Jagged Germany

Chapter 533

Chapter 533: Desperate (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Da da da!"

The German tanks fired while advancing rapidly. The intensive machine gun fire caused the French soldiers who were in shock to pay a heavy price. Many French soldiers fell directly into a pool of blood.

When more and more German tanks rushed across the bridge, they turned to the massacre of the French army. Those French soldiers seemed to wake up from their shock. They screamed loudly, runaways.

The German infantry, also following the tanks, rushed across the bridge and joined the attack.

The accompanying engineers immediately removed the explosives planted by the French army to ensure the safety of the bridge.

"Asshole, why did the Germans appear here? Blow up the bridge!" The officer in charge of guarding the bridge gave an order.

However, their movements were still one step slower. When they pressed the handle to blow up the bridge, there was no explosion at all.

"My God! This is over. The Germans cut our explosives line." The officer's face was pale.

Obviously, he also knew what it meant to them after the bridge fell into the hands of the Germans. They will be under attack from both sides of the German army. In terms of the strong attack power of the German army, they may not last long at all.

"Damn the British, why did the Germans come from their defense zone, were they all killed by the Germans silently?" This is obviously impossible. Therefore, this indicates that there is only one possibility. That's when the British surrendered. This is undoubtedly more deadly news for the French army. After the British surrendered, they had to fight alone in Paris.

There are more and more German tanks and infantry crossing the river. They began to clear the French army around the bridge according to the predetermined battle plan, expand the results of the battle, and ensure the safety of the bridge.

The sudden blow left those counterattack soldiers unprepared at all. Under such circumstances, they naturally refused to withstand the German attack. What's more, the German army invested in armored troops during the offensive. For infantry, weapons such as tanks are inherently deadly. Unless their anti-tank weapons can be prepared in advance. But in the case of a sudden blow, how could they be prepared in advance?

More and more German troops continued to drive to the north bank of the Seine through the bridge, and invested in the attack on the French army.

Place Bastille, French Garrison Headquarters in Paris. Admirals Gallieni and Despere had already been woken up. The sudden battle made them wonder what was going on.

"Reporting to the general, a large number of German tanks and infantry have poured into the north bank of the Seine through the bridge. Now, the German army is attacking our position. We have no preparations at all. So that we are in the throes of the German attack. We are retreating in defeat," the officer reported.

"What the **** is going on here? How did the Germans pass through the British defense zone?" Admiral Gallieni looked angry. Although, he had already thought of a reason in his heart. However, he was unwilling to face it.

"General, according to our analysis, the British should have surrendered secretly. Otherwise, the Germans would not have taken the bridge so easily," the officer said.

"Damn, those despicable and shameless British, they actually surrendered behind our backs." Admiral Gallieni cursed.

"Your Excellency Commander, it is useless to scold the British now. Let us think about how to face the current crisis. After the British surrendered, we will face the double attack of the Germans. This is for us , is undoubtedly a disaster." Admiral Despere said.

Admiral Gallieni thought for a while, and then said: "Immediately order the artillery to fire on the bridge. In any case, the bridge must be blown up. Otherwise, more and more Germans will enter the northern city through the bridge. At that time, it will be even more difficult for us to resist their attacks."

"Yes, General." The staff officer immediately went to convey the order.

"General Despere, the troops of the 1st Army, counterattack the bridge immediately. If the artillery fails, it is up to you. If the bridge can be destroyed, we have a chance to resist. Otherwise, we I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on any longer.” Admiral Gallieni said.

Admiral Despere nodded. He naturally knew that the most critical moment had come.

The artillery of the French army has been destroyed a lot in the previous battles. The rest are very limited in number. But this time, in order to blow up the bridge, the French army assembled all the heavy artillery. For a strong bridge, the shells of the 75mm field gun may not be powerful enough. If you want to destroy the bridge, you may need to hit a lot of shells in a row. Therefore, it mainly relies on the 105mm howitzer.josei

However, Germany has long been prepared for this. The French 105mm cannon had just fired when it was suppressed by German artillery from across the river.

The German 105mm howitzers and 150mm howitzers, which had already been prepared, opened fire violently to suppress the French artillery positions to ensure the safety of the bridge.

At the same time, the German air force also appeared in the sky. Bombers carrying bombs began to bomb the French artillery positions. Fighters also strafed with aviation machine guns.

During the German bombing and shelling, the French artillery positions suffered heavy losses. Many cannons were destroyed before they even had time to fire.

Although some French cannons fired, the shells fell into the river hastily and did not cause any damage to the two bridges.

The artillerymen of the French army are also very brave. In the face of German artillery suppression and bombing, he has been sticking to his post until he is killed. However, their efforts were still unsuccessful. They were not able to destroy the bridge until their cannon and artillery were exhausted.

The troops of the 1st French Army launched a fierce attack on the German troops entering the northern city of Paris. However, they certainly caused a lot of casualties to the German army, especially the heavy casualties of the armored forces. However, it was still unable to advance the battle line to the vicinity of the bridge. As more and more German troops crossed the bridge, the task of the French 1st Army could not be completed at all.

After half a day of fierce fighting, the French 1st Army suffered heavy losses and had to withdraw from the battle. This made their attempts to destroy the bridge all hopeless.

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