Jagged Germany

Chapter 618

Chapter 618: Frightened (ask for a monthly ticket)

"Nice job, guys!"

The aircraft carrier 'Pioneer' and the aircraft carrier 'Victory' are undergoing intense carrier-based aircraft landing. After dropping the bombs and torpedoes, those carrier-based aircraft returned from the battlefield one after another. After they land on the deck of the aircraft carrier, they will be sent to the hangar below the deck by elevator. Carry out fuel refueling and ammunition loading, and get ready to attack again.

At the same time, pilots can also use this time to simply take a break, eat something, and solve their physical problems. Get ready for the next wave of attack.

During the first round of the attack, the carrier-based planes of the two aircraft carriers sank five battleships of the Allied Fleet, which satisfied Marshal Prince Heinrich very much. He hoped that in the second round of attack, the carrier-based aircraft could sink so many battleships again. In this case, a total of ten battleships could be sunk in two rounds of attacks.

After that, the carrier aircraft will suspend the attack. After two rounds of attacks, the pilots were very tired. Let them rest for a while, and then launch a third round of offense in the afternoon. At that time, it may be possible to achieve certain results.

At 10:30 in the morning, all carrier-based aircraft took off from the aircraft carrier again. They will launch a second round of attacks on the combined fleet of the Allies. In the first round of attacks, a total of three carrier-based aircraft were lost, including two bombers and a torpedo aircraft. Except that the torpedo plane was shot down by the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery fire, the other two bombers were unable to pull up in time after the bombing was completed, and changed out of the dive course, so that they hit the warships of the United Fleet of the Allies.

The loss of three carrier-based aircraft made Marshal Prince Heinrich very distressed. However, compared to the results they obtained. Such a loss is nothing at all. After all, if a battleship is sunk casually, there will be thousands of casualties.

The second round of attacks by the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft began in the desperate eyes of the French Navy and the Italian Navy. The targets of their attacks are still the French Navy and the Italian Navy. Even if the British Navy dispatched some small and medium-sized warships equipped with anti-aircraft firepower to support them. However, this still has no effect on resisting the attack of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft. At most, it will cause the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft to pay some casualties.

In the second round of attacks, the first to be sunk was the battleship 'Cayo Duilio' of the Italian Navy. This is the most powerful battleship in service with the Italian Navy. The full-load displacement is 25,000 tons, but it is equipped with three triple-mounted 305mm main guns and two double-mounted 305mm main guns. It can be said that the firepower has been brought to the extreme.

However, this battleship was also very unlucky. Before its powerful firepower had time to show itself, it was sunk by the German carrier-based aircraft.

After that, the battleship "Lorraine" of the French Navy was also sunk. An aerial bomb penetrated the deck armor near the turret. What's more, after penetrating the deck armor, the bomb penetrated the ammunition depot and exploded inside the ammunition depot. At the same time, hundreds of 340mm shells in the ammunition depot were detonated. After these shells exploded, they directly blew the bow of the battleship 'Lorraine' to pieces. Under such circumstances, a large amount of sea water poured into the battleship, causing the battleship to quickly sink into the sea with the bow facing down and the stern facing up.

The attack targets of the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy have always been the capital ships of the French Navy and the Italian Navy, as if they turned a blind eye to the capital ships of the British Navy. The capital ships of the British Navy are all equipped with anti-aircraft weapons. Even the battleships purchased from the United States have been equipped with anti-aircraft weapons. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties, they took the French navy and Italian navy as the first choice for attack.

As for the capital ships of the British Navy, leave them to the capital ships of the German Navy. Anyway, it is impossible for the carrier-based aircraft to sink all the capital ships of the Allied Fleet, so we still have to save some for the capital fleet. In this case, the capital ship of the British Navy has become the best target.

Next, the battleship 'France' of the French Navy and the battleship 'Da Vinci' of the Italian Navy were also sunk. The losses of the two navies further increased.

In addition, during the battle, the battleship "Arkansas" of the British Navy was also sunk. This battleship was severely damaged in the fierce battle with the three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy yesterday. This time, several torpedo attack planes stared at him. After being hit by five torpedoes, the battleship with a displacement of more than 27,000 tons sank into the sea.

After sinking five battleships of the Allied Fleet, the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy finished dropping all the bombs and torpedoes and had to return. However, they sank ten battleships of the Allied Fleet in two rounds of attack. This is undoubtedly a serious injury to the United Fleet of the Allied Powers. Although, there are still 26 battleships left in the combined fleet of the Allied Powers. However, compared with the 34 capital ships of the German Navy, they are undoubtedly at a serious disadvantage in terms of the number of capital ships.

What's more, no one is sure whether the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft will launch a third round of attacks. At that time, how many warships will they have to lose?

"God! We've lost half our battleships, but we haven't even seen the face of the German warships. This can't go on, this battle can't go on like this. We must retreat , otherwise, the German planes alone would have sunk all our warships!" Admiral Lame roared angrily.josei

The French Navy has only ten battleships in total, and now it has lost five. This is definitely a heavy blow to the French Navy. Admiral Lame no longer had the courage to continue fighting. He believes that if the fight continues, there will only be one result, which is to be completely sunk.

"Yes! The Germans are too powerful. They are enough to sink all our warships with their planes alone. There is no need to fight this battle anymore. Let's retreat first while their planes have just left! Admiral Paul also said.

The Italian Navy lost four battleships, but they only had six battleships in total! Two-thirds were sunk by the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. How could they still have the courage to fight? The sailors were even more frightened, wishing they could retreat now.

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