Jagged Germany

Chapter 477

Chapter 477: Colonies for warships (seeking monthly pass)

One billion and seventy million US dollars, in 1915, this is definitely an astronomical figure. Even, this is more than the military expenditure of the United States for a year. If the U.S. Navy obtains this funding, it will be able to build at least forty new capital ships, making the U.S. Navy a powerful force that can rival the German Navy in an instant. If you add the U.S. government's investment in the navy, it is no problem to surpass the German navy.

Minister Daniels is very satisfied when he thinks that with such a huge sum of money in hand, the U.S. Navy will usher in explosive growth. As the Minister of the Navy, he certainly hopes that the US Navy will be as strong as possible, and it is best to surpass Germany and become the new maritime hegemony. Although, he knew it was very difficult, very not easy. But he believes that as long as there is enough financial support, everything will be very easy to achieve.

"By the way, Your Excellency. The Republic of America hopes to obtain your country's 381mm main gun technology and a full set of steam turbine technology." Minister Daniels continued. These two most critical technologies are also what the U.S. Navy is determined to win.

Churchill was taken aback, and said casually: "Of course there is no problem. However, the British Empire spent a lot of manpower and material resources to develop these two technologies. If the American Republic needs it, we can offer it to you at a preferential price. transfer."

Although these two technologies are advanced British technologies, they are absolutely not allowed to flow abroad unless it is absolutely necessary. However, the current situation is critical, and I can't care so much anymore.

In addition, Churchill also hoped to use these two technologies to make a big hit from the Americans. That way, you might be able to save some money. After all, more than one billion U.S. dollars is simply a huge sum of money that the United Kingdom cannot afford.

However, Churchill soon knew that he underestimated the shamelessness of these Americans. Americans simply want to take these two British technologies for nothing, without paying a penny.

"Cough! Your Excellency, you misunderstood. The American Republic hopes that the British Empire can transfer these two technologies to the American Republic for free, as a little compensation for the American Republic's huge risk!" Minister Daniels said.

Churchill blushed suddenly, he never thought that these Americans would be so shameless. He even wanted to get up and give the other party a slap immediately. It was clear that the Americans were taking advantage of them and robbing them. However, he had no choice but to suppress his anger, and he couldn't make a big deal out of small things.

"Minister, the American Republic took the risk of offending the Germans to support the British Empire. The British Empire will not be so stingy that they are unwilling to transfer two technologies?" Bryan asked.

Churchill twitched the corners of his mouth in distress. Those are the two most critical skills! However, since the Americans have said so, can he still refuse?

"Well, for the friendship of the British Empire and the American Republic, we promise to transfer these two technologies to your country." Churchill pretended to be nonchalant even though his heart was bleeding.

"Very good, Your Excellency. I believe that the friendship between our two countries can continue." Brian laughed.

"However, Your Excellency Secretary of State, the British Empire simply doesn't have that much money to pay for this purchase of ships, so we hope to be able to borrow from the United States and use loans to pay for it!" Churchill said.

"What? Loan?" Brian and Daniels suddenly turned ugly. They don't want to continue to provide loans to the British. Although they have provided a lot of loans to the British before, judging from the current battle situation, the possibility of the British winning is very small. If they continue to provide loans to them, it will be like a meat bun beating a dog. Go without return? Americans would not do such a cheap business.

"Your Excellency, let's forget about the loan. The funds of the American Republic are not abundant." Brian smiled.

"Your Excellency, your country can use other equivalent items to pay, such as gold or other precious metals, etc." Minister Daniels said.

Churchill hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Since the United States cannot provide us with loans, then we have only one way. The British Empire hopes to repay the purchase of ships by transferring colonies to your country."

"Transfer the colony?" Brian and Daniel were stunned for a moment.josei

The United States has always coveted the vast colonies of the British Empire. If possible, they would like to personally defeat the British Empire and **** all the colonies of the British Empire. However, after comparing the military strength of the two sides, the Americans had no choice but to give up this unrealistic fantasy, and could only watch with envy that the Germans were about to defeat the British and take away those colonies.

Now, the British are actually willing to transfer the colony to them in order to repay the construction money, which is an acceptable solution for the United States. After all, the United States does not lack funds and the like, and they value colonies more.

"Your Excellency, if it is a colony, then your country intends to transfer those colonies to us. After all, one billion and seventy million dollars is a huge sum of money. If it is a colony with poor conditions, the United States does not need it." Brian said.

Britain's colonies are mostly good places, but there are also a few that are not so good.

"Your Excellency, Secretary of State, if your country agrees, we can transfer the two colonies of the Bahamas and Jamaica to you to offset the purchase of the ship." Churchill said.

Bryan shook his head immediately: "Your Excellency, the two colonies of Bahamas and Jamaica are not big, and they are not worth so much money."

Churchill thought for a while, and then said: "We can add Grenada. The price of these three colonies is enough to offset the purchase of the ship."

These three colonies are all islands in the Caribbean Sea, and their geographical location is very important. Especially for the United States, if they have these colonies, they can further expand their power to South America. If Germany defeated Britain and occupied these colonies, it would directly threaten the continental United States.

However, if these three colonies are sold for one billion seventy million US dollars, this is also a sky-high price. After all, when the British seized these colonies, they did not spend much effort at all.

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