Jagged Germany

Chapter 607

Chapter 607: Battle sinking (seeking monthly ticket)

Thick black smoke emitted from the chimneys of the three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy. The boiler began to be forced to ventilate, high-temperature steam entered the steam turbine, and the propeller began to spin crazily. The speeds of the three battlecruisers all began to increase.

Compared to those American battleships in the British fleet, as long as the fleet's speed increases. Then, the British fleet can only look at the ocean and sigh. Although American battleships have strong firepower and thick armor. But speed has become its biggest shortcoming.

On the battleship 'Nevada', Lieutenant General Martin also discovered that the German fleet was retreating.

"General, the Germans are leaving!"

"Damn, cowardly Germans. Where is their courage? They are about to run for their lives. The 2nd Battleship Squadron must stop the Germans and not let them escape!" Lieutenant General Martin ordered.

"Yes, General."

Lieutenant General Martin wanted to eat all three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers in one go this time. Now, it's just a heavy damage to one ship. It would be a pity if you just watched the cooked duck fly away like this!

This time, the main goal of the combined fleet is the German Navy's breaking fleet. The fleet led by Lieutenant General Martin besieged the three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy. While eating these three battlecruisers, it also drew out another nine battlecruisers from the German Navy's broken fleet. The main force of the United Fleet led by Lieutenant General John Jellicoe will act as the oriole, and finally launch an attack, trying to eliminate all the German Navy's breaking fleet.

In this case, the combined fleet will solve at least one-third of the German Navy's combat power. When they face the German navy, their advantages will be further expanded. This is very helpful for them to win the decisive battle at sea.

Therefore, Lieutenant General Martin will never allow the three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy to slip away so easily.

As the speed became faster and faster, the German fleet gradually opened the distance from the British fleet. Although the British fleet was still chasing after them, they kept firing their main guns, but because the distance was too far, the accuracy of their shelling was very low, and the impact point was often more than a hundred meters away.

"Damn British guys, don't be arrogant now, when our main force arrives, you will feel better!" Major General Lubeck looked at the British fleet that was chasing them, and said through gritted teeth. You must know that the battlecruiser "Blücher" has lost one-third of its firepower. After this naval battle is over, I am afraid that it will have to lie on the berth for a while. This made Major General Lübeck very angry.

At this moment, the shrill siren sounded again.

"General, the British fleet was discovered. In front of us, six British battleships appeared!" A staff officer said in horror.

"What? There are six British battleships?" Major General Lübeck's face suddenly turned livid.

"Damn it, those are clearly American warships, the 'Florida-class', 'Delaware-class' and 'South Carolina-class'!" When Major General Lübeck put down his binoculars, his face was already dark as if it was the bottom of the pot.

There are a total of 12 battleships, all of which are the main battleships of the US Navy. However, these battleships are now flying the flag of St. George. The opponent actually dispatched 12 battleships to besiege them, which is undoubtedly very dangerous for the entire fleet. If they fail, they will all be sunk here.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The six battleships that appeared in front of the fleet have already started firing. One after another, the shells hit the sea surface, splashing high water columns.

These six battleships of the British fleet successfully seized the T prefix, so that the German fleet is now facing extremely strong firepower from the British fleet. These six battleships are all equipped with 305mm main guns. Among them, the "Florida-class" battleships and the "Delaware-class" battleships are equipped with 5 twin-mounted main guns, and the "South Carolina-class" battleships are equipped with 4 twin-mounted main guns. This caused the German fleet to encounter a frenzied attack from a total of 56 305mm main guns at this moment.

The battlecruiser "Blücher" at the head of the battle line became the primary target of the British fleet.

Shells fell around the battlecruiser "Blücher" like raindrops, making the battlecruiser as if it was in a storm.

"Order the ships, disband the formation, immediately turn to the south, use speed to get rid of the British, and withdraw from the battle!" Major General Lübeck ordered.

If they continue to move forward, they will only get closer and closer to the British fleet, and they will suffer more and more firepower. Under such circumstances, they can only temporarily avoid the edge and withdraw from the battle. The reason for disbanding the battle line is to allow the two battlecruisers behind the battle line to turn around earlier. In order to avoid being hit by the firepower of the British fleet.

After Major General Lübeck's order was issued, the German fleet responded immediately. The three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers immediately turned around. The other small and medium warships also followed suit.

In the process of turning, it is undoubtedly the most dangerous. This would make the warship's vulnerable broadside aimed at the British fleet, making it easier to hit.


A 305mm artillery shell hit the side of the battlecruiser "Blücher", blowing up a 150mm secondary gun.

Immediately afterwards, another shell hit the bow of the battlecruiser 'Blücher', blasting a large hole in the bow deck. Several sailors were killed on the spot.

In the next two minutes, the battleship "Blücher" was shot by the British fleet, and was hit more than ten times in total. Not only was the superstructure battered to pieces, and a raging fire was ignited, but the steering gear at the stern was also knocked out, losing the ability to turn. At the same time, the sea water poured into the battleship crazily from the stern of the ship.

Even if the German warships have strong anti-strike capabilities, they can't hold on under such a blow.

"Telegram the Von der Tann and the Leopold to maintain speed, break out of the encirclement from the south, and make a detour back. Can't be caught by the British. We can't go anymore , will fight to the end!" Major General Lübeck ordered.

The battleship "Blücher" continued to fire until it sank due to too much water. More than a thousand officers and soldiers on the battleship sank into the sea with the battleship, and none of them survived, including Major General Lübeck.

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