Jagged Germany

Chapter 466

Chapter 466: Not reconciled (1600 votes plus update)

The ministers of the British cabinet, after receiving a call from the Prime Minister's Office, got out of the warm quilt one by one, got into the car, and rushed to the Prime Minister's Office. Everyone knows that Prime Minister Asquith would not have summoned them in the middle of the night if there had not been an emergency. What's more, the Royal Navy seems to be in a decisive battle with the Germans. Therefore, the purpose of Prime Minister Asquith summoning them was naturally obvious.

"I hope the Royal Navy can win this naval battle! If it is defeated, then the British Empire will be in trouble, or big * trouble!" Sir Edward Gray sat in his car, worried.

There are many people who have the same idea as Sir Edward Gray. As British cabinet ministers, they are undoubtedly aware of the severe situation facing the British Empire. If they can win the naval battle, then the British Empire has the possibility of winning the war. Even though they lost a lot of national power in this war, they were still able to linger on. If the Royal Navy loses, it's all over.

In less than half an hour, the British cabinet ministers arrived at the prime minister's office.

"Everyone, it is really a last resort to call you here at such a late hour. His Excellency Churchill will first inform you of the results of the naval battle!" Prime Minister Asquith's look of distress naturally made the cabinet ministers suddenly There is a bad feeling.

Churchill stood up and saw that everyone's eyes fell on him, and he immediately felt great pressure.

"Everyone, I have a very bad news to tell you." Churchill said.

This made all the cabinet members frown tightly together. Obviously, the Royal Navy has lost this time, and everyone has guessed the result.

"In the naval battle that just ended, the Royal Navy failed to defeat the Germans and win the naval battle. Instead, it suffered heavy losses in the naval battle and lost the naval battle. In the naval battle, 22 battleships and 5 battlecruisers were sunk by the Royal Navy , another three battleships and one battlecruiser were severely damaged. The losses of the cruisers and destroyers were also very large. After paying a heavy price, we only sank one battleship of the Germans and severely damaged them Just a few battleships and battlecruisers." Churchill bit the bullet and informed everyone about the situation.

As soon as Churchill finished speaking, the conference room heard the sound of people breathing one after another. Obviously, everyone expected that the Royal Navy would lose so badly, but they didn't expect to lose so badly.

"Your Excellency Churchill, the loss of so many capital ships has only caused very small losses to the Germans. How can we continue to fight this battle?" Minister of War Richard Haldane looked angry.

You know, there are now more than one million expeditionary troops fighting in France. The Royal Navy has suffered such a big defeat, which will undoubtedly hand over the dominance of the sea to the hands of the Germans. At that time, it may not be so easy for them to ensure the safety of the sea transportation line from Britain to France. In addition, once the British and French allied forces cannot withstand the German attack on the Western Front, the sea channel will be cut off, which will directly prevent the British expeditionary force from returning to the British mainland.

"Mr. Haldane, the Royal Navy has done its best in this battle. We were defeated by the Germans not because the officers and soldiers of the Royal Navy were greedy for life and fear of death. In order to defeat the Germans, we have tried our best. However, the Germans So powerful that we ended up failing badly," Churchill explained.

Richard Haldane opened his mouth, wanting to say something more. However, nothing was said in the end. After all, he also knew that the failure this time could not be entirely blamed on the Royal Navy. Who made the Royal Navy's previous development ideas go wrong? This makes the capital ships of the Royal Navy completely unable to compare with the German Navy in single-ship performance. In this naval battle, he was beaten by the German Navy and suffered heavy losses.

Now that the Royal Navy has failed, it is meaningless to pursue responsibility.

"Your Excellency, the Royal Navy failed in this naval battle. So, according to the plan drawn up by Your Excellency Churchill, do we still have a chance to come back?" asked Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Churchill shook his head: "Our capital ship is completely lost. And the losses we caused to the Germans are very small. Although we still have dozens of pre-dreadnoughts. However, the combat effectiveness of those pre-dreadnoughts, Very poor. In front of the new German battleships, they are simply vulnerable. If they are allowed to deal with the Germans according to the previous plan, they will be sent to their deaths."

Suddenly, all the cabinet ministers fell silent. They all knew that the Royal Navy suffered a terrible defeat this time, and at the same time, they failed to complete the established combat objectives, which would prevent them from defeating the German Navy and regaining sea dominance as planned. Even after the disastrous defeat of the Royal Navy, the security of the mainland was seriously threatened. If the German Army wins on the Western Front and defeats France, if Britain does not accept the harsh conditions of the Germans, the German Army will definitely land in the British Isles. At that time, the entire British Isles will be caught in the flames of war.

Such a terrible result made the cabinet ministers of the British Empire pale.josei

"Your Excellency, since the navy has failed. Then, our chances of winning this war are almost zero. In order to prevent the mainland from falling into the flames of war, we may negotiate with the Germans to end the war." Edward, the foreign secretary ? Sir Gray suggested.

"However, the conditions put forward by the Germans are too harsh. If their conditions are agreed, the British Empire will cease to exist."

"No matter how much profit is lost, it is much better than the mainland being turned into a piece of scorched earth in the German attack."

With the defeat of the Royal Navy, more and more cabinet ministers began to think about whether they should hold peace talks with the Germans. Of course, the peace talks will lose a lot of benefits, but if the mainland is caught in a war, it is also not what they want to see.

"Although the conditions of the Germans are very harsh, we can bargain with them."

Seeing that the cabinet ministers were more and more inclined to hold peace talks with the Germans, Churchill was very unwilling. He didn't want the British Empire to be brought down by the Germans like this.

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