Jagged Germany

Chapter 448

Chapter 448: Close shooting (1300 votes plus update)

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded on the battleship 'Ramilis' of the British Navy, and the entire battleship seemed to shake. A 380mm artillery shell fired from the battleship 'Saxon' hit the tall superstructure of the battleship 'Ramilis'.

The 380mm armor-piercing projectile has strong armor-piercing ability, easily penetrates the outer armor and explodes inside. The huge power directly destroyed the top of the superstructure of the battleship 'Ramilis', and at the same time caused a raging fire. The scattered debris fell and injured many British naval soldiers.

What's more terrible is that the sighting equipment and ranging equipment installed on the top of the superstructure were all destroyed. This directly reduced the shooting accuracy of the battleship 'Ramilis' to an unbearable level.

Fighting at a distance of more than ten kilometers, if there is no sighting equipment and ranging equipment, and only rely on human eyes and experience to shoot, if you want to hit the target, unless it is God's miracle. Otherwise, it is simply impossible.

"Your Excellency, the 'Ramilis' is no longer able to aim at the target on the opposite side. Their shooting is a waste of shells. If possible, let the 'Ramilis' withdraw from the battle and wait for it to return to Hong Kong to repair it. After the sighting and ranging equipment, continue to fight." A staff officer suggested.

After all, the current battleship 'Ramilis' has completely become a soy sauce role. It is undoubtedly the best choice to let it withdraw from the battle. That way, we can keep him. Otherwise, in the fierce battle with the Germans, it might be hit soon. In that case, it would be very uneconomical.josei

However, General John Jellicoe did not adopt this suggestion. Of course he knew that the advice of the staff officer was for the good of the Royal Navy. However, he has his own plans.

"Let the 'Ramilis' continue to fight. Even if they are used to attract the artillery fire of a German capital ship, that would be good." Admiral John Jellicoe ordered.

"Yes, General." Although the staff officer was a little puzzled, he did not refute.

The reason why Admiral John Jellicoe issued such an order is that there is no other way. Originally, the Royal Navy was inferior to the German Navy in terms of the number of capital ships. If the latex tube "Ramilis" withdraws from the battle again, this will give them a greater advantage in numbers. At that time, another battleship of the German Navy will be able to cooperate with other battleships to flank other battleships of the Royal Navy. This is undoubtedly very detrimental to the Royal Navy.

However, what Admiral John Jellicoe didn't know was that his order soon determined the fate of the battleship 'Ramilis'.

"Very good, I didn't expect the battleship 'Saxon' to perform so well in this naval battle!" Admiral Reinhard Scheer was very satisfied with the performance of the battleship 'Saxon'.

"Your Excellency, Colonel Longhart requests that the distance between us and the battleship 'Ramillis' of the British Navy be shortened." A staff officer reported.

Admiral Reinhardt Scheer hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and approved Colonel Kornix Longhardt's request. He knew Colonel Gornix Longhardt's intentions, and he undoubtedly wanted to seize this opportunity to shorten the shooting distance to further increase the hit rate. Thus, in the shortest possible time, the battleship "Ramilis" of the British Navy was sunk.

Such tactics are undoubtedly very good. After all, when the sighting and ranging equipment of the battleship 'Ramilis' were destroyed, even if the battleship 'Saxon' zoomed in to shoot at a distance of 10,000 meters, the 'Ramilis' would still be very difficult. Hard to hit 'Saxon'. However, if the battleship "Saxon" takes the initiative to shorten the distance, it is very likely that it will be besieged by other battleships of the British Navy. After all, this is not fighting alone, but in the middle of the battle line. The battleship "Resolution" in front of the battleship "Ramilis" and the battleship "Monarchy" behind are not vegetarians, and they will definitely not miss this good opportunity.

However, even so, Admiral Reinhard Scheer agreed to this somewhat risky tactic. After all, in a naval battle, great risk means great reward. If the battleship 'Saxony' can severely damage or even sink the battleship 'Ramilis', this will further increase the German Navy's advantage in this battle. Even if the British Navy wanted to escape, it was impossible.

"Order the warship to turn!" Colonel Longhardt immediately gave the order to turn after receiving the flagship's reply telegram.

The battleship 'Saxon' began to leave the queue, approaching the battleship 'Ramilis'.

"God! What do the Germans want to do?" The British naval officers and soldiers on the battleship 'Ramilis' all shouted after seeing the abnormal behavior of the battleship 'Saxon'.

Other battleships of the British Navy also discovered this situation.

"Damn it, the Germans are obviously deceiving people too much. Do they want to sink the Ramiris immediately?" Lieutenant General David Betty was very angry.

"Arrogant Germans, their behavior is completely looking for death. Order the battleship 'Resolution' and the battleship 'Sovereign' to abandon the opposite target, and sink the German battleship that is looking for death first! Sink this battleship, this Maybe it can get us out of the immediate predicament." Admiral John Jellicoe also immediately issued an order.

It's just that it is obviously impossible for the two battleships to change their shooting targets and then achieve a hit in a short period of time. It will take time to conduct the test firing again, and then switch to concentrated fire shooting after the test firing is successful. It is true that the battleship 'Saxon' took the initiative to shorten the distance and improve their hit rate, but those steps are indispensable.

The battleship "Saxon" may have been able to use this time to send the battleship "Ramilis" of the British Navy into the seabed to feed the fish in one fell swoop.


At a distance of only 12,000 meters from the Ramiris, Colonel Kornix Longhardt gave the order to fire.

Three triple-mounted 380mm main guns continued to fire fiercely at the battleship 'Ramilis'.

At the same time, the battleship 'Saxon' is still further closing the distance with the 'Ramilis'. Their ultimate goal is to shorten the engagement distance to 10,000 meters.

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