Jagged Germany

Chapter 454

Chapter 454: Crisis (1400 votes plus more)

"Send a telegram to General Hipper, asking when the 2nd battle line can join the battle?" Admiral Reinhard Scheer ordered. Although, the British planned to flee. However, the German Navy also needs to maximize its results and sink as many British Navy warships as possible.

If at this time, the second battle line can join the siege of the British navy, then everything will be much easier. On the second battle line, there are 14 equally powerful battleships and battlecruisers. For the British Navy, it is also a deadly threat.

"Your Excellency, General Hipper called, and they will be able to join the battle within half an hour at most," the communications officer reported.

Admiral Reinhardt Scheer nodded, the 2nd Battle Line could join the battle in time, which undoubtedly allowed the German Navy to mobilize more forces to besiege the British Navy. Of course, it is not realistic to sink all these battleships of the British Navy. But it can also sink as many British warships as possible. In this case, the German Navy can also achieve a brilliant victory.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battleships of the German Navy are still firing crazily, shells one after another, smashing at the British battleships trying to escape. However, because both sides are sailing at high speed, the hit rate has dropped to an outrageous level.

After seeing this scene, Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant General David Beatty put their hearts back into their stomachs.

"Your Excellency, the Germans will find it difficult to hit us. Perhaps, we can hold on until night." Lieutenant General David Beatty said.

Of course, they have lost more than a dozen capital ships in this battle. However, being able to save another batch of capital ships is already a pretty good victory.

"Well, I hope God can bless the British Empire!" Admiral John Jellicoe said.

The current Admiral John Jellicoe has already started to have a headache, how should he report to Churchill next. There is no doubt that this time the Royal Navy once again stumbled and lost so many battleships. Moreover, the combat mission assigned by Churchill has not yet been completed. This undoubtedly made the Royal Navy lose a complete defeat in this battle. Not only that, but this also means that Britain is almost at the point where it will never be able to stand up in this war.

"Your Excellency, the German second battle line has caught up." At this moment, a staff officer reported.

"What? The second battle line?" Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant General David Beatty were shocked.

One battle line of the German Navy caused them to lose three battleships. And had to retreat in embarrassment. If there is another battle line, how can they hold it? Even if you want to persist until night, it may become a delusion.

"Bastard! The Germans are going to kill us!" Lieutenant General David Betty couldn't help cursing.

Admiral John Jellicoe's face was also very ugly. He knew that what he thought before was still too optimistic. The Germans will not let their warships escape so easily. Under the attack of the two battle lines of the Germans, Admiral John Jellicoe was not sure how many warships they could hold out until night and finally fled back to Scapa Flow.

The second battle line of the German Navy, commanded by Lieutenant General Hipper, Chief of Staff of the High Seas Fleet, the entire battle line, including 5 "King-class" battleships, five "Helgoland-class" battleships, three 'Mackenson-class' battlecruiser and 'Lützow' battlecruiser.josei

To some extent, the combat effectiveness of the second battle line is stronger than that of the first battle line. Because among the 14 capital ships that make up the second battle line, except for the five "Helgoland-class" battleships that are equipped with 343mm main guns, the rest of the battleships are equipped with 380mm main guns . This is the real deadly threat to those warships of the British Navy.

The flagship of the second battle line is the battleship 'King', and Lieutenant General Hipper was also transferred here from the battleship 'Mackenson'.

"Command the fleet, continue to accelerate, catch up with the British, and then open fire! No matter what, they can't escape this time." Lieutenant General Hipper said.

The first battle line sank three battleships of the British Navy, and at the same time the British fled in embarrassment. This made Lieutenant General Hipper very jealous, and he also wanted to make more achievements. Now that there are so many powerful warships in the second battle line, he is of course unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity easily.

The second battle line of the German Navy began to chase after it. In less than half an hour, it successfully caught up with the British Navy and began to launch an attack.

"Fire! Sink all the British warships!" Lieutenant General Hipper gave the order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

9 battleships and battlecruisers equipped with 380mm main guns, plus 5 battleships equipped with 343mm main guns, began to pour shells into the British Navy. This is a total of 81 380mm and 45 343mm main guns! Regardless of the number or caliber of the main guns, they completely overwhelmed the British Navy.

The addition of 14 battleships in the second battle line immediately made the situation of the British Navy even worse.

Although, in the case of high-speed navigation, the probability of hitting the target is very low. However, this does not mean that the target cannot be hit. It's just a waste of shells. This is nothing to the German Navy.

The two battle lines of the German Navy, a total of 28 capital ships besieged the remaining 11 capital ships of the British Navy, which immediately made this naval battle even more tragic. Of course, the word tragic is undoubtedly relative to the British Navy. For the German Navy, this is nothing at all. They only need to use powerful shells to destroy the British warships and win the final victory.

Aboard the battleship 'Revenge', the flagship of the British Navy, the brows of Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant Admiral David Beatty were already frowning. Facing the powerful attack power of the German navy, the entire British fleet was in danger, like a small boat passing through a storm, and it might capsize at any time.

"Damn the Germans! They obviously bully us because they have more capital ships than us!" Lieutenant General David Betty cursed unwillingly.

But even so, they are already in the crisis of life and death, which cannot be changed.

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