Jagged Germany

Chapter 463

Chapter 463: Fierce failure (seeking monthly ticket)

For the German Navy, now is the time for them to celebrate their victory. However, for the British, the result of this naval battle was undoubtedly very, very frustrating.

As the flagship of the Royal Navy, the battleship "Revenge" has been bombarded by the Germans' main artillery. The superstructure was riddled with holes, and there were scorched black marks everywhere. Even the armor below the waterline was torn apart. If the watertight compartment hadn't been closed in time, the battleship 'Revenge' might have been sunk. Even so, it can be clearly seen that the hull has tilted to a certain extent.

The other battleship 'Resolution' is not much bigger than the battleship 'Revenge'. The hull was also damaged during the fierce battle, and there were holes everywhere. Even two of the four twin 381mm main guns were destroyed. This time he was able to escape from the dead, it was pure luck.

On the bridge of the battleship 'Revenge', Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant Admiral David Beatty looked desperate. The naval battle that happened today was completely like a nightmare to them. However, whether they are willing to accept such a result or not, this naval battle is over. The winner has already been decided. The British Royal Navy lost a complete defeat in this naval battle.

"It's over, the Royal Navy is over. The British Empire is also completely over." Admiral John Jellicoe looked frustrated and remorseful. As the commander of the Grand Fleet, he naturally had an inescapable responsibility for the defeat of the Royal Navy. He is not afraid of taking responsibility, even if he is sent to a military court, he has no complaints.

It's just that watching the hegemony of the Royal Navy fall from their hands, it made him feel very guilty. He knew very well what the strength of the British Empire came from. After losing sea power, can the overseas colonies of the British Empire be kept? Without overseas colonies, it is naturally impossible for Britain to continue to be strong. It is almost certain to be reduced to a second-rate country.

"Your Excellency, Commander, don't blame yourself too much. We have tried our best in this battle. The reason why we were still defeated by the Germans is not because of us. It is because the Germans are too powerful and it is our fault." There was a fundamental mistake in thinking about warships. This caused our warships to be suppressed by the German Navy from the very beginning. From the beginning of the war to the present, we have been losing. We lost a large number of warships, and finally lost in the war A crushing defeat." Lieutenant General David Beatty said.

Admiral John Jellicoe nodded. Indeed, the officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy have done their best in this naval battle. However, they still lost in the end, and they lost so badly that the British Empire might not have any chance of winning in this war. This made him always have a deep sense of guilt.

"We can no longer compete with the Germans for sea power. It is even foreseeable that after the Germans have won the land battlefield on the Western Front, they will launch an attack on our homeland. Unfortunately, we simply There is no power to stop the Germans. The flames of war will inevitably burn our country, and I don't know how many people will die in the war." Admiral John Jellicoe sighed.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is no way. We are soldiers, and our bounden duty is to obey orders. We have done our best in this war. Then, the next thing is not what we are considering. I think Well, those politicians in the country know what to do. If you don’t want the flames of war to burn to our homeland, you have to accept the harsh armistice conditions of the Germans. It is impossible for the empire to accept the conditions of the Germans, so in the end it is estimated that there are still only one Of course, if the British and French allied forces can resist the German attack on the Western Front, perhaps everything will turn around." Lieutenant General David Beatty said.

The Anglo-French coalition resisted the German attack? Is that possible? Admiral John Jellicoe couldn't help shaking his head. Although, he is the general of the navy. However, he also knows the situation of the army. Compared with the German Army, the combat effectiveness of the British and French Allied Forces is far behind. Especially after Germany has won victory on the Eastern Front, the German Army will go west with all its strength. Under such circumstances, can the British and French allied forces withstand it? Admiral John Jellicoe, at least, is not very optimistic about this.

However, as Lieutenant General David Beatty said, these things are not their concern at all. Now they are nothing but defeated generals. Those domestic politicians will naturally consider how to solve the current mess.

"Your Excellency, Commander, Your Excellency Chief of Staff. The telegram has been drafted, can it be sent?" A staff officer asked.

"Calculating the time, we have been free from the Germans for nearly two hours. Even if we send a telegram, they will not be able to detect it." Lieutenant General David Beatty said.josei

Before, they did not dare to send a telegram to the country immediately after getting rid of the German navy, because they were afraid that the German navy would catch up. In that case, they are dead. Now that the crisis is almost over, it is natural to send telegrams.

"Let's send it. His Excellency Churchill must have been waiting very anxiously. It's a pity that this time we did not bring victory to the British Empire, but a disastrous defeat. However, this should also be known in the country. So that they can do it earlier Get ready," said Admiral John Jellicoe.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." The staff officer immediately went to send a telegram.

UK London, Admiralty.

Although, it's almost ten o'clock in the evening. However, Churchill did not leave his office, but continued to stay here. Not for anything else, just to wait for the final result of the decisive battle between the Royal Navy of the British Empire and the German Navy.

Although Churchill knew very well that with the strength of the Royal Navy's large fleet, it would be very difficult to win. However, he now only wants the Grand Fleet to fight the Germans and lose both sides. In this case, his follow-up opportunities can be implemented. At that time, it is still unknown who will win the deer.

"Why is there no news so far? There should be no surprises! May God bless the British Empire and hope our plan can succeed. It would be the best if we can defeat the Germans. No matter how bad it is, we must fight with them It will hurt both sides!" Churchill prayed secretly.

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