Jagged Germany

Chapter 637

Chapter 637: Bad news (ask for a monthly ticket)

The result of the war is originally that some people are happy and others are sad. The victors, of course, will be cheering, but the losers will undoubtedly be gloomy.

What's more, this decisive battle between Germany and the Allied Fleet is related to the fate of Britain, France and Italy. Almost all of these three countries put all their hopes on this war. If they lose, then they will have no other choice in this war.

British Admiralty, Churchill locked himself in his office. His secretary had been ordered not to bother him with anything but the outcome of the decisive naval battle.

Churchill has exhausted all his thoughts for this decisive battle. In order to allow the British Navy to regain the strength to confront the German Navy, he did not hesitate to go to the United States, and with his three-inch tongue, he persuaded the US government to sell 12 active battleships to the United Kingdom. Although, the UK paid a big price for this. However, he got a chance to challenge the German Navy again. As long as they can seize this opportunity and defeat the German Navy. So, even if it is a big price to pay, it is worth it.

For the current British Empire, it wants to continue to exist. In other words, to preserve most of the country's interests, one must win this naval battle. Otherwise, once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous. The British Empire may cease to exist. Even if it is to surrender to the Germans, the price paid may be very harsh. The British Empire will be reduced from a world hegemon to a small third-rate country. This is definitely not acceptable to the British. If the battle is to the end, the powerful Germans can also destroy them. At that time, Britain will still have to be slaughtered by the Germans at will.

"May God bless the British Empire. We must defeat the Germans in this naval battle! This is our only chance!" Churchill secretly prayed to God.

Indeed, this is Britain's last chance. If all fails this time. Then, Britain is completely finished. The combined fleet that is now pieced together is already the last maritime force that Britain can muster.

"Bang! Bang!"

There was a knock on the door of the office, and Churchill, who was in the midst of chaos, suddenly woke up.

"Is there any result? I hope God can bless the British Empire!" Churchill prayed.

"Come in!" Churchill shouted out the door.

The secretary opened the door and walked in.

Churchill keenly noticed that the expression on the secretary's face was a little unnatural, which made him feel very bad immediately. He had a very bad feeling that the Royal Navy seemed to have lost again in this decisive battle. Although, he is very unwilling to accept this reality. But he knows that whether he wants to or not, the reality cannot be changed.

"Your Excellency, this is a telegram from General Betty!" the secretary said.

"General Betty? Where's General Jellicoe?" Churchill frowned, and he felt more and more that something was wrong.

"General Jellicoe is dead." The secretary whispered.

Suddenly, Churchill was speechless as if struck by lightning. Even General John Jellicoe was killed, which shows what the battle has become.

After a while, Churchill said: "Okay, send me the telegram, you go out!"

"Yes, Your Excellency." The secretary withdrew immediately as if he was pardoned. He had already read the telegram, so he naturally knew what it was about. He believed that Churchill would be furious after reading the telegram. If he continued to stay here, he might become the target of Churchill's anger. So, it's better to hide as soon as possible.

Seeing the secretary run away like a frightened rabbit, Churchill couldn't help shaking his head helplessly. He is now certain that the Royal Navy has failed again this time. Otherwise, the secretary wouldn't be scared like that.

Churchill opened the telegram and read it carefully. However, looking at it, his face was already ashen, and his hands were clenched into fists, and they were constantly trembling. It can be seen how angry he is in his heart.

"Bastard! How did this battle end like this? All the capital ships were lost, but only one German battlecruiser was sunk. Could it be that the German navy is really invincible?" Churchill growled angrily.

The secretary who was hiding outside the door couldn't help shrinking his neck. He was very thankful that he ran fast. Otherwise, he would have to bear the wrath of Churchill.

"The reason why Jellicoe chose to sink with the ship is entirely because he was completely hopeless in his heart! Damn the French and Italians, they escaped! They are all cowards!" Churchill yelled.

Although, he knew it in his heart. Under such circumstances, even if the French Navy and the Italian Navy do not flee, it is just a lot of trouble for the Germans. In the end, they will still be completely wiped out by the German Navy. But even so, the behavior of the French Navy and the Italian Navy still made him unacceptable.

"It's over! It's over! The Royal Navy is over, and the British Empire is over!" Churchill's eyes were red.

Before the outbreak of this naval battle, Churchill imagined that the Royal Navy might also fail this time. However, he never expected that the Royal Navy would lose so badly this time. Of course, some small and medium-sized warships escaped back, but what's the use of that? All capital ships have been wiped out. The loss of the German Navy was very slight. Churchill was almost certain that it would not be long before Germany would launch an attack on the British mainland. Of course, the prerequisite is that Britain does not surrender and chooses to continue to resist.josei

This fiasco is not only bad news for Churchill, but also undoubtedly bad news for the entire British Empire. This indicates that all the efforts of the British Empire have failed. What awaits them is a complete loss of this war.

Churchill vented for a while in the office, and the situation calmed down.

"Prepare the car, I'm going to the Prime Minister's Office!" Churchill said.

"Yes, Your Excellency." The secretary hurried to make arrangements.

The Royal Navy failed, so the news obviously cannot be concealed, nor can it be concealed. Churchill needs to report this bad news to Prime Minister Asquith. Then, everyone discusses the countermeasures together. Of course, there are very few options left for the British Empire to choose from.

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