Jagged Germany

Chapter 627

Chapter 627: The last straw (1400 votes plus updates)

"****! Why is this happening? If the fight continues like this, all our warships will be lost. We can't beat the Germans at all. This decisive battle with the Germans is simply a joke!" As soon as he climbed on the battleship 'Flanders', he saw the sinking of the battleship 'Normandie', which made Admiral Lame tremble with fear, his back felt a little chilly, and he felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

In Admiral Lame's view, the German navy is too powerful. This decisive battle should not have gone on in the first place. Because, it is impossible to win at all, it is just death in vain. Originally, the German Navy had ten capital ships, but now, there are only four left. When this battle is over, it is estimated that there will be no one left.

Admiral Lame wants to withdraw from the battle if he can.

"Send a telegram to the flagship and tell General Jellicoe that there is no way to continue this battle. So far, we have suffered heavy losses. If we continue to fight, the entire army will be wiped out!" Admiral Lame said .

"Yes, General." The communications officer immediately went to send a telegram.

Although, if you retreat, it means failure. Once they lose, the entire Entente is doomed. However, for the sake of his own life, Admiral Lame obviously didn't care so much.

Admiral John Jellicoe and Lieutenant General David Beatty on the battleship 'Revenge', the flagship of the United Fleet, became even more ugly when they heard the news that the battleship 'Normandy' had been sunk .

"Idiots! Are the French all idiots? Five of their battleships beat two of the Germans, and they were suppressed by the Germans in turn. Now one has been sunk. Could it be that their battleships are all Is it paper?" Lieutenant General David Betty cursed.

"Admiral Lame was not a brave man. Now, even his flagship has been destroyed. I guess he has no courage to continue fighting!" Admiral John Jellicoe said.

"Your Excellency Commander, Your Excellency Chief of Staff, a telegram from the French Navy!" The communications officer reported.

Admiral John Jellicoe took a look at the telegram and couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Sure enough, I guessed correctly. Admiral Lamei no longer wants to fight anymore. The flagship was sunk, and he has already been scared out of his wits."

"Bastards, they are all cowards! Don't they know that if we lose this naval battle, then we will be finished. At that time, France will also perish because of it." Lieutenant General David Betty said.

"Yes! But Admiral Lame and the others obviously don't care that much anymore." Admiral John Jellicoe seemed a little helpless.

The battleship 'Andre Duilio' of the Italian Navy is also in danger now. It was fiercely attacked by the two "King-class" battleships "Border Governor" and "****" battleship of the German Navy. Got wet. Many Italian naval soldiers on the battleship were even drenched.

General Paul is also fidgeting at the moment. He was afraid that the battleship 'Andre Duilio' would be hit. After all, those shells are all 380mm shells! Once hit, it would be enough for the battleship 'Andre Duilio' to drink a pot.josei

"General, now on the battle line, the French have sunk one battleship, the British have sunk two, and there are only 12 battleships left. The Germans have not sunk a single battleship, and there are still 12 ships !” an officer reported.

"I know! I already guessed that the Germans are very powerful. However, I didn't expect them to be so powerful. How could we defeat them in this battle? They are clearly here to die!" Admiral Paul said.

When the entire combined fleet assembled 36 battleships, almost everyone thought that they would definitely be able to defeat the Germans. But now, several teeth have been broken, but there is still no hope of victory.

"General, what should we do now?" the officer asked.

"If possible, of course we have withdrawn from the battle. No matter what, we have returned to the Kingdom of Italy. We have already lost four battleships. In this war, the losses paid are already big enough!" Paul said the admiral.

"Withdraw from the battle? Will the British agree?" The officers in the command tower couldn't help but look at each other. Obviously, the British would never agree to their retreat. Because in that case, the British would be no match for the Germans.

"What are they doing! Even if we disagree, we have to retreat. We don't want to die here." Admiral Paul complained.

"By the way, send a telegram to General Lame and ask him what he means. If the French navy wants to retreat, then we will go together!" Admiral Paul ordered.

"Yes, General!"

Admiral Paul and Admiral Lame are very pessimistic about this naval battle. They almost all think that it is impossible for them to win this naval battle. If you continue to fight, you will just pay a higher price. Both wanted to withdraw from the battle, but because the British were so tough, they didn't know what to do. After all, we are still allies now. The British Navy occupies the absolute main force in the combined fleet.

Not far from the battlefield, a huge fleet is quickly approaching. They are the battlecruiser formation of the German Navy that circled a big circle. A huge fleet of 11 battlecruisers.

"General, according to the telegram sent by General Hipper, we will soon be able to intercept a battle line of the British. However, we need to change our course now, otherwise we will not be able to grab the T prefix." The staff officer said.

"Well, it seems that we are not too late. Although the main fleet has already taken advantage. However, it has not been able to completely defeat the British, French and Italians. If we join in, we will become crushed The last straw for the camel's back. Defeat them thoroughly!" Lieutenant General Spei smiled.

He seemed to have seen how much damage the battlecruiser formation he led would cause the United Fleet after joining the battlefield. It can be said that the German Navy has won this battle. The only uncertainties are probably how many capital ships of Britain, France and Italy they can sink in naval battles, and how much they will pay.

Of course, they naturally hope that the bigger the result, the better, and the smaller the loss, the better.

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