Jagged Germany

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: Reinforcement VS Reinforcement (1100 votes plus updates)

"General, it can already be concluded that the three battleships belong to the British 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleships, and they are all the most cutting-edge battleships." An officer reported excitedly to Lieutenant General Spee.

"The'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleship? However, I am very curious, how did they appear here!" The corners of Lieutenant General Spee's mouth rose slightly, showing a hint of a smile.

"General, the battlefield between the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron and the British Battlecruiser Squadron is just to the north. Obviously, the British are planning to use these three battleships to carry out a surprise attack on our 1st Battlecruiser Squadron." The officer laughed too.

"Haha! It seems that our luck was good, and we broke through the tricks of the British. The 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleships are the most cutting-edge battleships of the British. Our 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers are no better than Is it bad?" Lieutenant General Spee asked.

"General, according to the information we have obtained, the British Navy's 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleships are equipped with four twin-mounted 42-caliber 381mm main guns. In terms of armor, the main armor belt is 330mm thick, and the turret armor is 330mm , the armor of the conning tower is 280 mm. The British's 42 times the 381 mm main gun is much weaker than the 50 times the 380 mm main gun of our "Derfflinger class" battlecruiser. Defense On the other hand, the main armor thickness of the 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers is 350 millimeters, which is thicker than that of the British 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleships." A staff officer said.

"In other words, our "Derfflinger-class" battlecruisers have stronger comprehensive combat capabilities?" Lieutenant General Spee said.

"Yes, General. However, the gap is not very big. Their "Queen Elizabeth-class" battleships will also pose a threat to us."

Lieutenant General Spee nodded: "In this case, let's fight! Go after them and intercept them. Then, kill them. We have six battlecruisers, two of them will fight one, and we will get rid of them as quickly as possible. !"

"Yes, General." The officers replied one after another.

The six battlecruisers of the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron of the German Navy quickly caught up. Although, the speed of the "Queen Elizabeth class" battleship is not slow. However, in front of the battlecruisers, which are known for their speed, they are still at a disadvantage.

At this time, Rear Admiral Benjamin, the commander of the British Navy's 2nd Battleship Squadron, was also getting angry.

"Damn it, why did you encounter a German warship here? Or a full six battlecruisers?" Rear Admiral Benjamin was very annoyed. Originally, his mission was to attack the German Navy's 1st Battlecruiser Squadron. In his opinion, his sneak attack is very likely to succeed when his own battlecruiser detachment has attracted the attention of the German Navy's 1st battlecruiser detachment. However, I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

"General, the German battlecruisers are catching up, what should we do?"

Major General Benjamin's brows were tightly knit together.

With the speed of the 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battlecruiser, it is impossible to escape. Then, it seems that they have only one way left, and that is to fight with all their strength.

"The German battlecruisers are very powerful. Not only are they fast, they have strong firepower, and their defense is also terrifying. However, how can there be such a perfect battleship in the world? Even the battlecruisers of the British Empire have to guarantee their speed and firepower. Therefore, the German battlecruisers must be like this. In the previous naval battles, there were no battlecruisers that could sink the Germans. The main reason is that our firepower is not strong enough. Now The 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battlecruisers are equipped with 381mm main guns, which must be able to penetrate the defenses of the German battlecruisers. Therefore, even if the German battlecruisers have twice the advantage, if they really want to fight, We may not have no chance of winning." Major General Benjamin secretly analyzed.

Of course, he didn't know that the battlecruisers of the German Navy were mainly based on new power equipment in order to increase their speed and at the same time strengthen their firepower and defense. The heavy oil boiler and the new steam turbine enable the battleship to have sufficient power and ensure high speed.

"Send a telegram to General Betty, we have encountered six German battlecruisers, and now we are unable to reinforce them." Major General Benjamin ordered.

Under such circumstances, he naturally had no way to rush to join Lieutenant General David Betty. What's more, even a confluence would not change anything, they were still at an absolute disadvantage. Even, they will be under the siege of the Germans. Only his 2nd Battleship Division defeated the German Navy's 2nd Battlecruiser Division to reverse the situation.

"Yes, General."

"Order ships, reduce speed, prepare to fight! Tell the brave officers and men of the Royal Navy that we can't escape now. For the honor of the British Empire, we must let the Germans fight. Only by defeating them will we have a front line." Live!" Major General Benjamin ordered.

"Yes, General."

After the order was issued, the three "Queen Elizabeth-class" battleships of the British Navy began to reduce their speed and lined up in battle formation.

The actions of the British Navy made General Spee, who had been following them, very satisfied.

"Order all ships and prepare to fight. Since the British are not going to flee, let's fight them in a fair and honest manner!" Lieutenant General Spee ordered.

No matter what, in this battle, the German navy has a great advantage. The combat power of the three 'Derfflinger-class' battlecruisers is not inferior to that of the 'Queen Elizabeth-class' battleships. At the same time, there are three 'Moltke-class' battlecruisers in cooperation, which makes them almost in the same position. defeated.

Although, the armor of the "Queen Elizabeth-class" battlecruisers of the British Navy is as thick as 330 mm. However, the 50-caliber 343mm main gun equipped on the "Moltke-class" battlecruiser can still penetrate it.

With both sides intending to fight, the two battle lines began to draw closer rapidly. Soon, the distance was shortened to 15,000 kilometers.


The German Navy was still the first to open fire. The 380mm main guns of the three "Derfflinger-class" ships roared and smashed the shells weighing more than one ton at the three "Queen Elizabeth" ships of the British Navy. class' battleship. The three 'Moltke-class' battlecruisers also fired after them.

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