Jagged Germany

Chapter 403

Chapter 403: war or peace

"Your Excellency Churchill, don't we have no chance at all?" asked Sir Edward Gray, the Foreign Secretary.

Churchill's answer made everyone feel heavy. They naturally didn't want the British Empire, which had dominated the world for hundreds of years, to decline in their hands. Although, judging from the current situation, this seems to be inevitable.

"Unless we can delay the decisive battle with the Germans until our subsequent battleships serve. At that time, we will have a better chance of winning. However, the Germans obviously will not give us so much time. said Churchill.

In the Royal Navy's shipbuilding plan, construction of subsequent battleships has already started. Including the new 'Iron Duke'-class battleship, the new 'King George V-class' battleship and the 'Lion-class' battleship, a total of twelve ships. There are also three tiers of ten battlecruisers, three 'Prestige-class' battlecruisers, three 'Glory-class' battlecruisers, and four 'Hood-class' battlecruisers. Among them, the caliber of the main guns of the "Lion-class" battleship and the "Hood-class" battlecruiser has been increased to 406 mm. In terms of defense, it has also been greatly improved compared to the previous warships. It is precisely because of this that the Royal Navy has placed great hopes on these cutting-edge warships.

However, distant water cannot quench near thirst. Even with overtime, it will take at least the middle or even the end of 1916 before these warships will enter service one after another. This is still under the condition that various resources can be guaranteed. Now, the Germans have completed the blockade of the United Kingdom, and even the Americans have retreated in front of the Germans' no-flight zone, which undoubtedly makes it difficult for the United Kingdom to obtain resources from abroad. Without the support of external resources, it will be very difficult for the British Navy to rely on local resources to build those warships.

More importantly, the German Navy obviously could not wait until 1916. Judging from the various information obtained so far, the German Navy is expected to do it this year. Therefore, the time left for the British Navy is running out.

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, if the war situation is really not good for us, can we make peace with the Germans? In that case, we may be able to minimize losses." Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, suggested.

In the British cabinet, the vast majority of people were originally from the main combat faction with a firm stand. However, as the situation of the war became more and more unfavorable to them, the German army was winning on the battlefield. Whether it is the German army or navy, they have already gained an advantage. At least from the current situation, the British Empire's chances of winning are not great. This also made some cabinet ministers start to have other considerations.

"Peace?" This is undoubtedly an extremely heavy topic for the ministers of the British cabinet. The British Empire is the overlord of the world. As the rulers of the empire, they have always held their heads proudly and pointed their nostrils at people. Now, they are actually asked to bow their noble heads to the Germans and pray for peace, which naturally makes them unacceptable.

"Impossible, the British Empire must not seek peace with the Germans! The Germans are very ambitious. Unless we give up all overseas colonies and interests, otherwise, they will never let us go easily." Churchill shook his head.

"Yes! This time, the Germans originally wanted to use war to pull us down from the throne of world hegemony. If this goal is not achieved, they will never give up." Minister of War Richard Haldane Said.

"Maybe we can get in touch with the Germans. If the Germans' appetite is not so big, we can pay a certain price and end this war. In this way, we may be able to pay less losses." Sir Edward Gray, the foreign secretary also said Said. In the case of not being able to beat the Germans, seeking peace is undoubtedly the best way.

Prime Minister Asquith couldn't help being a little moved. Although, seeking peace from the Germans is a bit embarrassing. More importantly, the world dominance of the British Empire may also be lost as a result. The Germans will inevitably take advantage of this opportunity to blackmail them severely. But at least this **** war can be brought to an end. Prime Minister Asquith worried that if the war was lost, they would lose even worse.

"Gentlemen, if we do make peace with the Germans, how much appetite will they have?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

"Your Excellency, the Germans have been coveting our overseas colonies for a long time. I think if we ask for peace, they will definitely open their mouths in this regard. The colonies of India, Australia and Africa may not be kept. Canada, it is estimated that the Americans will strongly oppose it, so it can be retained. I am afraid that the rest of the colonies will have to be lost. In addition, the appetite of the Germans will not be so small in terms of war reparations. They are on the Russians , all extorted 10 billion marks in war reparations. If they faced us, their demands would probably be several times that amount. After all, in the eyes of the Germans, we are much richer than the Russians. said Churchill.

Prime Minister Asquith's complexion suddenly became ugly. The colonial system painstakingly maintained by the British Empire is undoubtedly their lifeblood and the basis for Britain to continue to be strong. Without the vast colonies as their market and source of raw materials, British industry would have suffered a fatal blow. At the same time, it is also because there are vast colonies that can be exploited that this allows Britain to maintain a strong military strength. Otherwise, only the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of the British mainland. How could it be possible to support a world-class hegemony power?

Among the many British colonies, India is undoubtedly the top priority. Britain can obtain huge wealth from India every year. It is for this reason that India is known as the brightest jewel in the crown of the British King.

If those colonies are lost, Britain will be completely over, and will only be reduced to a second-rate country.

What's more, the huge war reparations are also unbearable for Britain. Although Britain has accumulated a lot of wealth in the past, the war in the past six months has already consumed a lot of wealth. If they are burdened with huge war reparations, it will be unbearable for them.josei

This also made Prime Minister Asquith very entangled. It was also difficult for him to make a decision on how to choose. Similarly, other British cabinet ministers are equally entangled.

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