Jagged Germany

Chapter 623

Chapter 623: combustion

The battleship 'Normandie', the flagship of the French Navy.

Admiral Lame was pacing back and forth anxiously in the conning tower. Although the rumble of cannons echoed in his ears, it did not reassure him. Although they besieged two battleships of the German Navy with five battleships, the French Navy had no chance of winning at all.

"Damn it! Why is this happening? Five of our battleships hit two of the Germans, but we still haven't been able to get a hit! If this continues, what should we do?" Admiral Lame said angrily.

The other French naval officers on the bridge said nothing. They all knew that Admiral Lame was getting angry, and they didn't dare touch his brow. If it triggers the anger of Admiral Lame, it will be bad.

Although the French navy has an absolute advantage in numbers, it does not have an advantage at all in other aspects. In terms of the performance of warships, the French have long had no ambition to vigorously develop their navy. How can they build advanced battleships? In terms of the performance of the warships, they are lagging behind those of the British and German warships. The quality of naval officers and soldiers is also not comparable to that of the navies of Britain and Germany. So, this is what is happening now.

"General, a telegram from General Jellicoe, he wants us to sink the two German battleships as soon as possible," a communications officer reported.

"Bastard! Of course I also want to sink the German battleship. But I can't do it now, what can I do?" Admiral Lame roared angrily.

The officer immediately lowered his head, not daring to say anything more.

"Send a telegram to the ships and tell them that we are running out of time and must sink the German warships as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will lose. At that time, we will be like those sunk by the Germans before." Like a battleship, they all sank to the bottom of the sea! If you want to survive, you have to do your best!" Admiral Lame ordered.


Suddenly, the battleship 'Normandie' shook violently. Admiral Lamei lost his footing, and fell on the deck all of a sudden, falling like a dog eating shit.

"Damn, we were hit. Report the loss!" Admiral Lame roared at the top of his voice. At the same time, I secretly prayed to God in my heart, praying that the injury would not be too serious. Otherwise, this battle will be even more impossible to fight.

"Report to the general, the bow deck was hit, the armor was penetrated, and two cabins on the second floor were blown up, causing a fire!" The officer quickly understood the problem.josei

Admiral Lame couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Order damage control, and immediately carry out damage control!"

"Yes, General!"


A violent explosion sounded on the German battleship "King Albert", and the conning tower was shrouded in flames.

"God! We hit the German command tower!" Admiral Lame cheered.

Although this shell was not fired from the battleship 'Normandy', as long as it can severely damage the German warship, that is a good thing. For the French Navy, it is a rare victory.

This shell was fired from the battleship "Gascony" of the French Navy. Their luck was very good, and the first hit hit the command tower of the battleship "King Albert". But it is a pity that the 340mm main gun of the French Navy is a bit difficult to face the 350mm armor of the "King Albert" battleship. The shell exploded without being able to penetrate the armor, and the huge impact caused the officers in the command tower to fall all over the ground. My head also feels dizzy. However, it failed to cause further harm to them.

When the smoke cleared and the German warship was found to be intact, Admiral Lame was dumbfounded.

"****! What's going on? How is it possible that the armor of the conning tower was not able to penetrate the Germans? How thick is the armor of their conning tower!" Admiral Lame wanted to cry without tears.

The battleship 'King Albert' did not affect its combat effectiveness because of this hit. Instead, the more he fought, the more courageous he became. In less than five minutes, he scored another hit.

A 343mm artillery shell hit the No. 4 main turret on the stern of the battleship 'Normandy'. The 340mm thick armor cannot withstand the shells fired by the 343mm main gun with a caliber of 50 times. The power of the cap-piercing projectile was fully displayed at this moment. The shell penetrated the armor of the turret and exploded inside. The huge power destroyed the entire turret. Or, at this moment, there are hundreds of kilograms of bombs in the turret that have just been extracted, and a martyrdom explosion occurred because of this. The entire stern of the ship burned in the explosion. The frightened French captain immediately ordered to inject water into the ammunition depot under the main turret, for fear that it would cause the ammunition depot to explode. In that case, the battleship 'Normandy' would be completely finished.

Rao is like this, the battleship 'Normandy', which lost a main turret, has also greatly reduced its firepower. At the same time, the morale of the naval officers and soldiers on the battleship was also greatly affected.

"Damn it, send a telegram to the battleship 'Gascony' and the battleship 'Flanders' and ask them what happened? They fired at the enemy ships undisturbed, why is the hit rate so low?" Admiral Lame was very dissatisfied.

When the battleship 'Normandy' attracted the firepower of the battleship 'King Albert', no warship fired on the 'Gascony' and 'Flanders' at all. Under such circumstances, it should have been easier for them to hit the target. But now, their performance is simply not enough to satisfy Admiral Lame.

Admiral Lame's questioning did not play a good role in promoting the development of the war situation. On the contrary, it made their situation worse and worse.

The battleships "Brittany" and "Guba" of the French Navy scored multiple consecutive hits. However, it is undoubtedly impossible for the 340mm main guns and 305mm main guns they fired to penetrate the thick armor of the battleship 'Lewitpold Regent'. However, the counterattack of the battleship "Louitpold" made the French battleship unable to bear it.


A 343mm artillery shell hit the No. 2 funnel of the French battleship "Brittany". The shell directly interrupted the chimney, and the falling chimney hit the No. 3 main turret located between the two chimneys, destroying it. At the same time, the explosion also ignited a fire, causing the superstructure of the battleship 'Brittany' to start burning.

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