Jagged Germany

Chapter 621

Chapter 621: Boiling Ocean (1300 votes plus more)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battleship "Bavaria" of the German Navy opened fire first. Three triple-mounted 380mm main guns with 50 times the caliber smashed shells weighing one ton towards the battleship "Revenge", the flagship of the United Fleet.

Other German warships also opened fire immediately.

All of a sudden, there was a rumble of gunfire on the sea, and shells one after another, under the action of huge kinetic energy, smashed into the enemy's warship. The shells fell into the sea, splashing huge jets of water. The water splashed down and made a crackling sound, as if the entire sea was boiling.

Another battlefield, the 2nd battle line of the German Navy and the 2nd battle line of the United Fleet, also began to exchange fire. The 11 battleships of the German Navy against the 11 battleships purchased by the British from the United States. The battleship "Arkansas" was sunk by the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy, so only 11 ships remained.

Although, the number of both sides is the same. However, judging from the performance of warships, the German Navy undoubtedly has the advantage. The two "Nevada-class" battleships and two "New York-class" battleships of the British Navy are equipped with 356mm main guns, and the rest of the battleships are equipped with 305mm main guns. The three "Kaiser-class" battleships and four "Helgoland-class" battleships of the German Navy are all equipped with 343mm main guns. Only four Nassau-class battleships were equipped with 305mm main guns. The German Navy's 50-caliber 343mm main gun is not weaker than the US Navy's 45-caliber 356mm main gun, and its armor-piercing capability is even stronger.josei

Among the remaining battleships of the British Navy, except for the "Wyoming-class" battleships equipped with 305mm main guns of 50 times the caliber, the rest are equipped with 305mm main guns of 45 times the caliber. The four "Nassau-class" battleships of the German Navy are all equipped with 305mm main guns of 50 times the caliber.

In terms of defense, the defense of the 'Nevada-class' battleship is indeed very strong. But the defense of those battleships of the German Navy is not weak. It's just that, except for the 'Nevada-class' battleships, the defense of the rest of the battleships is not very good.

Therefore, considering the performance of all aspects, the performance of the German Navy is undoubtedly better. It also has a greater advantage in naval battles.

Of course, this does not mean that the German Navy will definitely win in this naval battle. After all, there are too many factors that determine the outcome of a naval battle. Occupy performance is just one of them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At a distance of 13,000 meters, the battleships on both sides opened fire violently. One after another, the shells roared and smashed towards the opponent's battleship. The cannons boomed, as if thunder was being struck.

The battlecruiser formation of the German Navy is still detouring. 11 battlecruisers formed a long battle line. Their speed has been increased to 25 knots.

"General, the main fleet has already fought with the British. Your Excellency Commander ordered us to cooperate with the second battle line and give priority to the battleships purchased by the British from the United States!" the staff officer reported.

Lieutenant General Spee nodded: "The British didn't run away, and dared to fight us. Obviously, they thought they could defeat our main force before we arrived. I really don't know where General John Jellicoe came from." Confidence."

"How long can we reach the battlefield?" Lieutenant General Spey asked.

"General, at the current speed, it is estimated that in about an hour, we can appear just in front of the British's second battle line. If the timing is good, we can even grab the T prefix." The officer said.

"Very good, let's do this! After an hour, cooperate with General Hipper to eliminate those American warships. Then rush to cooperate with the commander, and eliminate all the remaining warships of the British, French and Italians. In this battle, we must not let another British capital ship leave. We must sink them all!" Lieutenant General Spee said.

If they can sink all the capital ships of the United Fleet in this battle, then they will solve all the problems once and for all. The German navy will truly dominate the world, even if all the navies of other countries in the world add up, they will not be the opponent of the German navy. The strength of the German Navy will far exceed that of the Royal Navy of the British Empire when it dominated the world.

Of course, Lieutenant General Spee is very confident in winning this naval battle. The German Navy not only has an absolute advantage in the number of capital ships. In terms of battleship performance, the battleships of the German Navy also dominate. What's more, the German Navy also has aircraft carriers to assist in the battle. It won't be long before the carrier-based aircraft can continue to attack. At that time, it will be enough to make the United Fleet pay a greater price again.

In Lieutenant Admiral Spee's view, this operation of the United Fleet is simply death. It is a foolish act for them to send so many naval officers and soldiers to death for the slightest hope of victory.

The battle reached a climax almost from the very beginning, and both sides were unwilling to let go of this rare opportunity, and both wanted to win. Therefore, they are all trying their best to defeat the enemy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Around the battleship 'King Albert', high water columns continued to splash. The three "Normandy-class" battleships of the French Navy are firing fiercely on it. The "Normandy-class" battleship is equipped with four triple-mounted 45-caliber 340mm main guns, although its performance is far inferior to the 50-caliber 343mm main guns of the German Navy. But the victory lies in the large number of main guns. The three "Normandy-class" battleships have 36 340mm main guns. It is four times the main gun of the battleship "King Albert".

The pressure on the battleship "Prince Regent of Louis Tebold" is relatively much smaller. The battleship 'Brittany' is equipped with 5 double-mounted 305mm main guns with a caliber of 45 times. Although the battleship "Guba" has six 45-caliber 305mm main guns, only five main guns can fire on the same side. The 45-caliber 305 mm main gun of the French Navy is difficult to tear the armor of the battleship 'Louis Pold Regent', but the 50-caliber 343 mm main gun of the 'Louis Tebold Regent' battleship , but it can easily tear the armor of the battleships of the French Navy.

Of course, because of the siege, the battleships "King Albert" and "Lewittpold Regent" are in danger. But in fact, they can also deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

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