Jagged Germany

Chapter 353

Chapter 353: space for time

"How long will it take for our newly formed troops to form combat effectiveness?" Nicholas II asked.

"Your Majesty, it will take about a year." Sukhomlinov said.

"One year? No, one year is too long!" Nicholas II shook his head. A year from now, the war may be over. If the Russian army had formed combat effectiveness at that time, it would be of no use at all.

"Half a year, Your Majesty, half a year is enough. However, we need Britain, France and other countries to provide us with weapons and equipment. With our own military production capacity, it is undoubtedly very difficult to arm millions of troops. said Sukhomlinov.

Nicholas II hesitated for a moment, but nodded. Although, asking for help from the British and French made him a little embarrassed. But as long as the Russian Imperial Army can regain its strong combat effectiveness and defeat the Germans on the battlefield, even if it loses a little face, it is completely worth it. Besides, this time the Russian Empire is helping the British and the French to fight the war. It is reasonable for them to provide reinforcements to the Russian Empire in terms of weapons and equipment.

"Isivorski, you are in charge of communicating with the British and the French, and let them find a way to provide us with a batch of arms. Otherwise, our army will not be able to support the Eastern Front. If something happens because of this If there are adverse effects, all the consequences will be borne by them." Nicholas II said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. However, the British Navy is now suppressed by the German Navy. Even if they are willing to transport arms to us, they cannot reach our port!" Izvorski said.

Nicholas II touched his mustache: "This is indeed a problem. However, we should not worry about this problem? Shouldn't we? I think the British and the French can definitely find a way to solve this problem of."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Izvorski nodded helplessly. He knew what Nicholas II meant, which was to leave the problem to the British and French. As for Britain and France, in order for the Russian Empire to survive this war, they have no other choice. It can only provide arms to the Russian Empire as much as possible, so that the Russian Empire's army can be rearmed. Otherwise, once the German and Austrian troops on the eastern front enter the western or southern front, this will cause the Allied Powers to face failure again in these two directions. By that time, the situation will really be beyond control.

"Your Majesty, the current war situation is very unfavorable to us. Why can't we consider making peace with the Germans and ending this war?" Prime Minister Vyacheslav Previ suggested.

"Peace? Make peace with the Germans?" Tsar Nicholas II's face suddenly turned black as if it was the bottom of a pot.

"I will never bow to that proud guy, never!" Nicholas II resolutely objected.

The proud guy in the mouth of Nicholas II naturally refers to William II. In fact, the King of England, the Emperor of Germany and the Tsar of Russia, they are cousins, they are all relatives. However, they fought to the death in this war. The empire commanded by William II was thriving. However, the huge empire commanded by Nicholas II was gradually declining. Such a result made Nicholas II, who was also extremely proud, unacceptable. Therefore, even if the Russian army suffered an unprecedented defeat, he would never bow to William II. Unless, one day the German army hit St. Petersburg, he became a prisoner.

"But Your Majesty, in this war, we are already in an extremely disadvantageous situation. At the same time, the domestic situation is also very bad. Various forces are contributing to the flames. If we cannot handle it properly, the empire will fall into a crisis In the midst of a great crisis." Vyacheslav Previ said solemnly.

"You mean, does someone want to oppose my rule? Send out the army, suppress those guys, send them all to Siberia to mine, or hang them all." Nicholas II ordered coldly .

Vyacheslav Previ saw that William II's attitude was so firm, so he had no choice but to say no more. He knew very well that William II's character was inherently paranoid, and no one could change his decision about what he must decide. If he is persuaded again and again, it may even arouse his extreme disgust.

Another reason why Nicholas II was unwilling to make peace with Germany was that he knew that there was no free lunch in the world. When the situation is extremely unfavorable to them, if they propose a peace to Germany, Germany will definitely open its mouth and put forward very harsh conditions. Even, let them cede a large area of ​​territory and pay huge war reparations. Nicholas II was unwilling to pay such a heavy price. Even, he still had a little luck in his heart. That is, if Russia wins this war, not only can they keep those interests, but they can even cut a piece of meat from the Germans. Even if it is a tie, it is a very good result for the Russian Empire. At least, you don't have to lose those benefits anymore.

"In the next battle, we must find a way to resist the German attack." Nicholas II looked at the Minister of War Sukhomlinov.

"Your Majesty, Grand Duke Nicholas suggested that we shrink the line of defense. Give up part of the territory in the west and shorten our logistics supply line. At the same time, lengthen the enemy's logistics supply line. In this way, we can buy us a lot of time and let our troops get Rest and arm more troops," Sukhomlinov said.

Nicholas II nodded, even though he was heartbroken to give up a large area of ​​territory. However, these territories are only temporarily abandoned. If peace is made with the Germans, those territories will have to be given up forever. This is unacceptable to him.

"Well, I agree with Grand Duke Nicholas' suggestion to trade space for time!" Nicholas II said. The reason why he is willing to pay these prices has only one purpose, and that is to win this war.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Sukhomlinov replied.josei

Immediately, Nicholas II issued an order to reorganize the Northwest Front Army and the Southwest Front Army. The 1st Guards Army was transferred to the front line as the main force of the Northwest Front Army, and the 1st Army, 2nd Army, 9th Army and 2nd Guards Army were rebuilt, bringing the strength of the Northwest Front Army to 1.5 million people. The 3rd Army, 4th Army, 8th Army, and 11th Army of the Southwest Front Army will also be rebuilt, plus the 13th Army, there will also be five armies with 1.5 million people.

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