Jagged Germany

Chapter 684

Chapter 684: Americans' Worries (Eighteenth)

The World War has been going on for almost a year, but the outcome is about to be decided. It is undoubtedly the hope of those people who have suffered from the war that the war can end sooner. However, there are also people who are very disappointed by this.

The United States on the other side of the ocean is undoubtedly such a country. American businessmen, after the outbreak of the war, frantically expanded their production capacity, hoping to make a fortune by selling various commodities to countries participating in the war. But unfortunately, the war is almost over, and what's more terrible is that after France was defeated and Britain was blocked by Germany, their goods could no longer be sold. Germany itself has a strong industry, and market demand can be well met.

When more and more products were piled up in the warehouse and could not be sold, many factories began to go bankrupt and closed. As a result, the U.S. economy began to deteriorate, and the unemployment rate continued to rise.

After the U.S. government discovered this situation, it was helpless. Businessmen are all blind. Originally, everyone wanted to make a fortune in the war. But now, it made them sink deeply.josei

White House, conference room, President Woodrow Wilson is holding a meeting. There was an unconcealable tiredness on his face. During this period of time, the worsening situation made him very busy, and naturally he couldn't rest well.

"Your Excellency, countless small factories are going bankrupt every day. A large number of workers are losing their jobs. Even those large and medium-sized factories may not last long. The country's economy is constantly deteriorating. If we do not introduce Effective measures, our economy will be hit hard!" Commerce Secretary Redfield's face was full of worry.

"So many commodities are produced but cannot be sold. What can be done to solve the problem? Those businessmen, when they expand production, can't they think about whether there is such a big market?" Secretary of War Garrison complained road.

The deterioration of the economy has greatly affected the military construction of the United States. He was very annoyed that a lot of funds that should have been invested in the construction of the army were forced to be diverted to other places.

"Don't those businessmen want to make money from the war? As a result, no one thought that the war would end in such a short period of time." Finance Minister McAdoo said.

"Yes! Originally, we also thought that this war would last at least two or three years. A long and tragic war will exhaust the countries on the European continent. And we can just take this opportunity to make a big fortune. War windfall. But who knew that the Germans showed such a strong military force in this war? Under their attack, the Allies were so vulnerable." Secretary of State Bryan said with regret.

Indeed, the end of the war so soon is undoubtedly very detrimental to the Americans. They have been waiting, and the countries on the European continent have become a mess and suffered heavy losses in the war. In this way, not only can they use this war to make a fortune, but they can also wait for the European continent to sink and take the opportunity to rise. Maybe it can replace Britain and become the world hegemony.

But now they know that they imagined everything too simple. Germany swept across Europe with its powerful military power. This also made all their plans come to nothing.

"The Germans are very dissatisfied with our sale of warships to the British. Their ambassador has already lodged a serious protest with us. If the Germans hadn't launched an attack on the British mainland, maybe they would have used force against us Yes," Secretary Bryan continued.

"It is impossible to start a war against us. Or it is impossible in a short period of time. It will be possible after they recover their strength, or digest the benefits they have gained in this war. Therefore, we We don’t have much time, so we must seize the time to develop our military strength. Otherwise, when the Germans attack us, we will be caught off guard by them.” Minister of War Garrison looked worried.

Despite the barrier of the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean cannot guarantee the safety of the United States when Germany has the most powerful navy in the world. The powerful German navy can easily cross the Atlantic Ocean and launch an attack on the continental United States.

"The strength of the navy is very weak now. After selling 12 battleships to the British, there are only two 'Pennsylvania-class' battleships left in the navy to support the scene. Although the performance of these two battleships is good, they are not The opponent of the German Navy. However, in the decisive battle at sea, our battleships also performed very well. Especially the two "Nevada-class" battleships, their strong defense makes them perform amazingly on the battlefield. This proves our naval development ideas It is correct. Therefore, I suggest to further speed up the development of the navy. If we can have a strong navy, we will be able to resist the Germans in the Atlantic Ocean, and our homeland will be safe!" Secretary of the Navy Daniels said.

"In order to ensure the security of the American Republic, armaments must be vigorously developed. No matter how hard it is and how bad the finances are, the funds allocated to the military cannot be delayed. As for the domestic economic problems, I am afraid that the only way to wait for those small factories to collapse After that, we will find a way to support it. After all, the production capacity has expanded so much, if it does not shrink, the economy will not be able to improve!" President Woodrow Wilson said.

The other cabinet ministers nodded. Although they also know that such words are estimated to cause severe damage to the US economy. However, this is also impossible. If those production capacities are not released, the U.S. economy will not improve.

"As for those unemployed, the government should try its best to arrange something for them. By building infrastructure, they can have jobs and wages. Even if the wages are a little lower, as long as they can fill their stomachs, they will be happy. There will be no disturbances. As long as the society is stable, I think the problems we are facing now can be easily resolved!" President Woodrow Wilson continued.

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." The cabinet ministers all replied.

"For us, the real threat still comes from Germany. We sold battleships to the British, which undoubtedly offended the Germans. After the war is over, they will definitely suppress us in various ways!" President Woodrow Wilson was worried.

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