Jagged Germany

Chapter 350

Chapter 350: Big Rout (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Order all the troops to attack me quickly. Those despicable and shameless Russians must not be allowed to escape. They are so shameless that they escaped overnight. It is simply a cowardly act!" Bo, the commander of the 2nd Austrian Army General Mu Elmoli gave the order to pursue in a high-spirited manner.

The more than 200,000 troops under the Second Army began to chase the Russian army as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

In the past, they were kicked out by the Russians, but they didn't expect that the feng shui would turn, and they would have such a chance. These generals of the Austrian army also want to make contributions. Therefore, they are not willing to miss this golden opportunity.

The Austrian 3rd Army and 4th Army also started to pursue the Russian army. For a time, the morale of the more than 700,000 Austrian troops was greatly boosted, and the Russian army launched a pursuit in the direction where they fled.

At the same time, the 8th Army of the German Army also dispatched some troops to go south from Lvov to seize important towns along the route and prepare to stop the Russian army. Although, the number of retreating Russian troops amounted to more than 600,000, which was several times that of the German 8th Army. It is almost impossible to keep all these retreating Russian troops. Their combat mission is also to annihilate as many Russian troops as possible.

On the road from the east of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Russia, groups of Russian troops are marching. These Russian soldiers were dejected one by one, like a defeated rooster.josei

Although, Russia's military power is not the strongest among the great powers. Apart from numerical superiority, the Russian Army has almost nothing to show for it. Especially the Cossack cavalry, which was famous in Europe in the past, has also been greatly challenged with the large number of automatic firepower equipped troops. But even so, the Russian army managed to regain its confidence in the battle against the Austrian army. Facing the Austrian army, which was much better equipped than them, they were still able to beat the **** out of the opponent. This made the officers and soldiers of the Russian army, when enjoying the fruits of victory, not forget to ridicule the Austro-Hungarian Army, as if they were cowards. But now, everything has changed. They fled like stray dogs, and the Austro-Hungarian Army turned into vicious pursuers.

"General, the Austro-Hungarian Army has already begun to pursue. Although, we are still far away. However, if our speed slows down, they will soon catch up. Especially since we are running out of supplies. Next, once the soldiers do not have enough food, the consequences will be very serious." A general reported to General Ivanov.

Admiral Ivanov's face was gloomy, he knew that what the other party said was true. But, now he has no other way!

In this battle, they have already lost, and they lost badly. Now their biggest goal is to bring back as many troops as possible. But unfortunately, the German-Austrian coalition forces will not let them withdraw easily. Even Admiral Ivanov didn't know how many Russian soldiers would successfully escape after the battle. But he knew that this number would definitely not be too large.

"Order the troops to speed up as much as possible! If there is not enough food, then find a way to collect it on the spot." Admiral Ivanov ordered.

"General, when we were in the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, we might not have any problems collecting food on the spot, but if we enter our territory, will we also do the same?" The general was a little unsure.

Admiral Ivanov hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Of course, those Ukrainians, there is no need to be polite to them. If they donate food obediently, that's all. If they dare to hide, then don't Be polite to them."

The Russian Empire is also a multi-ethnic country. However, the Russian ethnic group has absolute leadership and their population is the largest. This makes other nations inevitably oppressed by them. Especially Ukrainians, they have fertile land, but because of the exploitation of the Russian government, they can't even eat enough. Famines and the like are even more common.

"Yes, General, I see."

The retreat of the Russian army was not smooth. First of all, after losing Lviv, their logistical supplies encountered great difficulties. Not only is it difficult to replenish weapons and ammunition, but even food is not enough. Secondly, the pursuit and interception of them by the German-Austrian coalition forced the Russian army to speed up as much as possible. Otherwise, there is no escape. In the end, the German 8th Air Force bombed the retreating Russian Army just as it had dealt with the Russian 9th Army in the Kingdom of Poland.

"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

A dozen bombers flew over a group of retreating Russian troops. Hundreds of bombs fell along the road.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Intensive explosions sounded, and suddenly, this highway has become a road of death. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere, and blood even stained the road red. Countless Russian troops were killed. The rest of the Russian army fled the road in a panic, watching the German planes appearing in the sky in horror.

"Da da da!"

Several German fighter jets began to straf the Russian troops on the ground, and the bullets from the aviation machine guns easily tore these Russian soldiers into pieces.

"God! Shoot down the German plane!" A Russian officer shouted loudly.

However, in the next second, he was hit by a bullet from the fighter jet's aviation machine gun. The whole person, under the intensive machine gun bullets, turned into a pile of minced meat.

The air strike of the German 8th Air Force not only caused huge casualties to the Russian army. At the same time, it also seriously delayed the marching speed of the Russian army, creating opportunities for the pursuit and interception of the German and Austrian allied forces.

Under this attack method of the German-Austrian coalition forces, many Russian troops directly collapsed. Countless Russian soldiers were desperately fleeing to the east, they no longer cared about the queues and establishments. Everyone has only one goal, and that is to escape as quickly as possible, the farther the better. Otherwise, you will lose your life.

When more and more Russian troops collapsed, it eventually led to a chain reaction. A large number of Russian troops collapsed under the attack of the German-Austrian coalition forces. After more and more Russian troops were affected, it directly led to a major defeat of the Russian army. Hundreds of thousands of Russian troops crowded the road leading to Russia, desperately fleeing. However, as their supplies ran out, these Russian troops had to slow down in order to gather supplies. The Austrian army chasing them took advantage of this opportunity to catch up.

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