Jagged Germany

Chapter 642

Chapter 642: Recalcitrant to the end (seeking monthly ticket)

Churchill's Prime Minister's inauguration ceremony was very simple. On the day George V approved Asquith's resignation, he moved out of the Prime Minister's Office, and Churchill also began to perform the duties of Prime Minister.

All members of the cabinet remained in office. In addition to serving as Prime Minister, Churchill also served as Secretary of the Navy. However, Churchill's main energy was on home defense. His first order after taking office was to further expand the army, strengthen training and prepare for combat. Build defensive positions in major cities and transportation nodes. On the coast where the Germans may land, build coastal defense positions and prepare for the upcoming war.

Churchill also tried his best to win the support of the royal family. On the night he took over as prime minister, he went to Buckingham Palace to clarify his views to George V.

"Your Majesty, the current situation is indeed very unfavorable to the British Empire. Although the Royal Navy has tried its best, it was still defeated by the Germans. Therefore, we can no longer prevent the Germans from occupying the entire ocean. The future is foreseeable The Germans will also launch an attack on the mainland of the British Empire through the sea." Churchill said.

King George V nodded, but he was still a little brooding about the Royal Navy's fiasco. After all, the Royal Navy has been the most powerful navy in the world for hundreds of years. In order to ensure this status, the British investment in the Royal Navy has always spared no effort. The purpose is to ensure that the Royal Navy continues to be strong. The British Empire is an island country, and the strength of the Royal Navy is crucial to them. But I didn't expect that even under such circumstances, they still lost in the end.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I don't understand why the Royal Navy lost, and why did it lose so badly?" George V asked.

Churchill seemed to have expected that George V would ask this question, and he had already figured out how to answer it.

"Your Majesty, the reason why the Royal Navy failed was mainly because of a fundamental problem with our shipbuilding thinking. The British Empire has the most colonies in the world. And these colonies are scattered all over the world. Therefore, in order to protect these colonies , we need a large number of warships with high endurance, high speed and firepower. This makes the construction of our capital ships always adhere to this idea. All capital ships pay attention to speed and firepower, and despise speed The Germans, on the contrary, paid more attention to defense, that is, the survivability of warships in naval battles. This makes their warships very powerful in carrying out strikes in naval battles. It is precisely because of this that their warships can In naval battles, they exerted extremely powerful strength. Our warships would suffer heavy damage after being hit. However, the German warships would only cause minor injuries at most. Under such circumstances, it is natural that we suffer even more. ’” Churchill said.

"Damn! Why is there such a mistake? Shouldn't there be sufficient arguments when building a warship?" George V was very angry. It is precisely because of such mistakes that the future of the British Empire was ruined! Otherwise, the British Empire is still the most powerful country in the world, and it will definitely not be defeated so easily.

George V vented his anger before calming down. He also knew that the battle had already been lost, and there was no point in pursuing this issue now. After all, history cannot repeat itself. Even if they now understand why they failed, it is impossible to retrieve those sunk battleships.

"Another point is that the Germans are far ahead of the British Empire in the use of new technology and new tactics. Their aircraft can already take off from battleships, and can drop bombs and torpedoes to attack surface warships. Here In a decisive battle, we lost more than ten capital ships under the attack of German planes. The reason why the French and Italians surrendered was also frightened by the German planes. It is precisely because of this, That's why we lost the naval battle," Churchill went on.

"It seems that we also need to vigorously develop aircraft. The technological strength of the empire is no worse than that of the Germans. If we hurry up, we should be able to catch up with them." George V said.

"Yes, Your Majesty. However, that is not the most critical issue. The most critical issue is that we must resist the German attack in the next war. It is foreseeable that if the Empire refuses to attack the Germans If they surrender, they will inevitably launch an attack on the mainland of the empire. This also gives us a chance. If we can resist the German attack and let them suffer heavy losses in the war. Perhaps, they will give up and perish The British Empire is gone. At that time, the British Empire will pay a very small price to obtain peace. That will be the best result for the British Empire." Churchill said.

George V nodded: "Your Excellency, I also hope that we can resist the German attack. So, you let it go. I will fully support you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Churchill was very satisfied to be able to get the full support of George V. In this case, he can mobilize even more power.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, can we withstand the German attack?" George V was still somewhat worried.

"Your Majesty, it is undoubtedly very difficult to resist the German attack. However, we also have a great advantage in fighting at home. If God blesses, it is not impossible to resist the German attack. Yes. I guarantee that in the next battle, we will do our best." Churchill said.

George V nodded in approval.

"Your Majesty, we have to prepare for the worst. If the battle fails, I hope Your Majesty can go to Canada. We will try our best to transfer the wealth of the empire there. In this way, we can continue to fight against the Germans in Canada." Even if the mainland falls, we will not compromise with the Germans. I believe that under His Majesty's wise leadership, we will be able to defeat the Germans in the future." Churchill said.josei

If it is impossible, leave England and go to Canada. This is a better choice for George V. In that case, at least he is unwilling to be a king of subjugation.

This also made George V very satisfied with Churchill's performance, and was willing to fully support Churchill's homeland defense plan.

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