Jagged Germany

Chapter 696

Chapter 696: wishful thinking

The nature of the islanders is to bully the weak and fear the hard, and if you have milk, you are a mother.

When the British Empire dominated the world, they were willing to follow behind the British Empire, acting as their thugs, and working hard for the British. Now, the British Empire has fallen, and even the mainland cannot be kept. They immediately wanted to abandon the British Empire, and even bite the British Empire back. It can be said that they fully interpreted the behavior of the villain to the fullest.

The British are undoubtedly very angry at the behavior of the islanders. However, they have nothing to do about it. The British Empire is now facing a crisis of life and death. If it is not done well, even the homeland will have to be lost. Under such circumstances, who will care about the alliance with the islanders? Of course, they also knew clearly about the plans of the islanders.

After British Prime Minister Churchill learned of this, he said coldly: "The islanders thought that the ship of the British Empire was going to sink, so they couldn't wait to jump ship. They even wanted to take the opportunity to bite us back. Attack our colonies in the Far East. However, if they think that they can succeed in this way, they will underestimate the Germans. How can the Germans let them go? The appetite of the Germans is stronger than they imagined Big one. If they dare to attack those colonies, they are provoking the Germans."

"Give orders to the colonies of Malaya and Burma. Once they are attacked by the islanders, they will retreat immediately. Since we have no strength to keep those colonies, we will leave them to the islanders. Let them fight the Germans. !" Churchill ordered. If Germany can fight a war with the island country because of this, it will undoubtedly be very beneficial to the British Empire. At least, while Germany was advancing into the Far East, the pressure on the British government, which moved to Canada, was relatively less. In this case, perhaps they can buy more time for them to recover their strength.josei

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." The secretary immediately went to give the order.

"Damn monkeys from the island country, when the British Empire was unlucky, you dared to make trouble. If the British Empire survives this time, it will never let you go!" Churchill gritted his teeth.

Without the support of the United Kingdom, it would have been almost impossible for the island country to rise. Whether it was the Sino-Japanese War or the Russo-Japanese War, there were British people behind them. Otherwise, with the poverty and backwardness of the island country, it would be very difficult to successively defeat the powerful Qing Dynasty and Russia. But now, the betrayal of the islanders has undoubtedly given the British a taste of what it means to lift a rock and shoot themselves in the foot.

The ambassador of the island country to Germany, Uchida Yasuya, is not in Germany now. After the island nation declared war on Germany, the two countries expelled diplomats from each other. However, Uchida Yasuya did not return to the island country, but went to Switzerland. During the war, Switzerland, a neutral country, was undoubtedly safer. At the same time, it is also a place where countries keep in touch. Here, even between belligerent countries, channels of communication can be maintained here.

After receiving the domestic telegram, Uchida Yasuya was stunned. He never imagined that such a decision would be made in China. Abandoning the British Empire for an alliance with Germany seems to be very beneficial to the island nation. But why should the Germans form an alliance with the island nation!

Kunya Uchida, who stayed in Switzerland, collected news, almost all of which were Germany's overwhelming victory on the battlefield. It is foreseeable that Germany will soon be able to win the final victory. Under such circumstances, how can Germany treat the island country? After all, the island country declared war on Germany at the beginning of the war, and seized Germany's colonies in the Pacific Ocean in a very short period of time. For proud Germans, this is almost unacceptable. It's just that Germany's strategic center of gravity has always been in Europe, so it didn't respond to it. Once the Germans settled the United Kingdom and completely won the European War, would they allow the islanders to occupy their colonies? That's almost impossible.

Although Uchida Yasuya has not met Qin Tian many times, the information he has learned from various aspects can show that Qin Tian is definitely not a benevolent person. Anyone who dares to provoke the German Empire will pay the price for it.

In addition, Uchida Yasuya also had a faint feeling that Qin Tian was very disliked, even disgusted, by the islanders. When he was the ambassador to Germany, he once invited Qin Tian, ​​who was still the crown prince, to a banquet. However, he didn't even see Qin Tian's face, so he was rejected by Qin Tian. On other occasions, Uchida Yasuya also tried to contact Qin Tian, ​​but none of them had any effect. He seemed to be able to feel that Qin Tian was deliberately rejecting him.

Although Uchida Yasuya couldn't figure it out, he didn't understand why Qin Tian would behave like that. However, he knew that under such circumstances, it would be almost impossible for the island country to maintain a good relationship with Germany.

What's more, the island country declared war on Germany, seized Germany's colonies in the Pacific Ocean, and Qin Tian ascended the throne and became Kaiser. This left the island nation with almost no chance to improve its relations with Germany.

"What the **** are those guys in China thinking! They want to form an alliance with the Germans at this juncture, have their heads been kicked by donkeys?" Uchida Koya was very annoyed. In his view, this is simply wishful thinking.

How important Germany is to overseas colonies, Uchida Yasuya can see from the peace treaties signed by Germany with France and Italy. The Germans almost blackmailed all the colonies of the two countries! Those bigwigs in the country actually want to take advantage of this time to board the big German ship and take the opportunity to share the British colonies in the Far East. This is simply whimsical. How could the Germans allow the meat in their bowls to be snatched by the islanders? In that case, there will only be one consequence, and that is war!

Koya Uchida sent a telegram to the country, asking the country to give up this unrealistic idea. He proposed that it is possible to return the German colonies and restore relations with Germany, but it is absolutely stupid to try to grab meat from the Germans' bowls.

But it is a pity that the island country has been stimulated by the British colonies in the Far East, and it simply cannot listen to Uchida Yasuya's persuasion. Foreign Minister Kato Takaaki personally sent a telegram to Uchida Yasuya, asking him to do his best to promote the alliance between the island country and Germany.

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