Jagged Germany

Chapter 630

Chapter 630: Pursue (ask for a monthly ticket)

The French Navy and the Italian Navy fled, which caused the combined fleet to collapse immediately. After losing the six battleships of the French and Italian navies, the British navy was down to 14 battleships. It would be idiotic to use these 14 battleships to deal with the 34 battleships of the German Navy.

There will only be one final result, that is, all of their warships were sunk by the German Navy, and none of them could escape. After all, the German Navy still had 11 battlecruisers. Even if the capital ships of the British Navy wanted to escape, they could not escape the pursuit of these battlecruisers.

"General, what should we do now?" Lieutenant General David Betty asked in a panic.

"What else can we do? The French and Italians have fled. Can our remaining warships be able to fight against the Germans?" Admiral John Jellicoe looked desperate.

Originally, they were already at an absolute disadvantage. Now, the French and Italians have fled again, which makes them even less likely to win. It can be predicted that they have already lost this battle, and they have lost a complete defeat, and there is no chance to reverse the situation.

And they are very clear about the consequences of losing this naval battle. In this naval battle, the British Empire also had no chance of a comeback.

The kingdoms of France and Italy will soon surrender to the Germans after this battle. The reason why they waited until this time was to wait for the result of this naval battle. If the naval battle is won, they still have a chance. At worst, a decent peace can be fought for. It will not be slaughtered by the Germans too much. However, after the failure of this naval battle, it is tantamount to cutting off all hope. They had no choice but to surrender to the Germans. What's more, surrendering earlier and ending the war earlier would be of great benefit to their country. The longer the war drags on, the greater the price they will pay in the war.

After the surrender of the kingdoms of France and Italy, the Germans could concentrate their forces against the British Empire. The British Empire has only two paths, one is to surrender to Germany. However, the conditions of the Germans will definitely be very harsh. At that time, the British Empire will lose too many benefits, and it will directly become a third-rate small country from a world hegemon. The other one is to fight to the end. But even then, I am afraid it will not be able to prevent the demise of the British Empire. The powerful German Army, with the support of the Navy, will cross the Channel and land on the British mainland. The British mainland will be a scorched earth in the war. It is not known how many people will die in the war. In the end, the British Empire will still cease to exist.

"Command the fleet to disperse and break through! We have already lost this battle. If we continue to fight, there will only be one result, that is, we will be sunk by the Germans. Rather than letting everyone die here, it is better to break through, There will always be some people who can escape back to the UK. I hope God will bless you all, let as many people escape as possible!" Admiral John Jellicoe sighed.

David? Betty Lieutenant General closed his eyes in pain. In order for the British Empire to win, they have tried all means. But unfortunately, it still ended in failure in the end. Such a result was really unacceptable to him.

However, facts are facts, and there is no room for Lieutenant General David Betty not to accept it.

"May God bless the British Empire!" In addition to praying to God, Lieutenant General David Beatty seemed to have no other thoughts.

The order to disperse and break through was issued, and the remaining warships of the British Navy began to turn around one after another. At the same time, the speed is constantly improving. In order to be able to escape the possible pursuit of the German navy, the captains even ordered the forced ventilation of the boiler to increase the speed even though the boiler was scrapped. They knew that only in this way could they escape. As for whether the service life of the boiler will be affected by this, no one cares. After all, if you can't escape, you will be sunk in the end. In that case, it doesn't matter at all whether the boiler is intact or not.

The remaining ten or so capital ships of the British Navy began to flee one after another. Those small and medium warships also withdrew with these capital ships. The current Royal Navy has long lost the demeanor of the former maritime overlord, just like a group of bereaved dogs.

The reaction of the British made the German Navy a little overwhelmed. They originally thought that the British navy would never retreat. After all, this is the last chance for the British Navy. If you miss this opportunity, there will never be another similar opportunity in the future.

But I didn't expect that at the last moment, the British would choose to escape.

However, this is undoubtedly of great benefit to the German Navy. British warships that escaped were more likely to be sunk. At the same time, the threat to the German Navy is also smaller.

"At this time, the British still want to escape. Do they think we will let them leave? Order the ships to chase the British, no matter what, we must kill all the British warships as much as possible." Lai Admiral Inhardt Scheer ordered.josei

"Yes, General."

"In addition, send a telegram to His Royal Highness, requesting him to send a carrier-based aircraft to launch an attack. Since the British want to escape, let's see if they can escape our carrier-based aircraft!" Reinhardt? Admiral Scheer issued new orders.

The speed of the warship is only more than 20 knots. However, the speed of the aircraft is as high as hundreds of knots. Under the pursuit of the planes, it is impossible for the British warships to escape.

The only thing to worry about is that night is coming. It's only three or four hours before it gets dark. Once it was dark, the British warships could escape under the cover of night. Therefore, if the German army wants to eliminate all the British warships, it cannot delay the battle until dark.

After the order of Admiral Reinhardt Scheer was issued, the German Navy immediately launched a pursuit battle. At this time, the role of the battlecruiser formation came to the fore. The speed of a battlecruiser is faster than that of a battleship. Except for one battlecruiser "Tiger", the rest of the British are battleships. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for the British navy to escape the pursuit of the German navy.

This decisive battle at sea suddenly turned into a pursuit battle. Now that the German navy has won, what it has to do now is to expand the results of the battle as much as possible.

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