Jagged Germany

Chapter 443

Chapter 443: Lost

Dozens of German planes once again flew over the head of the British fleet, which caused panic in the British fleet. Many warships, regardless of the formation, wanted to take the road and escape. Obviously, they were all frightened by the performance of the German Navy's warships before.

"Start the attack!" As the commanders of this batch of carrier-based aircraft fired the attack signal flare, dozens of carrier-based aircraft launched the attack with the task assigned safely.

The battleships 'Magnificent' and 'Reckless', which had been severely damaged, could not escape. These carrier-based aircraft also know what it means to beat a dog in the water.josei

The eight torpedo attack aircraft were divided into two groups, and launched attacks on the battleship 'Magnificent' and the battleship 'Reckless' respectively. These two battleships had been severely damaged before, and there was too much water, which seriously affected the speed of the battleships. When the speed slows down, it will undoubtedly be even more unable to resist the attacks of these torpedo attack aircraft.

The battleship 'Magnificent' suffered two torpedoes again. This made the torpedo, which was already severely damaged, involuntarily become more injured. The final result, also sank into the sea due to too much water.

The battleship 'Reckless' was even more unlucky. Among the four torpedoes fired by the four torpedo attack aircraft, three of them scored hits. Although it was only a light torpedo, it was also enough to kill the battleship 'Reckless'. This battleship sank into the sea even before the battleship 'Magnificent'.

The three "Bellelophon-class" battleships of the British Navy were all eliminated by the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. And, this is just the beginning. There are also forty torpedo attack aircraft, which are continuing to attack the warships of the British Navy.

After the "Belle Luofeng-class" battleships were all sunk, the "Saint Vincent-class" battleships also became the targets of these carrier-based aircraft. Although the "Saint Vincent-class" battleship is an improved version of the "Belle Luofeng-class" battleship, many optimizations and improvements have been made. However, the changes are not major. The standard displacement of the 'Saint Vincent-class' battleship has increased to 20,000 tons, which is more than a thousand tons more than that of the 'Bellerophon-class' battleship. However, in defense, the battleships of the "Saint Vincent class" are exactly the same as the battleships of the "Bellerophon class". In this case, it will naturally make the "Saint Vincent-class" battleship unable to withstand the attacks of these carrier-based aircraft.

"Damn it, the 'Bellerophon-class' battleships have all been sunk. The target of the German planes has shifted to the 'St. Vincent-class' battleships. The 'St. Vincent-class' battleships are probably ships that cannot withstand the Germans." Attacked by the aircraft." Lieutenant General David Beatty exclaimed.

Admiral John Jellicoe's complexion became darker and darker. The German Navy clearly wanted to get rid of their capital ships step by step by doing this. In the end, the remaining capital ships will be handed over to their main fleet to solve. After the strength of the British navy was weakened to the extreme, it was naturally impossible to cause any casualties to the German navy.

"Damn Germans, what a vicious tactic!" Admiral John Jellicoe couldn't help cursing.

Although Admiral John Jellicoe had guessed the tactics of the German Navy, he had no way to stop it. Just like the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft attacked their battleships from the air, they can only watch the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft show off their power, and there is nothing they can do.

The battleship 'Saint Vincent' has reached its highest speed. However, in front of the torpedo, this speed is still not enough. Under the threat of torpedoes, the battleship 'Saint Vincent' rushed left and right, like a mad bull.

However, under the threat of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft, no matter how the battleship "St. Vincent" resisted, it still could not escape the fate of being sunk.

Four torpedo attack aircraft approached the port side of the battleship 'Saint Vincent', and dropped torpedoes only 800 meters away from the battleship. 4 light torpedoes rushed towards the battleship 'Saint Vincent' quickly. Even though the 'St. Vincent' made an emergency evasion immediately, it was still useless.

Four torpedoes, two hits. A torpedo tore a wide **** at the waterline. The other one was even more ruthless, hitting the stern of the ship and directly blowing up the steering gear, making the battleship 'Saint Vincent' lose the ability to turn and become a living target.

Sure enough, in the subsequent attack, the four torpedoes launched by the four torpedo attack aircraft all hit the battleship 'Saint Vincent', directly destroying all the underwater armor on its port side. A large amount of seawater was crazily poured into the battleship 'Saint Vincent'. In just a few minutes, the battleship 'Saint Vincent' lost its balance due to too much water entering on one side and capsized on the sea.

The other two battleships of the "St. Vincent-class", the battleship "Collingwood" and the battleship "Avantgarde", were also besieged by carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. The weak defense made them unable to resist even light aviation torpedoes, which caused the two battleships to fail to survive.

Among them, the battleship 'Collingwood' hit a full seven torpedoes before sinking into the sea. The battleship "Avantgarde" suffered five torpedoes, but also sank due to too much water.

After sinking all the "St. Vincent-class" battleships, the German Navy's carrier-based air force also finished throwing all the torpedoes. Begin to evacuate. Of course, among the remaining battleships of the British Navy, the light torpedoes of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft can only threaten the battleship "Hercules" at best. The battleship "Hercules" belongs to the second ship of the "Giant" battleship. The first battleship "Giant" was severely damaged when the submarine of the German Navy attacked Scapa Flow. It is under repair and cannot participate in this battle. among.

The displacement of the 'Giant Class' is only a few hundred tons more than that of the 'St. Vincent Class'. Their defenses are also similar. If it is attacked by the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft force, it is still a dead end.

The carrier-based aircraft force of the German Navy divided into two batches of attacks, directly killing three "Bellelophon-class" battleships and three "St. Vincent-class" battleships of the British Navy. The entire British Navy's 5th Battleship Squadron was wiped out. In addition, the second battleship squadron was severely damaged and two ships were sunk, leaving only three battleship squadrons in the British Navy's capital ship force, with a total of 14 battleships. And what they have to face is the 24 battleships and 12 battlecruisers of the German Navy.

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