Jagged Germany

Chapter 658

Chapter 658: German-French Peace Treaty (seeking monthly ticket)

"Gentlemen, our army has once again been defeated by the Germans. The nearest German army to Toulouse is even less than a hundred kilometers away. Now, what should we do? Should we continue to escape? But we can still Where did you flee to?" asked President Poincaré.

"The Spanish government has clearly refused us to go to Spain to form a government-in-exile. If we want to go to Africa to colonize, we have to cross the Mediterranean Sea first. However, according to the information we have received, the German navy has already entered the Mediterranean Sea. That is to say , all our escape routes have been cut off." Prime Minister René Viviani also said.

"God! What should we do now?" All the senior officials of the French government were almost desperate.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Prime Minister, it seems that we have to accept the conditions of the Germans. Otherwise, after the Germans arrive in Toulouse, they will definitely arrest us and kill us all." The Colonial Minister said.josei

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the other senior officials. They also worried that after the German army attacked Toulouse, they would attack them. After all, the Germans now have no reason to speak.

As a result, more and more senior cabinet officials expressed their support for agreeing to the conditions of the Germans. After all, nothing could be more beneficial to them than this.

President Poincaré and Prime Minister René Viviani saw this situation and expressed their willingness to accept everyone's opinions. So an urgent telegram was sent to Berlin. The French government demanded that the foreign minister, Théophile Delcase, acting as plenipotentiary, accept immediately on behalf of the German government the German terms for an end to the war.

At this moment, Théophile Delcase, who is far away in Berlin, has been waiting for domestic news. When the three days were up and there was no news, his heart couldn't help but sink.

Although, the conditions put forward by the Germans are very harsh. However, for France, it is undoubtedly much better than being destroyed by the Germans. Although losing half of its territory, France can continue to exist. If it is destroyed, then everything is over. Therefore, Théophile Delcase still hopes that the French government can agree to the terms of the Germans. As for the others, I will slowly figure out a way later.

"Your Excellency, an urgent telegram from China." The secretary rushed in hastily.

Theophile Delcase immediately took the telegram and read it. When he saw that the country had agreed to accept the conditions of the Germans, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Prepare the car immediately, I'm going to the German Foreign Office!" Théophile Delcase ordered.

A few minutes later, Théophile Delcase got into the car and went straight to the German Foreign Office, begging to see the German Foreign Minister von Kiedren Wachter.

When Vachter saw Théophile Delcase, a smile could not help but appear on his face. Théophile del Case was ashamed. He even wanted to turn around and leave if he could. Now, however, the Germans are continuing their offensive. If his departure caused the negotiations to continue to break down and an agreement could not be reached for a long time, the German attack would continue. At that time, France will soon be destroyed.

"Your Excellency, I think your government should be able to give us a satisfactory answer now!" Wahit asked.

"Your Excellency, we have already lost this war. Therefore, we admit defeat. We accept all the conditions proposed by your country." Théophile Del Casse said.

"Well, if that's the case, it would be great. I'll have someone draw up the treaty immediately, and the treaty will take effect immediately after signing it!" Vashite nodded.

"So, when can your country's army stop attacking?" Theophile Delcasse asked.

"After the treaty is signed, I will report to His Majesty the Emperor immediately. He will order the army to stop the attack." Wahit said.

Theophile Delcase breathed a sigh of relief.

In less than half an hour, the staff of the German Foreign Ministry drew up a peace treaty. Théophile Delcase checked it out and signed his name on the treaty after confirming that there was no problem.

This peace treaty, because it was signed in Berlin, is also called the "German-French Berlin Peace Treaty". The treaty mainly has several contents. One is that France admits defeat and compensates Germany with war reparations of 55 billion marks, which is used to compensate Germany for its losses. All war reparations shall be paid within three years. The second is that France will transfer all its overseas colonies to Germany, and Germany will send the officials it receives to the French colonies. French officials in the colonies are to assist Germany in taking over these colonies. The third is that France cedes the territory north of the Loire River plus Corsica to France. French residents living north of the Loire can move to the south bank of the Loire. You can also choose to stay on the north bank of the Loire. After one year, they are not allowed to relocate without authorization. Fourth, in order to ensure peace, the total strength of the French Army will be controlled at less than 100,000, and it will not be equipped with cannons larger than 100 mm, tanks or armored vehicles. The French Navy is prohibited from building warships with a displacement greater than five thousand tons, and from building and possessing submarines, aircraft carriers and aircraft. All weapons and equipment exceeding the limit will be handed over to Germany. If it is discovered by Germany that France has retained prohibited weapons, that is, France has violated the peace treaty, Germany has the right to hold France accountable. At the same time, the number of police and security forces in France must not exceed 100,000. Fifth, before the completion of the first four treaties, the German army will station 100,000 troops in France, and the German army will withdraw after France fulfills the treaty.

The last item is that after the treaty takes effect, the two countries will stop the war and return to a state of peace. The Germans stopped their offensive and gradually withdrew from southern France. The French army began to downsize the army, controlling the size of the army to 100,000 people.

French Foreign Minister Théophile Delcase and German Foreign Minister von Kidren Wachter signed their names on the peace treaty respectively. This represented the official end of the war between Germany and France.

Through the peace treaty, Germany extorted a lot from France. Huge war reparations will heal Germany's war wounds. The vast colonies will provide Germany with sufficient sources of raw materials and markets. The territory of northern France will bring Germany's industrial strength to a higher level. At the same time, the No. 1 eliminated the French threat to Germany.

France, on the other hand, has been reduced from a world-class power to a third-rate small country.

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