Jagged Germany

Chapter 429

Chapter 429: The situation is unfavorable (ask for a monthly ticket)

On the British battlecruiser 'Tiger', Lieutenant General David Beatty's face was already gloomy, as if water could drip out. His own warships were hit one after another, making the smile on his face disappear completely because the battlecruiser 'Royal Princess' hit the battlecruiser 'Frederick Karl'.

It seems that God did not bless them. In front of the German Navy, they are still at a disadvantage.

"Bastard! How could this be? How could the Germans suddenly act so tough?" Lieutenant General David Betty was about to grit his teeth. Although, no battleships have been lost yet. However, if it continues like this, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will suffer losses.

Although, as the distance continued to narrow, the hit rate of the British Navy gradually began to increase. But at the same time, the hit rate of the German Navy has been significantly improved. The rate of improvement far exceeds that of the British Navy.

On the battlecruiser 'Mackenson', Lieutenant General Hipper had a smile on his mouth. He was very satisfied with the performance of the fleet.

"Very good, keep firing!" Lieutenant General Hipper said. He has become more and more confident in this naval battle.

"General, the distance has been shortened to 12,000 meters, do we need to further shorten the distance?" A general asked.

Lieutenant General Hipper shook his head: "No need, 12,000 meters is already our best shooting distance. If it were a little closer, the lethality of the British shells would be great. We To sink the British warships, but at the same time, we also need to preserve our own warships as much as possible."

The British Navy's shells have fuzes that are too sensitive and will explode immediately after hitting the target. The German Navy already knows it. Of course, this was revealed by Qin Tian.

Because the armor of capital ships is generally very thick, to cause enough damage to such a warship, it is necessary to use armor-piercing projectiles. The explosion occurred after the shell penetrated the armor of the enemy battleship. This will cause more damage. The artillery shells used by the German Navy are capped armor-piercing shells designed by Qin Tian, ​​which can undoubtedly ensure that the armor-piercing shells can penetrate the armor of an enemy warship after hitting it. However, due to design flaws, the shells of the British Navy exploded immediately when the shells hit the target, and it was difficult to penetrate the armor. Naturally, it was impossible to cause too much damage to the warships of the German Navy. In this regard, the German Navy undoubtedly took advantage of it.

After the distance between the two sides was shortened to 12,000 meters, the British Navy wanted to further shorten the distance. However, it failed. The German Navy clearly wanted to maintain this engagement distance. Under such circumstances, the British Navy has nothing to do. After all, the speed of the two sides is almost the same, and it is impossible to rely on speed to shorten the distance.

And this made the British Navy battlecruiser formation led by Vice Admiral David Beatty gradually fall into a disadvantage as time went by.


There was a loud noise, and Lieutenant General David Betty only felt a sudden shaking under his feet, and he fell to the deck at once.

"Damn it, we were hit!" Lieutenant General David Betty's face changed drastically.

A shell fired from the battlecruiser 'Mackenson', the flagship of the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron of the German Navy, successfully hit the battlecruiser 'Tiger'. Although the "Tiger" battlecruiser is the most powerful battlecruiser currently in service in the British Navy, it is undoubtedly far behind the "Mackenson-class" battlecruiser.

The 380mm shells fired by the battlecruiser 'Mackenson' were simply not something the armor of the battlecruiser 'Tiger' could resist. You know, the armor of the battlecruiser 'Tiger' is only 254mm at its thickest point.

"Where was hit? What happened to the loss?" Lieutenant General David Betty asked anxiously.josei

"General, the side was hit, and a 152mm secondary gun was lost. Several other sailors were killed." Soon, a staff officer reported.

David? Betty Lieutenant General then breathed a sigh of relief. Such damage is nothing to a warship with a displacement of nearly 30,000 tons. However, Lieutenant Admiral David Beatty was also a little worried. The warships of the German Navy had already scored hits, so they would definitely hit them one after another in the future.

"Send a telegram to General Benjamin, we are now suppressed by the Germans, we need them to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible, and cooperate with us to pinch the Germans!" Lieutenant General David Beatty ordered.

Now that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to them, Lieutenant General David Beatty had no choice but to pin his hopes of defeating the German Navy on the three "Queen Elizabeth-class" battleships of the 2nd Battleship Squadron.

"Yes, General." The communications officer immediately went to send a telegram.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fierce battle is still going on, and the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron of the German Navy has completely gained the upper hand in the battle with the Battlecruiser Squadron of the British Navy.


The battlecruiser "Invincible" of the British Navy was blown up with an earth-shattering bang.

"What's going on?" Lieutenant General David Betty saw this scene and couldn't help being dumbfounded. Although the battlecruiser 'Invincible' is their weakest battlecruiser, it is definitely an indispensable and important force in this naval battle. The lack of such a battlecruiser will put them in an even more disadvantageous position in this naval battle.

"General, the No. 1 main turret of the 'Invincible' was hit. It seems that the ammunition depot also exploded." A staff officer said.

Lieutenant General David Betty's face suddenly showed a dejected look. As the first-class battlecruiser of the British Navy, the "Invincible-class" battlecruiser has serious design flaws. The one-sided pursuit of speed and firepower made the defense of the "Invincible" battlecruiser very bad. Except for the armor of the conning tower, which is 254 mm thick, the turret and waterline armor are only 152 mm thick. With such a defensive power, even armored cruisers can't resist it, let alone the main guns of battleships.

The battlecruiser 'Invincible' became the first battleship to be sunk in this naval battle. This also left the British Navy's battlecruiser unit with only 5 battlecruisers left. Moreover, after the battlecruiser 'Invincible' was sunk, the battlecruiser 'Indomitable', which also belonged to the 'Invincible' battlecruiser, was attacked by the battlecruiser 'Von der Tann' of the German Navy. and the siege of the battlecruiser 'Leopold'.

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