Jagged Germany

Chapter 691

Chapter 691: Riding a tiger is hard to get off (ask for a monthly ticket)

The United States and Great Britain formed a secret alliance. In the interest of secrecy, neither side has left official alliance documents. German spies are everywhere, and since the beginning of this war, other countries have tasted their power. Therefore, in order to avoid being known by the Germans that the two countries have formed an alliance, no paper documents were left behind.

But even if it is a verbal agreement, Britain and the United States will abide by it. Because now they are people on the same boat, and when Germany becomes stronger, it will not benefit them at all. In order to consolidate its status as a world hegemon, Germany will inevitably continue to attack those who threaten its status. Therefore, for their own national interests, they can only unite and deal with Germany together.

The British Foreign Secretary left Washington secretly with joy, and returned to Canada to continue preparations for the government's move to Canada. The United States is also very satisfied with this alliance. This time they can obtain a large number of advanced technologies from the United Kingdom, which will greatly enhance their scientific and technological strength, especially the strength of military science and technology.

What's more, if they can defeat Germany, they will also gain a colony in the Middle East. The rich oil resources there will enable the United States to further master oil, an important energy source. This will make them one step closer to the status of world hegemony.

Of course, it is undoubtedly very difficult to defeat the mighty Germany. To this end, the United States must do its best. Otherwise, not only would they not be able to win, but they might even be defeated. Once defeated, it is all over.

Britain has gained a powerful ally like the United States, so that even if they are defeated at home, it is still possible to defeat Germany in the future. However, God is fair. While the United Kingdom is doing its best to win over the United States as an ally, their other ally will abandon them.

In the far east, there is a country very similar to Britain. It is also an island country, and it has also developed into one of the world's great powers by relying on a powerful navy. However, compared with the United Kingdom, the time for this big country to rise is too short. However, their ambitions are not small at all. On the contrary, they have the ambition to swallow the whole world and dominate the universe.

The island country is an important ally of the United Kingdom in the East, and the two parties have signed a covenant.

During the Sino-Japanese War of 1899-1895, the island nation made a huge gamble with all the power of the whole country. As a result, they were lucky, defeated the decadent Qing Dynasty, and gained huge profits. Relying on these profits, the island country quickly became stronger. The island nation, which has become stronger, has become the most important target of the British. They urgently hope that the island nation can become their chess piece to contain polar bears in the east. Therefore, on January 30, 1902, the two sides signed the Treaty of Alliance in London. The main purpose of this treaty is against the Russians. After the signing of the treaty, the United Kingdom also strengthened its support for the island country, which made the island country have the courage to provoke polar bears. And in the Russo-Japanese War that broke out in 1904, the polar bear was beaten to the ground.

In 1905, Britain and the island countries signed the alliance treaty for the second time. The treaty recognizes the island nation's right to protect North Korea, and also stipulates that if one country is attacked, the other country must provide military assistance.

In 1911, Britain and the island countries renewed the alliance treaty for the third time. In other words, when the world war broke out, the island country and the United Kingdom had an alliance.

So, after the war broke out, the island country declared war on Germany. And while Germany was shrinking its forces around the world, it took the opportunity to occupy those German colonies in the Pacific Ocean.

Germany was unified late. When they rose, the world had already been divided up, so they didn't get many good colonies. However, Germany still has several colonies in the Pacific Ocean, including German New Guinea, German Samoa, the Caroline Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, and the Mariana Islands.josei

After the outbreak of the war, because the German army basically withdrew from these colonies in the Pacific Ocean, the islanders could occupy these colonies without bloodshed. This made the islanders very excited, thinking they had taken advantage of it.

However, the development of the final battle situation made the islanders a little aggrieved. They did not expect that the Germans would be so fierce on the European battlefield, and the Allies were so vulnerable. Even, the victory of this war will soon be won. This made the German colonies occupied by the island countries suddenly become hot potatoes. There is no doubt that after Germany wins the European battlefield, it will inevitably attack the island countries that dare to invade their colonies.

Although, the island country thinks that it has strong military power and long-term military luck. However, Germany is different now. They have the most powerful navy and the most powerful army in the world. The military power of the island country is not an opponent of Germany at all. Their only advantage is probably that they are too far away from Germany and are on the other half of the world.

But even so, the people of the island country are very worried about whether the Germans will use force against the island country after winning the European war. At that time, will they be able to be as lucky as they were in the Russo-Japanese War and win again?

Inside the island country, there are also two factions, one faction continues to occupy these territories. As the saying goes, can you spit out the fat you eat in your mouth? Not to mention a greedy country like an island country. Their land area is small, and there are many natural disasters at the same time, which makes them particularly eager to acquire more territories. Germany's colonies in the Pacific Ocean, although they are all islands. And densely covered with jungle, but the area is not small. After occupying these colonies, the islanders have already begun to prepare to immigrate to these colonies and develop these islands. Under such circumstances, how could they surrender these islands?

The other faction naturally thinks that Germany is too powerful. Japan's occupation of German colonies is seeking its own death. Those colonies should be returned to Germany to repair the relationship between the two countries and avoid being settled by the Germans.

However, neither of the two factions could convince anyone, and instead a fierce dispute broke out. After arguing for a long time, I couldn't convince the other party, and the time passed little by little.

When France and Italy surrendered one after another and signed a peace treaty with Germany, they paid a very heavy price. Only the British are still struggling. Only then did the islanders suddenly realize that the Germans were about to win the war, and there was not much time left for them.

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