Jagged Germany

Chapter 511

Chapter 511: Dasheng (seeking monthly ticket)


The engine roar of more than 400 tanks gathered together, as if it was thunder. Countless British soldiers watched in horror as the dark tanks rushed towards them. Some timid people even **** their pants in fright.

"Oh my god! The Germans have so many tanks, how can we resist their attack?" A British soldier shouted in horror. If it wasn't for an officer right behind him, he would probably give up immediately. just run. Although this seems to be a cowardly act, at this time, saving one's own life is undoubtedly the most important thing!

"Anti-tank guns? Quickly set up the anti-tank guns." A British officer shouted loudly.

Because the British army was preparing to launch an attack just now, they did not build a defensive position at all, let alone erected defensive weapons such as anti-tank guns. Now, facing the attack of the German tanks, they suddenly panicked.

Some British soldiers went to move anti-tank guns, but more British soldiers kept retreating.

Obviously, it is too late to deploy anti-tank artillery positions at this time. Especially with so many tanks dispatched by the German army, how many anti-tank guns are needed to fight against them! I am afraid that their anti-tank guns were overwhelmed by the torrent of German tanks before they could fire a few shots. There is no way to fight this battle.


An anti-tank gun on the British position opened fire, but unfortunately, due to tension, the fired shell failed to hit the German tank.

"Quick, reload."

"Boom!" A German tank opened fire, and a shell exploded next to the anti-tank gun. Although it failed to destroy the anti-tank gun, it killed all the gunners operating the anti-tank gun.

The tragic death of those gunners made the scalps of other British soldiers numb. They didn't care about fighting back any more, and ran away directly.

The 22nd Infantry Division, 23rd Infantry Division and 24th Infantry Division of the British Army can be described as collapsing at the touch of a button. They were about to launch an attack, but under the attack of the German tank troops, they suffered heavy losses and were directly defeated.

A large number of defeated soldiers fled to the rear. The German armored forces, with the cooperation of the two infantry divisions, advanced all the way east.

"General, the German tanks are so powerful that we can't resist them at all. Please retreat immediately!" A major general suggested to Admiral Benson.

"Bastard, retreat? How can we retreat? We are here to reinforce General Haig. If we retreat, what will General Haig do? At that time, the 1st Army will be eaten by the Germans." Admiral Benson said angrily growled.

"General, we don't care so much now, otherwise, even we ourselves will be eaten by the Germans. How can we rescue General Haig and the others then!" the major general said.josei

Admiral Benson was taken aback for a moment. This sentence undoubtedly made sense. If even they were wiped out by the Germans, then General Haig's 1st Army would naturally be doomed.

"Order the follow-up troops to prepare to resist the German attack. Set up all anti-tank guns and destroy the German tanks!" Admiral Benson ordered.

"In addition, the infantry divisions that ordered the French will also come up immediately. Don't dawdle. If we are eaten by the Germans, they will also have a dead end!" Admiral Benson gritted his teeth Said.

"Yes, General."

Admiral Benson's order was issued, and the British and French allied forces attempted to build a line of defense to resist the German attack. To this end, they even assembled a large number of anti-tank guns.

However, it is a pity that this hastily built line of defense was patronized by the German air force before it was attacked by the German armored forces. Hundreds of fighter jets, covering hundreds of bombers, launched an intensive bombing of the line of defense of the British and French allied forces. A large number of anti-tank guns were destroyed by German air strikes, and a large number of gunners were also killed.

As soon as the German air strikes ended, the armored forces launched an offensive. The anti-tank artillery units of the British and French allied forces suffered heavy losses, although they destroyed some German tanks. However, the number is not large, let alone stop the German attack.

This line of defense was easily torn apart by the German armored forces. This battle directly caused the fighting will of the British and French allied forces to collapse.

A large number of soldiers of the British and French allied forces fled in embarrassment.

General Benson saw that the general situation was over, so he had to issue an order to retreat, trying to break away from contact with the German army first, reorganize his armaments, and then launch a counterattack.

However, those retreating troops quickly brought Admiral Benson a bad news that couldn't be worse.

"General, we have fallen into the encirclement of the Germans. Our east and north are full of German troops. Now, they are advancing towards us, and we cannot escape." The general reported.

"What? Why are there so many Germans? Isn't their main force attacking Rouen? How did they appear here?" Admiral Benson's face suddenly changed drastically.

Obviously, he guessed that all this was a trap set by the German army. The German army launched an attack on Rouen just to lure them to the door. Now, they were really fooled and fell into the trap of the Germans. What waited for them was undoubtedly surrounded by the Germans.

"Organize troops to break through immediately. If you want to survive, you must break through. Otherwise, as the German oppression is getting closer, we will eventually be eaten by them!" Admiral Benson ordered.

However, it is too late for Admiral Benson to issue such an order now. In order to get rid of them, the German army dispatched a full twenty infantry divisions and two armored divisions, and also received strong support from the air force. Under such circumstances, if the British and French allied forces are still allowed to escape, then General Crook and Lieutenant General Ludendorff should commit suicide directly.

With the steady advance of the German army, several breakouts by the British and French allied forces ended in failure.

It was also under such circumstances that the British and French allied forces discovered that there was no German defense in the south.

So, a large number of soldiers of the British and French coalition forces withdrew to the south, trying to escape across the Seine River. However, the bridge over the Seine River had already been blown up by the German air force. Many ships along the coast were also bombed. If the British and French allied forces wanted to escape from the encirclement, they had to swim across the Seine River by themselves.

Countless soldiers of the British and French allied forces jumped into the Seine one after another. However, except for a very small number of people with good water skills, the rest of the people were drowned alive in it.

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