Jagged Germany

Chapter 362

Chapter 362: Responses from various countries (seeking monthly tickets)

The rule of Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown, and the Russian regime fell into the hands of the cloth party. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the entire Western world. In the capitalist world, the Bu Party and their ideas have always been regarded as fallacies, heresies, and scourges.

In the past, the cloth party has been suppressed, whether in Russia or around the world, their situation is very bad. But now, the cloth party has opened a gap in the weakest chain of the capitalist world. It is conceivable how much panic this will cause in the capitalist world.

Of course, judging from the current world situation, the fear of the Allies is obviously much greater than that of the Allies. Although Russia suffered a disastrous defeat on the Eastern Front, in any case, with their strength, they are one of the most important members of the Allied Powers. Among other things, the millions of Russian troops on the Eastern Front can contain a considerable part of the forces of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Now, Russia has changed. After taking power, it is undoubtedly very difficult to say whether the Bu Party will fulfill the treaty and continue the war. This will be a great challenge for the Allies in the next battle.

Comparatively speaking, the Allies are not under so much pressure. Although, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are also hostile to the cloth party. However, for them, winning the current war is the most important thing. Great changes have taken place in Russia, so that they no longer have to worry about the threat of the Eastern Front, and can concentrate their forces on other fronts to launch attacks.

Behind the Russian cloth party, there is support from Germany. Therefore, the German Empire is not worried at all that they will turn their faces and deny people. Especially now, when they come to gain a foothold, they will definitely not do that. Unless they wait until they have completely mastered Russia. Of course, by that time, the German Empire might have won the World War and become a superpower. At that time, there will be no need to be afraid of the cloth party. This is why Qin Tian dared to fully support the Russian cloth party. Now that the Russian cloth party has indeed won the victory, then it is time to consider how to get the most benefit from it.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is gearing up for another attack. Before, after the return of the German 8th Army, the Austrian army had already launched an offensive. However, there were setbacks. Coupled with the lack of logistical support, after losing some troops, they had to withdraw. Now, drastic changes have taken place in Russia, and this is naturally a good opportunity for them.

It's just that the Austro-Hungarian Empire was stopped by Germany before it started to act. The German government formally sent a letter to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, asking them to stop their actions against the Russian Buddist Party. The German government has sent people to contact the Russian cloth party, and is ready to use negotiations to solve the problems on the Eastern Front. Most of the senior officials of the Austro-Hungarian government and military were somewhat dissatisfied with the demands of the German government. However, no one dared to show it openly. After all, the German Empire is their most powerful ally, and its military strength is much stronger than that of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They had to carefully consider the opinions of the German government.

Crown Prince Karl was very dissatisfied with this, claiming that the German Empire was considered an ally of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the two sides were originally equal. There was no need for Austria-Hungary to follow the orders of the German Empire.josei

It's just that not many people support him this time. Last time, he received a lot of support because the German side did not make a clear statement. This time it's different. If Germany has already expressed its attitude, if it still confronts it, isn't that provoking the German Empire? At that time, not everyone can bear the anger of the German Empire. Grand Duke Friedrich, Baron Marshal Herzendorf and others clearly expressed their opposition. Therefore, Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria naturally ordered the army to maintain a defensive posture and not to take the initiative to attack.

Such a result naturally annoyed Crown Prince Karl very much. It's just that he didn't have any other way, except to curse a few times and vent his anger and dissatisfaction in his heart, there was no other way.

Germany is indeed ready to negotiate with the Russian cloth party. This aspect has always been dominated by Qin Tianlai. Qin Tian has already started to plan all this since he strongly supported the Bu Party. Can force the Russian cloth party to sign a treaty and withdraw from the war. That is undoubtedly the best. In this case, Germany can end the Eastern Front. At the same time, more benefits can be obtained at the minimum cost.

The Allied Powers are also actively thinking about countermeasures for the drastic changes in Russia. How can they get greater benefits. In other words, to ensure that their interests are not damaged. If there is no world war breaking out now, they will definitely send troops to attack the Russian cloth party and help Nicholas II restore without saying a word. However, things are different now. Under the attack of the Allies, they were already struggling. If you send troops to Russia, it will not be possible at all.

London, England, Downing Street, Prime Minister's Office.

All the cabinet members gathered in the meeting room of the Prime Minister's Office, their faces sinking like water. The green smoke emitted from the cigar filled the entire conference room with smoke. However, no one pays attention to these at all.

"Gentlemen! What do you think of the drastic changes in the Russian Empire?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

He is in a very bad mood now. The Russian Empire has just suffered a disastrous defeat on the Eastern Front. This is undoubtedly a serious blow to the Allied Powers. They have just reached an agreement that they are willing to spend money and weapons to rearm Russia so that this populous country can fully play its role on the Eastern Front. But now, such a thing happened in Russia. This undoubtedly made the situation of the Allies even worse.

Lost the containment of Russia, and they can imagine it with their buttocks. Next, they will have to face the full-scale attack of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is nothing to worry about. Although they are one of the great powers, their military strength is too weak. But Germany is different. If the British and French allied forces want to resist the German attack again, I am afraid that they will have to use their strength to survive. If it cannot withstand the German attack, northern France may all fall. At that time, it will be very difficult to say whether the French are willing to continue the war.

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