Jagged Germany

Chapter 434

Chapter 434: Hard Fight (ask for a monthly ticket)

"The battlecruiser detachment and the second battleship detachment will definitely suffer heavy losses this time. If all the main battleships are invested in a decisive battle with the Germans at this time, I am afraid there will be no chance of winning. However, His Excellency Churchill's order is to let We are very likely to sink the capital ship of the German Navy and create opportunities for subsequent naval battles. If we retreat now, it is tantamount to giving up the command of the sea to the Germans. In addition, if we continue to retreat to Scapa Flow to avoid the war , the German navy will definitely continue to attack our coastal cities. At that time, the pressure from the navy and the cabinet will be very high, I am afraid we still have to go to sea and fight the Germans.” Admiral John Jellicoe thought secretly.

Admiral John Jellicoe carefully considered how to act next, in order to be the most beneficial to the Royal Navy. However, no matter how you act, it is almost impossible for the Royal Navy to reverse the situation. Such a result made John Jellicoe very frustrated.

"This time, is the Royal Navy finally going to lose? Is the British Empire's maritime supremacy for hundreds of years inevitably falling into the hands of the Germans?" Admiral John Jellicoe felt sad and couldn't accept it. Such a result. But, that's what it is.

"General, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. General David Beatty's battlecruiser detachment and the second battleship detachment are already in danger. We must act immediately to reinforce them. Otherwise, they will They were all eaten by the Germans. At that time, we will not have enough strength to fight the Germans." A general suggested.

Admiral John Jellicoe nodded: "Order the fleet to head south at full speed. Since the decisive battle between us and the Germans is inevitable. Then, let the decisive battle begin today. Before the main force of the Germans arrives, strive to First, severely damage the German battlecruiser formation. In this case, the decisive battle will be more beneficial to us."

"Yes, General."josei

"Tell all the Royal Navy officers and soldiers that this battle is related to the life and death of the British Empire. We must fight the Germans with bravery and fearlessness like our ancestors did in the Battle of Trafalgar. God will bless The British Empire, defeat the despicable Germans. All will become the influence of the British Empire." Admiral John Jellicoe ordered.

When the situation was very unfavorable to them, he could only find a way to improve the morale of the troops. In this case, a miracle may happen. This is the only way for Admiral John Jellicoe.

Under the command of Admiral John Jellicoe, the main force of the Royal Navy Grand Fleet began to go south, preparing for a decisive battle with the German Navy. Moreover, they hope to severely damage or even wipe out the battlecruiser formation of the German Navy before the main force of the German Navy appears, so as to gain a favorable situation.

At this moment, on the battlefield, the German Navy's 1st and 2nd Battlecruiser Squadrons are still ravaging the British Navy's Battlecruiser Squadron and 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron. The two-on-one advantage allowed them to firmly occupy the initiative on the battlefield, and continued to cause damage to the British Navy.

"Boom!" A 343mm shell hit the battleship 'Malayan'. The shell hit the stern of the battleship 'Malayan', penetrated the armor of the stern deck, and exploded inside the battleship, igniting a raging fire.

Immediately afterwards, a 343mm artillery shell fired from the battlecruiser 'Goeben' directly hit the No. 2 main turret of the battleship 'Barham'. Although, the main turret armor is as thick as 330mm. However, there is still no combination that can withstand the 50 times the caliber main gun and the capped armor-piercing projectile. After the shell tore through the armor, it exploded inside the turret. The huge power directly knocked the entire turret away. If the shells in the barrel had not been fired, and there were no shells and guns inside, it would undoubtedly cause them greater losses.

But this result has already surprised Rear Admiral Benjamin, commander of the British Navy's 2nd Battleship Squadron.

"Damn, how could this be? Why the German "Moltke-class" battlecruiser can also directly penetrate our turret armor, this is not scientific at all!" Major General Benjamin looked shocked. Undoubtedly, such a result completely made him unbelievable.

"General, the artillery technology of the Germans seems to be much ahead of ours!" an officer exclaimed.

Major General Benjamin was taken aback for a moment, but then he had to nod in agreement. Judging from the current situation, this is the only explanation. However, such a result undoubtedly made them feel bitter. As the general of the Royal Navy, Rear Admiral Benjamin is undoubtedly proud. But now, the Germans have used their strength to tear their pride into pieces.

"Fight back, and move closer to the direction of the main fleet!" Rear Admiral Benjamin ordered.

In a critical situation, we can only move closer to the main force, and rely on the strength of the main force to survive the crisis.


The British Navy also scored a hit, a 381mm artillery shell, which hit the battlecruiser "Hindenburg". However, to the dismay of the British Navy, this hit only caused some insignificant minor injuries to the "Hindenburg".

There is no doubt that the advantage on the battlefield is still under the control of the German navy.

Two minutes later, the battleship HMS Barham of the British Navy was hit again. This time, it was the battlecruiser "Lützow" that hit him. A 380mm artillery shell penetrated the armor of the conning tower of the battleship 'Barham'. The conning tower armor, which is only 280mm thick, was easily torn apart in front of the 380mm shells, as if it was paper.

The shell exploded in the command tower, killing more than a dozen officers including the captain, which also plunged the battleship 'Barham' into chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the battlecruiser 'Goben' hit the battleship 'Barham' again, and two 343 mm shells hit the 'Barham', causing the battleship 'Barham' to be further injured. hurt.

As time went on, the warships of the German Navy scored hits again and again. Shells continued to hit three battleships of the British Navy, leaving wounds on these battleships.

On the other side, the battlecruiser detachment led by Lieutenant General David Beatty was also struggling to support under the siege of the 1st battlecruiser detachment of the German Navy.

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