Jagged Germany

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: Sneak Attack Plan (800 votes plus updates)

"In addition to aircraft carriers, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also attaches great importance to submarines. In his conversation with His Excellency Count Tirpitz, he proposed that there will be only three types of warships in the future navy, namely aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines. At most, some other It’s just a professional warship.” Admiral Reinhard Scheer continued.

Lieutenant General Hipper was undoubtedly the first to hear such a secret, and he was stunned. Qin Tian's remarks were too unbelievable for him. You know, there are many types of warships in the navy now. If there are only three left, what will future naval warfare be like? Lieutenant General Hipper is really unimaginable.

However, he was very lucky afterwards. His Royal Highness, the genius Crown Prince, is German. It is precisely because of this that Germany was able to defeat a powerful enemy in this war.

"The foresight of His Highness the Crown Prince is not something we can guess. Since His Highness is so sure, there must be a reason for him. I believe that His Highness is correct. Because His Highness did not make any mistakes at all." Lieutenant General Hipper also said Said.

Lieutenant General Reinhardt Scheer nodded: "In terms of naval development, we are nothing more than mortals. However, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is definitely a god. He has a vision like a god."

Lieutenant General Hipper agreed with this point of view.

Similarly, this also makes them more confident about future wars. With the correct leadership of His Royal Highness, who is almost like a god, how could the Imperial Navy lose?

"By the way, Commander. Speaking of submarines, a submarine officer submitted a very interesting battle plan. Perhaps, you can take a look." Lieutenant General Hipper said suddenly.

"Oh? What is the battle plan?" Admiral Reinhard Scheer asked. Although, submarines are not very powerful yet. However, since submarines will become one of the three types of warships that Qin Tian is optimistic about in the future navy, this also makes Admiral Reinhard Scheer attach great importance to submarines.

"This battle plan was proposed by a submarine captain named Doenitz. He is now a lieutenant colonel. His submarines, during the war, sank many British merchant ships. In terms of submarine warfare, he really He has great talent," Lieutenant General Hipper said.

"Oh?" Lieutenant General Hipper's words made General Reinhard Scheer more interested in this.

"Lieutenant General Doenitz proposed that he hoped to drive his submarine into Scapa Flow and launch an attack on the submarines of the Royal Navy anchored there. The main battleship of the navy will constitute a fatal blow. It is definitely a good opportunity to weaken the strength of the Royal Navy." Lieutenant General Hipper said.

"What? Sneak into Scapa Flow for a sneak attack. God! I have to admit, Lieutenant Colonel Dönitz is really a bold guy. But if it succeeds, it is indeed a very good victory." Reinhardt ? Admiral Scheer said.

The main force of the Royal Navy is now assembled in Scapa Flow. There, almost 70% of the capital ships of the Royal Navy were assembled. If the submarines of the German Navy can be mixed in, wouldn't it be easy to use torpedoes to sink the capital ship of the British Navy? Even if a submarine carries limited torpedoes, even if it sinks two or three capital ships of the British Navy, the British Navy will suffer heavy losses. After all, for the severely damaged Royal Navy, every capital ship is very precious. If the "Queen Elizabeth-class" battleship or the "Revenge-class" battleship were sunk, it would be a major victory. Now, it is undoubtedly the two battleships of the British Navy that can pose a threat to the German Navy. If they can be destroyed before the decisive battle, the High Seas Fleet's chances of winning will be further improved.josei

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. This is a very risky plan. The British have assembled the main force of the Royal Navy in Scapa Flow, and its defense must be extremely strict. In addition, we have no idea about the hydrological conditions there. Unfamiliar. Therefore, it is definitely not a simple matter to sneak into Scapa Flow." Lieutenant General Hipper said.

Admiral Reinhard Scheer nodded. Indeed, the whole plan is very risky, and if you are not careful, it may fail. And once it fails, it will inevitably die.

"Why did Lieutenant Colonel Doenitz submit such a risky battle plan?" Admiral Reinhard Scheer asked.

"I heard that one of his friends, who was also our submarine captain, was sunk by the British during the British bait plan. Therefore, he wanted to avenge his friend, so he proposed this battle plan." The staff also believes that this plan is too risky. However, Lieutenant Colonel Doenitz has been insisting." Lieutenant General Hipper said.

"The British bait plan caused us to lose so many submarines. No wonder Dönitz wanted to avenge his friend. However, as an officer, how could he be so impulsive? This battle plan is really too good. Take a risk." Admiral Reinhard Scheer wanted to veto this battle plan.

"Your Excellency, this battle plan is risky. However, if it succeeds, the results will be very fruitful. I think we can try it." Lieutenant General Hipper had different opinions.

"Lieutenant Colonel Dönitz is our best submarine commander. It would be a pity to let him carry out such a risky plan if it fails." Lieutenant General Reinhard Scheer shook his head.

"Your Excellency, Commander, it is precisely because Lieutenant Colonel Dönitz is our most outstanding submarine commander. Therefore, we should have confidence in him. I believe that he will definitely win." Lieutenant General Hipper Said.

Admiral Reinhard Scheer and Lieutenant General Hipper could not reach an agreement on this issue. No way, they can only report this battle plan to the Ministry of the Navy.

Qin Tian also learned about this battle plan from Marshal Count Tirpitz. He is very interested in this. Qin Tian clearly remembered that in another time and space, at the beginning of World War II, an ace captain of the Third Reich sneaked into Scapa Flow with a submarine and carried out a sneak attack on the British navy. In this time and space, the defense of the British in Scapa Flow is far from being comparable to another time and space. Therefore, if the submarine attacks, there is a greater possibility of success.

Therefore, Qin Tian directly approved this battle plan, and asked the navy to provide Lieutenant Colonel Doenitz with as much preparation and support as possible!

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