Jagged Germany

Chapter 398

Chapter 398: confrontation

"General, how are you?" On the battleship 'Nevada', a staff officer helped Admiral Fletcher who had fallen on the deck and asked with concern.

When it hit just now, the impact was so strong that Admiral Fletcher fell down. The white uniform of the admiral was even more stained with dirt. Dust and stains from coffee spilled on the deck and so on. In normal times, Admiral Fletcher would definitely be furious, and then immediately put on clean clothes. But now, he couldn't care less about it.

"Report the loss, what about our loss?" Admiral Fletcher asked.

"General, there is a big hole in the middle of the starboard side by a German warship. The damage control personnel are trying to plug the hole. However, it is very troublesome. Their suggestion is to close the adjacent watertight compartment." A staff officer reported road.

"In that case, what impact will it have on the battleship?" Admiral Fletcher's face became very ugly.josei

"General, in that case, the battleship will be tilted to a certain extent due to too much water. At the same time, the speed of the battleship will also be greatly affected. The main turrets will also be unable to continue shooting due to the tilt of the battleship. It must Return to the shipyard and make repairs." The staff officer continued to report.

"Bastard!" Admiral Fletcher couldn't help cursing.

Before encountering the main fleet of the German Navy, they lost a battleship first, and it was the most powerful flagship among these battleships. Although, it's just a heavy blow. However, the blow to the morale of the US Navy will undoubtedly be very large.

"Where are the German battleships?" Admiral Fletcher asked.

"General, the German warships didn't get any cheap. Their bows are all destroyed, and they have to return to the shipyard for at least several months."

"Idiot! One of our battleships was severely damaged, and the Germans only had one light cruiser severely damaged. In this comparison, it is obvious that we have suffered a loss, and we still suffered a big loss!" Admiral Fletcher cursed road.

Indeed, if calculated in this way, the U.S. Navy has indeed suffered a big loss. But, what else can they do?

"Very good, reverse immediately!" On the light cruiser "Konigsberg", Lieutenant Colonel Erich Raeder was very satisfied with the damage they caused to the battleship "Nevada". Although, he was not able to sink the opponent, which made Lieutenant Colonel Erich Raeder a little regretful. However, it is also very good to be able to obtain such a result. If it really hit and sank the American battleship, that would be a big deal. If it is not done well, the current situation will be further escalated.

"Yes, sir. However, our bow is also destroyed, and it is still flooded. We may have to return to the shipyard for repairs." The navigator said to Lieutenant Colonel Erich Raeder.

"Well, let's retreat immediately. We hit and injured the American flagship, and this is undoubtedly a hornet's nest. If we don't leave, if the Americans get angry, we may not be able to leave." Erich Raeder The lieutenant colonel ordered. After completing the intended purpose, it is obviously impossible to stay any longer. He knew that those Americans must have torn their hearts.

Although, the bow of the light cruiser 'Konigsberg' was severely damaged. However, the powertrain is not affected. In the case of reversing at full speed, insert the bow of the battleship "Nevada" into the hull, and slowly withdraw. And this action couldn't help causing secondary damage to the battleship 'Nevada'.

"General, the German warship is going to escape!" A staff officer reported to Admiral Fletcher.

"Bastard! You hurt our flagship and want to run now. How is that possible? Surround them." Admiral Fletcher gave an order angrily.

"General, are we going to sink them?"

Admiral Fletcher gritted his teeth and shook his head. When the light cruiser 'Konigsberg' hit it just now, they didn't fire to sink it. Now, of course, it is even more impossible to fire and sink it.

"The Germans injured our flagship, we have to give us an explanation!" Admiral Fletcher said through gritted teeth. If possible, he would definitely order the sinking of the light cruiser 'Konigsberg' without hesitation. However, reason made him suppress this thought.

At this time, a large number of warships appeared on the sea to the north. The main force of the German Navy's broken fleet arrived successfully. Twelve huge battlecruisers, leading a group of small and medium-sized warships, came aggressively.

"General, the German main fleet has appeared." A staff officer reported to Admiral Fletcher with a trembling voice.

"What?" Admiral Fletcher was also very nervous.

Especially when he used the binoculars to see the main force of the German Navy's broken fleet, his face was even more ugly. Although, the capital ships of the German Navy are all battlecruisers. However, he, who had obtained detailed information a long time ago, knew that those battlecruisers were difficult to deal with. That is a powerful battleship that can confront the battleships of the British Navy head-on! In terms of defense, even facing their battleships, I'm afraid they won't be able to find out where to go. Not to mention, the battlecruisers of the German Navy still have powerful firepower. In particular, the 380mm main guns of the "Derfflinger-class" battlecruisers and the "Makensen-class" battlecruisers can completely penetrate the armor of any of their battleships.

The arrival of the main force of the German Navy's break-off fleet quickly attracted the attention of the US fleet. This also allowed the light cruiser 'Konigsberg' to escape easily.

The main force of the German Navy appeared, and the US fleet naturally did not dare to forcibly intercept the light cruiser "Konigsberg". In that case, I am afraid it will cause a new round of confrontation. Not everyone can afford such consequences.

On the battlecruiser 'Mackenson', Lieutenant General Spee is listening to the report.

"Lieutenant Colonel Erich Raeder, very good, courageous and decisive. I will report this to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Lieutenant General Spee smiled with satisfaction. Lieutenant Colonel Erich Raeder commanded the light cruiser "Konigsberg" and rammed the USS Nevada, the flagship of the US fleet. This is undoubtedly very beneficial to the German Navy. If the Americans dare to do it, they will be even more disadvantaged in the absence of a capital ship.

The German Navy's break-off fleet and the US fleet immediately confronted each other in this sea area. If the two sides are added together, there are more than 20 battleships!

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