Jagged Germany

Chapter 513

Chapter 513: Bad news (ask for a monthly ticket)

Cray, British Expeditionary Force Command. At the current headquarters, the atmosphere has become very tense. The 1st Army of the British Expeditionary Force was stormed by the Germans in Rouen and suffered heavy losses. The 3rd Army of the Expeditionary Army and the 1st Group Army of the French Army took a step forward and fell into the siege of the German army again, which was at stake. It can be said that the current situation is already quite unfavorable for the British Expeditionary Force. If you are not careful, the entire expeditionary force will be severely damaged.

"What to do? What to do now? The 1st Army can't hold out in Rouen. The 3rd Army and part of the French Army have fallen into the trap of the Germans again. If they are eliminated, then this battle How can we continue the fight?" Sir French, the commander of the British Expeditionary Force, was so anxious that he almost tore off his hair.

However, this is of no use to alleviate the current crisis.

"Your Excellency, we need to immediately mobilize troops to reinforce General Benson, otherwise, they will be wiped out by the Germans. Once they are wiped out, it will be difficult for us to reverse the situation." German, the commander of the 1st French Army Admiral Sperry suggested. After all, his 1st Army sent half of its troops to operate with the 3rd Army of the British Expeditionary Force, and they have now fallen into the encirclement of the Germans.

"Reinforce General Benson? Where do we have extra troops to reinforce them? Your 1st Army has 100,000 people left. Unless you draw troops from Paris. Moreover, if you draw troops from Paris, I'm afraid it will be too late." Too late," said Sir French.

Although, the British and French allied forces still have two armies in Paris. However, it will take time to mobilize troops from Paris to reinforce Admiral Benson. Whether Admiral Benson can persist until the arrival of reinforcements is undoubtedly difficult to say. What's more, the British and French allied forces are also fighting very badly on the eastern front. If the two armies stationed in Paris are transferred away, what will happen to the city defense of Paris?

"Your Excellency, then we can't do nothing and just watch 300,000 troops being surrounded and annihilated by the Germans?" Admiral Despere asked. Obviously, this time they are about to suffer a disastrous defeat. This is undoubtedly difficult for the British and French allied forces.

"General, I will send a telegram to Admiral Benson, asking him to lead his troops to insist. In addition, I will send a telegram to your government, asking them to agree to dispatch the 4th Army of the Expeditionary Force and the 10th Army of the French Army to reinforce our troops. ' said Sir French.

As Admiral Despere said, it was impossible for them to watch Admiral Benson and 300,000 British and French soldiers being eaten by the Germans like this. Even if they knew it well, it would be difficult to arrive in time even if they were to deploy troops now. However, they also have to try their best to fight for it. Once the 300,000 troops led by Admiral Benson are wiped out by the German army, it will be a heavy blow to the British and French allied forces. It can even be concluded from this that the British and French allied forces have no chance of winning in this battle.

"Yes, Sir." Admiral Despere nodded.

However, before Sir French could send the telegram to Paris, another telegram from Admiral Benson came. He reported to Sir French that they were attacked fiercely by the German army, especially the German armored forces, who assembled hundreds of tanks to storm their defense line. Now, their line of defense has been breached, and the entire line of defense has collapsed.

This news made Sir French and Admiral Despere look ashamed. They all knew that in this case, sending troops to rescue Admiral Benson and the others was already a joke and had no meaning.josei

Even, if reinforcements are sent to reinforce, it is very likely that the Germans will seize the opportunity and wipe them out in one fell swoop. In that case, they will pay a higher price.

The fate of the 300,000 troops is almost certain. Except for a small number of people who were killed and a very small number of people who escaped back, the rest of the people would probably be captured by the Germans.

For those soldiers who surrendered, Sir French and Admiral Despere will definitely not have any surprises. After all, in this battle, the fighting will of the British and French allied forces was not very strong. It is very normal to surrender to the Germans under desperate circumstances. Sir French and Admiral Despere will not blame them, after all, those soldiers have tried their best.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?" Admiral Despere panicked.

After all, he was the general of the French army. If this battle is lost, then France will lose. This will undoubtedly be a devastating blow to France.

"What else can we do? Find a way to defend Paris. The Germans will probably launch an attack on Paris soon. The only thing we can do now is to shrink our troops and prepare to fight the Germans in Paris." Sir French sighed Take a breath.

Based on his experience, of course it can be seen that the current Anglo-French coalition forces have reached the end of their strength. If you want to win this battle, you can only hope for a miracle. Of course, it is almost impossible for a miracle to occur.

Admiral Despere nodded, sticking to Paris, this is the only way. Of course, he didn't think they could hold Paris. When the British and French allied forces suffered heavy losses, what did they use to fight the strong Germans?

"Your Excellency, where is General Haig?" Admiral Despere asked. After all, Admiral Haig's First Expeditionary Army still had hundreds of thousands of people. Moreover, they can be regarded as the most powerful army of the expeditionary force.

Sir French shook his head: "Admiral Haig's situation is probably very bad. They have been suppressed by the Germans. Once the Germans eliminate General Benson, they will definitely attack Rouen." Attacking. General Haig and the others may not be able to resist at all."

Admiral Despere fell silent immediately.

Sure enough, an hour later, the British Expeditionary Force Command received a telegram from Admiral Haig requesting a retreat. Although Admiral Despere was somewhat dissatisfied with Admiral Haig leading the 1st Army of the Expeditionary Force to retreat westward, Sir French still approved Admiral Haig's plan. After all, Admiral French was the commander of the British Expeditionary Force, and he had to look out for the interests of the United Kingdom.

If Admiral Haig leads his troops to retreat westward, at least he can withdraw to the British mainland when the situation is unfavorable. These troops with actual combat experience will become the main force to protect the British mainland.

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