Jagged Germany

Chapter 378

Chapter 378: Stand by and wait for the rabbit (ask for a monthly ticket)

The Atlantic Ocean in February is the coldest time of the year. The cold wind from the Arctic Ocean blows on a person's face, as if cutting with a knife. But even so, the officers and soldiers of the German Navy are still cruising in the Atlantic Ocean.

A breakaway fleet composed of several battlecruisers focused on searching the waters west of the British Isles. And those submarine forces hunted freely in the Atlantic Ocean. As soon as a merchant ship or warship flying the British flag is spotted, an attack is launched immediately. Of course, facing the warship, it is to launch the torpedo directly. If it is a merchant ship, the submarine of the German Navy is more willing to float up and use the naval gun on the bow to force the British merchant ship to surrender. After all, capturing a merchant ship can gain more military exploits than sinking a merchant ship.

Germany also needs a large number of merchant ships for overseas trade and transportation of combat materials. Therefore, the German Admiralty also encouraged the fleet and submarine forces to capture British merchant ships. This also made those captains take the capture of British merchant ships as their first choice.

A merchant ship flying the British flag is sailing about a thousand kilometers west of the island of Ireland. The deck of this merchant ship was covered with thick canvas. The merchant ship has a deep draft, and it seems to be loaded with a lot of supplies.

A middle-aged sailor was standing on the deck smoking a cigarette. The cold sea breeze blew on his face, making his whole face numb. However, he did not enter the cabin, but took out the binoculars from time to time to search the surrounding sea. This is not an ordinary civilian version of the telescope, but a military high-powered telescope.

"Damn it, why didn't any of the German submarines disappear? We have been wandering in the sea for a week, but we haven't found a single German submarine. The luck is too bad." The middle-aged sailor cursed.

This middle-aged sailor is Captain Schmidt of the British Navy. Originally, at his age, he should not have performed such a task. After all, his previous position was the captain of a destroyer. However, when the Admiralty selected members for the mission, he voluntarily signed up. Not because of anything else, but because he wanted to avenge his brother. His younger brother was a merchant sailor. Three months ago, it was sunk by a German submarine on the route from Canada to the British mainland.

"Captain, you still haven't found the target, right? The weather is really too cold." A young sailor said to Captain Schmidt.

"Idiot, didn't you say that? Don't call me the captain. Call me the captain now. When the Germans find out, no one can escape!" Captain Schmidt cursed.

"Okay, captain. Hasn't the German been found yet?" the young sailor muttered.

"Captain, the first officer asked me to inform you. Our supplies are running out. If the German submarine is not found before tonight, we may have to return." The young sailor said.

"Damn! Why can't you bring more supplies when you go to sea?" Captain Schmidt scolded.

"Okay, tell Simon, if we can't find the German submarine before dark, we will retreat. May God bless us and sink a German submarine! I must avenge my poor brother!" Captain Schmidt prayed to God.josei

On the sea not far from the British merchant ship, a German submarine was sailing on the water. Due to the technology of this era, submarines cannot sail underwater for a long time. Most of the time, they sail on the water surface. Only dive into the water when attacking or evading enemy warships. In order to prevent the submarine from fighting on the water, there is also a special dual-mounted 75mm naval gun on the bow of the submarine.

The hull number of this submarine is u-113, which belongs to an earlier batch of submarines. The construction of these submarines ceased after Deutsche Werft had produced a hundred of the improved U-boats. Subsequent production is a further improved model.

The hatch of the submarine was opened, and a submarine officer wearing a thick jacket got out from inside. Behind him, there were several other submarine soldiers. These submariners usually nest in the small space of the submarine, very stuffy. So, every once in a while, after making sure that there is no danger around them, they will get out of the submarine, go to the surface for some activities and relax.

"Sir, we haven't opened this week yet! Not to mention the British merchant ships, we haven't even seen a single warship." A submarine soldier pinched a cigarette **** in his hand and said.

"Who knows! If you want to encounter British ships now, you have to rely on God's blessing. In the past six months, have there been fewer British merchant ships and warships killed by us? I guess the British have already been scared by us." !” The captain spit out a smoke ring.

"Sir, British ships are not common in the Atlantic Ocean now. However, American ships are almost all over the Atlantic Ocean. It would be great if we can attack American ships." Another Said the submariner.

"Hmph! American ships are not so easy to deal with. They haven't participated in the war yet, and the empire has no name to attack them." The captain shook his head.

"Sir, the Americans are just hanging a fig leaf as a neutral country. I can guarantee that there must be a lot of minerals and weapons in the materials they transported to the UK. The Americans are using us to fight against the British, everyone. Make war fortune!"

"Well, I don't know how the higher-ups think about it. It would be great if the higher-ups can authorize us to launch attacks on American merchant ships. Every time I see an American merchant ship slipping past my eyes, I will drool!"

"Okay, shut up! It's not up to us to decide what the higher-ups consider. If we want to start a war against the Americans, we only need to obey orders." Said the captain.

"Yes, sir!" The other submariners replied.

"Have a good rest, let me go in. Continue to go north and try your luck!" The captain ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The submarine crew filed into the submarine, and the captain was the last one.

When the submarine went north for half an hour, they received a telegram. This is from the Admiralty, a scout ship, who has spotted a British merchant ship to the north.

Suddenly, the captain of the u-113 submarine immediately ordered to advance at full speed to catch up with the British merchant ship.

A submarine sails on the water at a much faster speed than a merchant ship. However, the German naval officers and soldiers on this submarine did not know that the British merchant ship was just a decoy. From beginning to end, this was a trap set by the British to deal with German merchant ships. The officers and soldiers of the British Navy are waiting on the ground, waiting for the German submarine to throw itself into the net.

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