Jagged Germany

Chapter 702

Chapter 702: The Emperor's Wrath (2400 votes plus updates)

On the night of June 28, 1915, the army of the island country secretly set off from the mainland, escorted by the navy, to Southeast Asia.

On the morning of July 3, the joint naval fleet of the island country bombarded Hanoi, and the 1st Division of the island country army landed in Hanoi with almost no resistance. The island army occupied Hanoi that day.

On July 4, the United Fleet escorted the 2nd Division of the Island Army to attack Saigon, and occupied Saigon almost without bloodshed.

The French colonial officials who were originally ordered to wait here for officials from Germany fled without saying a word. In the French colony of Indochina, there were not many regular troops, and the rest were almost all security forces composed of local aborigines. Although the security army has hundreds of thousands of troops, they have no fighting spirit at all. After being attacked by the army of the island country, they fled one after another. It can be said that the entire Indochina colony, like a ripe peach, fell into the hands of the islanders.

On July 5, the 3rd Division of the Island Army attacked the Malayan colony, and the 6th Division attacked the Lion City. The British colonial officials and troops stationed here immediately fled without any resistance.

On July 7, the 4th and 5th Divisions of the Japanese Army attacked Burma. British colonial troops and officials stationed in Burma withdraw to India.

In just a few days, the entire Southeast Asia seemed to have fallen into the hands of the islanders. Although, at this moment, the islanders only occupied a small part of the area. However, their attacks were unstoppable. With the colonial officials and armies of Britain and France giving up resistance, these colonies would soon fall into the hands of the islanders.

Even the islanders themselves did not expect that they would win so easily and occupy so much land at once. Some radical island country army generals even shouted the slogan of marching to India and Australia, demanding that these two important colonies be defeated in one battle.

However, fortunately, the leaders of the island government were not dazzled by the victory. They ordered the army to occupy these colonies as soon as possible, and then prepare to resist the attack of the Germans. At the same time, more troops and combat supplies of the island army were also sent to Southeast Asia. They knew that once Germany launched an attack, the navy of the island country would not be able to withstand the German navy. At that time, their homeland will be separated from Southeast Asia. Under such circumstances, they had no choice but to send as many troops as possible to Southeast Asia and transport more combat supplies before the battle broke out.

What the islanders did undoubtedly shocked the whole world. Almost all countries did not expect that the islanders would have the courage to seize the colonies in Southeast Asia at this time. Especially the colonies of Indochina, which had been transferred to Germany by the French government. Even though the handover between the two parties has not been completed, the colony is already German. What the islanders do is clearly a provocation to Germany.

Of course, the island country and Germany are already in a state of war, and they should have launched an attack on the German colonies.

British colonies in Southeast Asia, although they do not belong to Germany. But everyone knows that after Germany defeated Britain, those colonies should belong to Germany. If the islanders do this, they are simply taking food from the mouth of a tiger! What's more, Britain is still an ally of the island country. Although the island country has abolished the alliance between the two countries, what they have done is undoubtedly a typical representative of ingratitude! Naturally, this was cast aside by the whole world.

It's just that the islanders have always been thick-skinned and never care about the accusations of the outside world. All they care about is whether they can get benefits.josei

The capital of Germany, Berlin, the Imperial Palace, Qin Tian's office. All the senior military and political officials of the empire gathered here.

The atmosphere in the office is a bit dignified. Emperor Qin Tian's face was ashen, as if a volcano was about to erupt. The ministers of the empire all looked unhappy, and the generals of the military were filled with righteous indignation. Some people even have eager looks in their eyes.

Originally, the only war left was the war against Britain. After that, there were almost no large-scale wars. This is undoubtedly very regrettable for the generals of the military. But now, the islanders have jumped out to provoke the empire, isn't that a suicide attempt? This also gave these military generals a chance to continue the war.

"Everyone, I am afraid that the entire Southeast Asia will soon fall into the hands of the islanders. They have undoubtedly slapped the empire hard!" Qin Tian said coldly.

Originally, everyone thought that after Germany warned the island country, the island country would restrain itself. After all, compared to the powerful Germany, the island country is just a weak ant. However, I didn't expect that the islanders would be so bold and chose to take the risk and directly attack the colonies in Southeast Asia.

Although those colonies already belong to Germany in name, or will soon belong to Germany. But Germany simply has not had time to receive it. Now, those colonies have fallen into the hands of the islanders. This is not only a great blow to Germany's reputation, but also strengthens the strength of the islanders.

"Your Majesty, the actions of the islanders are looking for death! Don't they know that they are offending the empire? Once the empire sends a large army to go on an expedition, they will definitely be crushed!" Prime Minister Biluo also expressed indignation. An ant dares to provoke a lion, isn't that courting death?

"Your Majesty, what the islanders have done has dealt a huge blow to the empire. We can no longer just sit idly by. We must send troops to defeat the islanders and take back all those colonies!" Foreign Minister Va Heather also said.

"Your Majesty, although the main force of the Imperial Army is preparing to fight against the United Kingdom and destroy guerrillas in Eastern Europe, the Imperial Army can still transfer one or two legions to use in operations in the Far East." Minister of War and Chief of the General Staff von Farr Ken Hain said. In his opinion, drawing one or two legions is enough to defeat the island nation. Although the island country army defeated the Russians more than ten years ago, the strength of the island country army has not changed at all compared with more than ten years ago. Although the German Army has always been number one in the world, its strength has undergone a radical change.

"Your Majesty, the navy of the island country is not strong. Except for the four 'King Kong-class' battlecruisers, the rest of the warships are quasi-dreadnoughts or pre-dreadnoughts. There is nothing to worry about at all. The Imperial Navy only needs to send a piece of debris. A fleet is enough to destroy them!" Marshal Earl Tirpitz, Minister of the Navy, was very confident.

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