Jagged Germany

Chapter 573

Chapter 573: last-ditch

UK, London, Downing Street, Prime Minister's Office, Prime Minister Asquith's office.

At this moment, Prime Minister Asquith is still sitting on the throne of Prime Minister. However, compared with before, the current Prime Minister Asquith looks much older. He originally wanted to resign early and hand over this mess to others. But others are not fools, at such a critical juncture, naturally no one wants to replace him.

Of course, the Prime Minister of the British Empire is a very powerful position. When the British Empire dominated the world, it was hailed as the most powerful person in the world. But now, the British Empire has become shaky, and the position of Prime Minister has become a hot potato. Under such circumstances, naturally no one wants to take over the position of prime minister.

So, there is no way, Prime Minister Asquith had to continue to serve as the Prime Minister of the British Empire. until the defeat of the British Empire. In this case, it can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

In this cabinet meeting, there was only one main topic of discussion. That is how the British Empire will fight back in view of the current situation. How can we reverse the current predicament and allow the British Empire to regain its advantage in one fell swoop, and even turn defeat into victory.

Of course, it seems that this possibility is very small. However, this does not prevent the leaders of the British Empire from working in this direction. Among them, the one with the most firm belief in counterattack is undoubtedly the Secretary of the Navy Churchill.

When the Royal Navy suffered a disastrous defeat, Churchill was not discouraged, but went to the United States and made an incredible request for the purchase of ships. Other members of the original British cabinet thought this was too whimsical. However, I didn't expect Churchill to actually accomplish this. Although, the price paid is a bit high. But overall, this is of great benefit to the British Empire. With the fleet, this means that they once again have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Churchill stayed in the United States, waiting for the British warship to secretly send a large number of Royal Navy officers and soldiers to the United States, and then started training before returning home secretly. He was also lucky. He traveled between the United Kingdom and the United States at high speed on a destroyer, and he was not bumped into by the German Navy's breaking fleet. If he is caught, all his ambitions will sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean with him.

Of course, if that is the case, perhaps the British Empire will pay less losses in this war. After all, Churchill, who was a representative of the war faction, was gone. Then, I am afraid that the war will not continue.

If Britain can accept the reality of failure, pay a huge price, and end the war, then the war will naturally not continue. In that case, not so many people would die.

It's a pity that there are no such ifs. Churchill is still jumping, so the war has to go on.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, we have sent enough naval officers and soldiers to the United States, and various trainings have already begun. It is expected that the officers and soldiers will be able to master the warships of the US Navy soon. Lieutenant General Martin is responsible for the training of that fleet. , and the task of returning home. According to the combat plan drawn up by the Admiralty, we will be able to complete the preparations in at most half a month!" Churchill looked excited.

Purchased 12 battleships from the United States, which restored the strength of the British Royal Navy at once. Although it can't be compared with the period of complete victory, at least it is much stronger than the period of disastrous defeat. If the main fleet of the French Navy and the main fleet of the Royal Italian Navy are added, they have the opportunity to compete with the German Navy. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to defeat the German navy. It is precisely because of this belief that Churchill is full of energy.

Prime Minister Asquith nodded: "Very good, well done, Churchill. If the Royal Navy can defeat the Germans in one fell swoop in future naval battles, you will be our biggest contributor."josei

"Your Excellency, for the British Empire, I will fight to the end!" Churchill said.

"Everyone, the British Empire is in danger. Our enemy is very powerful. However, I believe that the British Empire will definitely have a chance to turn defeat into victory. As long as we persevere, God will bless the British Empire and we will definitely be able to defeat it." Germans," said Prime Minister Asquith confidently.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." A group of cabinet ministers said one after another. However, it is hard to say whether they are also so optimistic in their hearts.

"Your Excellency, the main fleet of the French Navy and the Kingdom of Italy have also secretly arrived in the UK. They are conducting joint training with our fleet. When our fleet returns from the United States, we can conduct the final battle with the Germans. It's a decisive battle. If we can win this time, the situation of the battle will be rewritten accordingly. If we fail, then the British Empire may have to perish." Churchill said.

The cabinet ministers present couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. Although, no one wants to see that day come. However, everyone knows that such a situation is entirely possible. And, judging from the current situation, the possibility is not small. It's a pity that they have nothing to do about it, they can only bear it passively.

"Oh, it would be great if the scale of the civil strife in Germany could be further expanded this time!" Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Gray sighed.

"Yes! It's a pity that the Crown Prince of Germany, no, now it should be said that it is Emperor William III, who suppressed the rebellion with lightning speed, and now even uprooted the royal family of Württemberg. Personal prestige In Germany, it can be said to have reached its peak. The whole country is under his control. His power is even greater than when William II was in power. I have to admit that under the rule of William III , the German Empire may become even stronger," Churchill said.

This topic is undoubtedly relatively heavy for the British. In comparison, the stronger Germany is, the less likely they are to turn defeat into victory. This is undoubtedly of no benefit to the British Empire.

"Everyone, may God bless the British Empire! If we can defeat the Germans in one fell swoop in the next decisive battle, then we still have hope." Prime Minister Asquith said.

"May God bless the British Empire!" The other cabinet ministers also prayed devoutly to God, praying that God could save their country.

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