Jagged Germany

Chapter 528

Chapter 528: Live or die (seeking monthly ticket)

"Sir, the British have built a strong defensive position in front. The firepower points are all located in our shooting blind spots, and it is difficult to destroy them!" A second lieutenant officer reported to a captain company commander.

The captain and company commander couldn't help frowning: "Is it feasible to send snipers to go around and attack them?"

"Sir, snipers have been tried, but the British are very cunning." The second lieutenant reported.

"Contact the battalion headquarters, we need reinforcements. Request artillery to bombard this area. I want to see if the British position can withstand the bombardment of heavy artillery." The captain ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Their requirements were conveyed to the division headquarters layer by layer. The division immediately issued an order to the artillery position. Coincidentally, a 150mm heavy howitzer position had just completed its support mission. After receiving the request from this infantry company, they were responsible for the shelling.

Six 150mm heavy howitzers immediately began to turn their muzzles and aimed at the intended target.

"Fire!" With the commander's order, six 150mm heavy howitzers started a violent shelling.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by loud bangs, the shells whized away one after another.

In the urban area of ​​Paris, this infantry company of the German army is still waiting. The soldiers were all lying in the bunker, so as not to be affected by their own shelling later. In that case, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!"

Soon, there was a roar in the sky.

"I'm coming!"

Veterans who have been baptized by war know very well that this is the sound produced by shells piercing the air at high speed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Soon, artillery shells fell from the sky one after another, hitting the positions of the British army. The shells exploded, and chimneys rose from the British positions. The air wave swept in all directions, and a large amount of earth and rock rushed to the surroundings. There were even quite a few soldiers who were directly swept up by the air waves.

The soldiers of the German army seemed to be shocked by the huge power.

"My God! This is clearly the power of the 150mm heavy artillery! I didn't expect that the 150mm heavy artillery would be used to support us." The captain and company commander murmured. He originally thought that it would be good to be supported by a 105mm howitzer. If they are unlucky, they may only have 75mm field guns to support them. But now, it was completely beyond his expectation.

Of course, the support of large-caliber heavy artillery is undoubtedly of great benefit to them. Under the fierce shelling of these 150mm heavy artillery, the positions of the British army are gradually being turned into ruins. The British soldiers stationed in this position knew without thinking that they must have suffered heavy losses. This makes it almost impossible for the German army to cause any casualties when attacking here.

The German fire support lasted for ten minutes. During these ten minutes, more than two hundred 150mm artillery shells hit the position of the British army. When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the position of the British army had become a mess, with big craters everywhere. As for the British soldiers stationed in this position, they have disappeared. There were only stumps and broken arms left on the ground, and even pieces of minced meat. These all show how terrifying the shelling just now was.

When the soldiers of the German army walked to this position, after seeing this scene, all of them turned pale. Even after seeing the piles of minced meat, he vomited even more. It is estimated that they will not want to eat meat for a long time.

When the German army called for artillery support in large numbers, the British and French allied forces could not resist at all. The fortifications they built could not withstand the shelling of heavy artillery at all. And their own artillery has almost lost a long time ago. The artillery suppression of the German army, coupled with air strikes, made the artillery of the British and French allied forces the first to be disabled in this battle. The remaining artillery, also because of the heavy losses, can no longer play a big role. It can be said that this battle has completely evolved into a battle in which the British and French allied forces were passively beaten.

The position of the 4th Army of the British Expeditionary Force, located near the Catholic Church on the north bank of the Seine. It is also a headquarters located underground. After all, the command post on the ground is too dangerous. Once it is bombarded or bombed by German heavy artillery, it may be bombed down. Admiral Allenby cherishes his own life very much.

"General, more than half of the 33rd Infantry Division has been lost, and the division commander requests to retreat." A staff officer reported to Admiral Allenby.

"Retreat? Their defense zone is only a few kilometers away from my headquarters. If they retreat, wouldn't the Germans attack my headquarters directly? Tell them not to retreat!" Admiral Allenby ordered road.

"Yes, General."

A few minutes later, another staff officer reported that the British 37th Infantry Division requested support.josei

"Tell the 37th Infantry Division that I have no reinforcements in my hands. Therefore, there is no way to support him. Now, they can only rely on their own strength to persevere." Admiral Allenby said.

Admiral Allenby has already been very impatient by the news of a series of defeats. After the Battle of Paris started, the British and French allied forces have been suppressed. The Germans used heavy artillery and aircraft to inflict great losses on them. It can be said that every moment, their soldiers died in the shelling or bombing of the Germans.

What's more terrible is that as the German army's attacks become more and more violent, this means that the British and French allied forces in Paris obviously cannot last long. This is obviously unacceptable to Admiral Allenby.

He didn't want to be killed by a shell or a bomb from the Germans in a daze. As a general of the noble British Army, he wanted to live on.

"Damn, we can't go on like this. We can't beat the Germans at all. If we continue to fight, we will only let them die here. This is the capital of the French, and the French and the Germans are desperate, that's what they should be .But we don't have to fight the Germans for the capital of the French at all?" Admiral Allenby thought.

Even, he began to complain about Sir French, why did he order their army to defend Paris with the French? Isn't this clearly asking them to die? Thinking of this, Admiral Allenby became extremely impatient.

"No, I can't die, I have to continue to live. I have to go back to England, I can't die here." Admiral Allenby murmured. As he kept repeating this sentence, his eyes became more and more determined.

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