Jagged Germany

Chapter 501

Chapter 501: frustrated

"Da da da! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The continuous roar of the machine gun, mixed with the crisp sound of the rifle like fried beans, the entire south bank of the Marne River has been completely enveloped by the sound of guns. A total of two million German and British-French allied forces fought the fiercest battle on a front hundreds of kilometers long.

"Attack! Attack!"

"For France, go! Kill those Germans."

"For the glory of the British Empire, go!"

"Fire and kill them all!"

Whether it is the British and French allied forces or the German army, they are all shouting frantically. The bullets enveloped the enemy like a torrential rain. The German army hiding in the fortifications is okay, and there is still a place to hide. Although their fortifications were hastily constructed overnight, they were extremely effective after the British and French artillery was completely suppressed.josei

On the other hand, the Anglo-French coalition forces on the attacking side completely exposed their bodies. The fragility of the human body is fully displayed at this moment. Only one bullet is needed to take away a fresh life.

"Da da da!"

A squadron of machine guns is firing, and several magazines have been used up, but in front of the position, no less than 20 soldiers from the British and French coalition forces have fallen. But even so, the offensive of the British and French coalition forces continued.

During this battle, the soldiers of the British and French allied forces showed a strong will to fight.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the propaganda of those officers. The officers declared to these ordinary soldiers that both the British Empire and the French Republic have reached the most critical moment. If the German army fails, then the British Empire and the French Republic will perish.

For these soldiers, they don't want to see their country perish. All they can do is to do their best in the war and fight the German army to the death.

It was under such circumstances that the Battle of the Marne River was fought so fiercely. Soldiers on both sides of the war fought desperately. Their bodies were piled up in layers on the south bank of the Marne River.

"Your Highness, the Anglo-French coalition forces are attacking fiercely. Although we have repelled their attacks many times and caused them great casualties, they still haven't collapsed." Major General Manstein reported to Qin Tian .

"Well, the next battle will be more and more tragic. Whether it is the British or the French, they don't want to lose. Therefore, if we want to defeat them, we have to work harder." Qin Tian nodded.

"Let the artillery and air force continue to provide fire support to the front line. Our troops are not as strong as the British and French allied forces, so we can only find a way in terms of firepower." Qin Tian ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Without sufficient mobilization, the German army has never been able to compare with the British and French allied forces in terms of strength. However, thanks to the already strong combat effectiveness of the German army, coupled with advanced weapons and equipment, it became possible to win more with less. This is why Qin Tian is full of confidence in this battle.

"I hope that the British and French allied forces will attack more violently. In this way, we can use powerful firepower to kill and injure their vital forces. In that case, the next battle will undoubtedly be much easier to fight." Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart.

Qin Tian is undoubtedly able to wipe out the main force of the British and French allied forces in this Marne River battle. Although the total strength of the Anglo-French Allied Forces is more than 3 million, the real main force is not many. If their main force can be eliminated in this battle, then the German army will truly establish the victory on the Western Front.

Although, as the war situation continues, the casualties of the German army are also rising. However, compared with the losses of the British and French allied forces, the losses of the German army are undoubtedly much smaller. If this continues, the first to be unable to hold on will definitely be the Anglo-French coalition forces.

The fierce battle between the two sides lasted until sunset. The frontline troops of the German army were almost exhausted. However, they achieved great results. Although the British and French allied forces invested the main force in this offensive. But the German defense line is still very stable. At the same time, the British and French allied forces suffered heavy losses in front of the German defense line.

While the German army was celebrating that it had resisted the attack of the British and French allied forces and caused them heavy losses, the British and French allied forces were wailing.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the 8th Army lost more than 50,000 people in today's battle, accounting for a quarter of the entire army. If this continues, the army will collapse soon." French Army Admiral Auguste Dubay, commander of the 8th Army, said with a mournful face.

General Foch, commander of the French Ninth Army, also looked livid. Although he didn't cry like Admiral Auguste Dubay, he was undoubtedly very distressed about the heavy loss of his troops.

The 8th Army and 9th Army of the French Army are new troops formed later, not only not well equipped, but also insufficiently trained. In this attack, it served as the main force to counterattack the German army. Under the powerful firepower of the German army, they suffered extremely heavy losses. The losses of these two group armies alone amounted to almost 100,000 people today.

The other French 2nd Army, 4th Army, 6th Army and the 2nd Army of the British Expeditionary Force also suffered considerable losses in today's battle. If several armies add up, they also lost 60,000 to 70,000 people.

If you add yesterday's losses, the British and French allied forces lost more than 200,000 troops in this battle, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the troops they deployed on the Marne River defense line.

The fighting will of the western army is often not as firm as that of the eastern army. If the loss exceeds 10%, the army can be regarded as a serious injury. If it exceeds 20%, many troops will collapse.

If it hadn't been handled properly, there might have been trouble already.

But even so, Marshal Xiafei had to admit that it was almost impossible to launch a counterattack and drive the German army back to the north of the Marne River. Next, I am afraid that there is no choice but to continue to fight trench warfare with the German army, block the German army layer by layer, and use the trenches to consume the vital strength of the German army. As for launching a counterattack again, it is definitely impossible in a short time. Otherwise, once the losses soar again, the entire coalition may collapse. At that time, there will be no need to fight at all.

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