Jagged Germany

Chapter 523

Chapter 523: Ignore it (2800 votes plus updates)

Qin Tian has always attached great importance to the lives of soldiers. On the one hand, Germany has a small number of soldiers, and the soldiers are all young and strong. If one dies, there will be one less one. It is naturally the best to be able to die less in the war. On the other hand, the reason why Qin Tian is deeply loved by everyone in the army has a lot to do with this aspect.

This is also reflected in the command operations of the German 8th Army. The officers will not let the soldiers work hard for problems that can be solved with shells. Although this has increased the logistical pressure on the troops a lot, it has effectively reduced the casualties of the troops. This kind of command ideology is now widely supported by the generals of the German army.

After all, in war, life is inherently fragile. It is undoubtedly a blessing for the majority of soldiers that the superiors can value the lives of soldiers.

So, Qin Tian turned a blind eye to the demands of those artists. Of course, works of art and cultural relics and antiques are very important. But in Qin Tian's eyes, the lives of his soldiers are the most important.

"Everyone, we don't care about those guys' requests. We should fight as we should! Artillery and air force will still participate in this battle against Paris. If necessary, armored forces can also participate in the attack. I only have One requirement, that is, one week at the best, two weeks at the latest, Paris must be taken." Qin Tian said solemnly.

"Yes, Your Highness." Everyone replied.

Qin Tian ignored the demands of the so-called artists and still approved the use of heavy weapons in Paris. This made the generals heave a sigh of relief and was also very moved. Although, if Paris is really turned into ruins, Qin Tian, ​​as the commander, will inevitably bear a lot of pressure. However, Qin Tian was not afraid of this, and everything was considered for the sake of the soldiers. In the eyes of these generals, this is undoubtedly commendable. After all, after this battle, Qin Tian might be disliked by those guys in the field of art.

On April 17, the German attack on Paris officially began.

The four legions of the German army, with a total of 53 infantry divisions, assembled more than 900 150mm heavy howitzers, 1,900 105mm light howitzers and 2,800 75mm field guns, and launched an attack on Paris.

According to the tactics of the German army, it is undoubtedly necessary to carry out long-term firepower preparations before the infantry attack is officially launched. In this way, it is possible to clear the obstacles for the follow-up infantry to attack and effectively reduce the casualties of the troops.

So, this attack on Paris is also the same. The four legions of the German army almost surrounded Paris. In terms of the range of cannons, the whole of Paris is covered within the range of these cannons. If the German army is willing, it will be no problem at all to blow Paris into ruins with artillery shells. Of course, in that case, the required shells would be an astronomical figure.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cannons of each door began to roar, and the shells roared and smashed into the city of Paris. Cannonballs fell from the sky like raindrops, and violent explosions erupted one after another in the urban area of ​​Paris.

Of course, when the bombardment just started, the main target of the German bombardment was the French positions on the outskirts of Paris. Only a small number of shells fell into the urban area of ​​Paris. But even so, this behavior of the German army has made the whole world dumbfounded.


A 150mm artillery shell hit the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The violent explosion collapsed the Arc de Triomphe.

A 105mm artillery shell hit the Eiffel Tower. Although it didn't blow up the tower, it blew a big hole.

As the German bombardment becomes more and more violent, it is foreseeable that all the cultural relics and historic sites in Paris may be destroyed by the German bombardment. A world-renowned cultural city will be destroyed under the claws of the German army.josei

The firepower preparation of the German army not only included shelling, but the four German air forces also participated in the bombing of Paris. Four air teams, with thousands of combat aircraft, half of fighters and half of bombers. These combat aircraft, divided into several batches, bombed Paris.

"Drop the bomb!" Following the commander's order, dozens of bombers dropped bombs.

One bomb after another, like dumplings, fell into the urban area of ​​Paris. The dense explosions destroyed the entire street. Unfortunately, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Hugo's novel is here. After the bombing ended, the entire street was in ruins. Notre Dame de Paris was also bombed.

Paris Garrison Command, located in the underground warehouse of a department store in the center of Paris. After the Garrison Command requisitioned this place, it was remodeled and turned into a headquarters. Admiral Gallieni, the commander of the French 10th Army and Paris Garrison, worked here. Allenby, commander of the 4th Army of the British Expeditionary Force, and General Despere, commander of the 1st French Army, also stayed here most of the time.

When the German artillery sounded, Admiral Allenby was talking nonsense.

"Now, there is a tide of discussion in the entire international community, which will definitely bring enormous pressure to the Germans. After all, Paris is a world-famous city. If it is destroyed in the fire of war, it will be a loss for all human beings all over the world. If the Germans could be pressured to attack Paris without the use of artillery and aircraft, the chances of us holding Paris would undoubtedly be much greater. At that time, we might even be able to take advantage of our preparedness. Those fortifications dealt a heavy blow to the Germans and caused the Germans to shed blood in Paris." Admiral Allenby said triumphantly.

The reason why the world’s cultural and artistic fields care about Paris is entirely because of the instigation of the French and the British, and the Americans also contributed to the flames, which made this problem infinitely magnified. They are trying to form a pressure on Germany in the international community, so that Germany will be wary of attacking Paris.

It would be best if Germany gave up attacking Paris. In this case, the British and French allied forces can hide in Paris, posing a great threat to the German army, thereby restraining a large number of German troops. It is undoubtedly more difficult for the German army to defeat the British and French allied forces.

If Germany is under pressure to abandon the use of heavy artillery and other weapons in the battle to attack Paris, it will be in their arms. The British and French allied forces could use pre-built defensive positions and firepower points to make the German army pay a heavy price in the battle to attack Paris, and even reverse the situation.

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