontline commander of the Russian army roared loudly.

One by one, the surviving artillery holes were opened, and the Russian soldiers, like mice, got out of the hole. Driven by those low-level officers, they entered the position like cattle, preparing to resist the German attack.

Although, these Russian soldiers are very clear that the Germans are very powerful. As a result of fighting the Germans, it is very likely that they were killed. However, they simply had no other choice but to bite the bullet and join the battle. The only thing that can be done, perhaps, is to pray to God and pray that they can survive on the battlefield.

During the heavy shelling by the German army, the Russian army suffered a lot of losses, and the position became incomplete under the shelling of the German army. This makes their defense line less effective in battle.

"My God! What's that? Is that a German tank?"

"I heard that the Northwest Front Army was wiped out under the attack of the German tank troops. Can we withstand the attack of the German tank troops?"

The soldiers of the Russian 4th Front Army undoubtedly saw the German tank unit for the first time. Many people even turned pale. In their eyes, those tanks that made rumbling noises and slowly approached them undoubtedly looked like man-eating monsters.

Some Russian soldiers, under the threat of the German tank troops, were even more scared to pee their pants.

"Don't panic, everyone, there are anti-tank trenches in front of our defense line. German tanks cannot pass through the anti-tank trenches, so they cannot rush into our position!" Russian officers comforted each other. This relieved some of the tension among the Russian soldiers. But even so, everyone's heart is very uncertain. For fear of being eaten by those dark tanks.

"Fire!" When the German tanks were still 500 meters away from the Russian defense line, the Russian frontline commander, as if unable to bear the pressure, gave the order to fire.

The remaining machine guns and mortars on the Russian army's position started firing one after another.

"Da da da!"

The dense machine gun bullets shot towards the German tanks like a storm. The bullets hit the armor of the tank, making a crisp and tinkling sound. However, apart from seeing sparks splashing in all directions, there are almost no other effects. Those tanks were still moving forward without any hindrance.

It was the German infantry who followed the tanks. Many of them were hit and fell to the ground screaming.

"Destroy the Russian machine gun firepower and get rid of them!" Colonel Rommel gave the order.

The tanks began to slowly turn the turrets, aimed at the firepower of the Russian army, and launched an attack.

"Boom!" A tank opened fire, and the shell of the 37mm tank gun, as if it had eyes, hit a firing Russian machine gun at once.

The shell exploded, and the firepower of the Russian machine gun was blown up into the sky in an instant.

Other tanks also opened fire one after another, and the machine gun fire points of the Russian army that survived the previous shelling with great difficulty were destroyed one after another under the attack of the German tanks.

"Boom!" A Russian mortar hit a German tank. The shell hit the frontal armor of the tank.

"Long live! We hit the German tank." The gunners of the Russian army cheered.

However, they were dumbfounded the next moment. Because the German tank that was hit did not seem to be destroyed, but continued to drive. At the same time, the turret of the tank was constantly turning, as if searching for the enemy's position.

Soon, the tank locked on to the target.

"Prepare high-explosive bombs!" the commander ordered.

The loader inserted a high-explosive round into the barrel and closed the breech block.

The driver stopped immediately, and the gunner seized the moment and opened fire.


With the vibration of the car body, the shells have already flown out of the barrel. In the next second, I saw that the mortar of the Russian army had been hit. Not only the mortars were destroyed, but the Russian gunners were also killed.

"God! The German tanks cannot be destroyed at all. How can we resist their attack!"

Seeing this scene, many Russian soldiers were beating drums in their hearts. The performance of the German tanks was so powerful that they couldn't resist at all!

Even the firm confidence of some Russian officers could not help but be shaken.

The tanks of the German army opened fire while marching, pulling out the firepower points of the Russian army one by one, further reducing the threat posed by the Russian army to the German army.

Soon, the German armored forces drove up to the Russian anti-tank trenches. The wide anti-tank trenches made it impossible for tanks to cross and had to stop.

The Russian army saw that their anti-tank trenches blocked the German tank troops, and they couldn't help showing a little joy on their faces.

"Let the trucks loaded with soil and rocks of the engineers behind come up immediately and fill in a road. Other tanks, continue to attack and prevent the Russians from interfering with our engineering operations!" Colonel Rommel ordered.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen trucks loaded with earth and rocks, and two bulldozers converted from tank sites arrived on the battlefield.josei

The truck dumped the earth and rocks on the edge of the Russian anti-tank trenches, and then the bulldozers pushed the earth and rocks into the Russian anti-tank trenches to fill in a passage.

The officers and soldiers of the Russian army were dumbfounded after seeing the actions of the German army. If the anti-tank trenches are filled, how can they be used as German tanks? At that time, their defense line will be easily torn apart by German tanks.

"Stop the Germans! Stop them quickly. You must not let them fill up the anti-tank trenches. Otherwise, we will be finished." A Russian officer yelled in horror.

The Russian army used mortars and heavy machine guns to open fire on the working German engineers. It's just that they were attacked by German tanks as soon as they opened fire. Apart from destroying a few German trucks and killing some engineers, there was no other effect.

In less than 20 minutes, the German engineers filled in two passages on the Russian anti-tank trenches. One after another tanks, through these two passages, rushed towards the Russian defense line a hundred meters away, preparing to tear the Russian defense line apart and completely defeat them.

"God! How can we resist the Germans!" The Russian officers and soldiers who saw this scene exclaimed.

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