Jagged Germany

Chapter 710

Chapter 710: Massacre (seeking monthly ticket)

Island State Tokyo, Ministry of the Navy. Even though it was late at night, the place was still brightly lit at this moment. The three officers of the Navy all gathered here to analyze the battle situation and then make a decision based on the intelligence gathered and analyzed by the staff officers.josei

Although, in this battle, the navy of the island country adopted a tactic to avoid a decisive battle with the German Navy expeditionary fleet. However, they regard the supply fleet attacking the expedition fleet as the first target. If they can succeed, they may be able to change the situation on the battlefield in one fell swoop and allow them to win an unprecedented victory.

"The Germans shamelessly launched an attack on our merchant ships. Now, it is difficult for us to know their whereabouts. However, it is inferred that they will arrive in Kyushu soon." Admiral Ijuin Goro said.

"Yes! Who said that Europeans would not attack civilians during the war? Didn't these Germans spare even one of our merchant ships? So far, more than ten merchant ships have been sunk Yes, our intelligence personnel have suffered heavy losses." Admiral Hayao Shimamura said.

"The loss of a dozen merchant ships is not a big deal. What I am worried about is that once the imperial expeditionary fleet breaks into our coastal waters, it will be a disaster. All merchant ships must be avoided as much as possible from encountering the German expeditionary fleet . Otherwise, the consequences will be serious." General Yatsushiro Rokuro looked worried.

Island countries also rely heavily on sea transportation. In addition, their land area is small and there is not much land available for cultivation, so they have to ask for food from the sea. This also makes their fishing boats a lot. Once the German naval expeditionary fleet also attacks these merchant ships and fishing boats, the losses caused to the island countries will be immeasurable.

"Damn! We should condemn the Germans to the international community for attacking civilians." Admiral Hayao Shimamura said.

"That's useless at all. The Germans are now the most powerful country in the world. Will those countries risk offending the Germans and accuse them? Besides, such accusations are useless. If the Germans still go their own way No one can do anything about them. What's more, we have launched an attack on Southeast Asia, which has caused an uproar in Germany. The vast majority of Germans think that we are stealing the fruits of their victory and demand that we be punished , One wave after another. Even if the German naval expeditionary fleet attacks merchant ships, the Germans will turn a blind eye. If this is the case, this method will be useless at all." Admiral Ijuin Goro also said.

"Since there is no other way, we can only order merchant ships and fishing boats not to leave the port as much as possible to avoid being attacked by the Germans." Yashiro Rokuro sighed.

"However, after such an order is issued, it will cause panic in the country and cause great losses. The cabinet will definitely have opinions on this." General Ijuin Goro said.

"There is no other way, we can only do this. It is better than being sunk by the Germans to sink our merchant ships and fishing boats!" Yashiro Rokuro said.

"Yes! If we are sunk by the Germans, then our losses will be really great. As long as we can defeat the Germans, then all losses can be recovered." Admiral Hayao Shimamura said.

That night, the Ministry of the Navy of the island country asked the cabinet to issue an order, requiring merchant ships and fishing boats of the entire island country not to leave the port to avoid being attacked by the Germans. However, not many islanders obey this order. Of course, they knew that once they went to sea and encountered Germans, they would probably die. But if you don't go to sea, the loss will be even greater. Especially those fishermen, they are still waiting to sell the money to buy rice after they catch the fish!

On the morning of August 6, when the sun rose from the sea, the German Navy expedition fleet had arrived in the southern waters of Kyushu Island. This is a very busy shipping route, the route from the island country to China and Southeast Asia, the metropolis passes here.

Although the island's cabinet issued an order overnight last night to prohibit merchant ships from going to sea, there are still many domestic merchant ships in this sea area at the moment. Especially those merchant ships returning to the island country from Southeast Asia and China did not receive orders at all.

"General, the merchant ship of the islanders!" Rear Admiral Mao Fu said excitedly.

"Order the fleet to launch an attack. Let the destroyers do it! The shells of battleships are too expensive, and it's a little bit less!" Lieutenant General Spee gave the order expressionlessly.

21 destroyers, after receiving the order, immediately rushed towards the merchant ships of those island countries.

Although, some German navy soldiers complained about attacking merchant ships. However, in the army, carrying out orders from superiors is the top priority. Therefore, they can only bite the bullet and launch an attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The latest batch of destroyers of the German Navy have three 88mm naval guns as their main guns. Although the power of this kind of naval gun is not great, its rate of fire is astonishing, and it can fire more than ten shells per minute. It poses a great threat against light warships. It is even easier to deal with civilian ships.

"Baga! What's going on? We are merchant ships! What do those German warships want to do?" On an island merchant ship, the captain was roaring angrily. They are merchant ships traveling between Southeast Asia and island countries. The boat is full of rice. After the island army occupied Southeast Asia, they harvested a lot of rice, a specialty product, and shipped it back to China to ease the food shortage in the country.

"Captain, they fired!" an islander said in horror.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of shelling sounded in this sea area, and the shells one after another easily tore apart the wooden hull of the merchant ship of the island country and destroyed it.

"Amaterasu! Those Germans actually launched an attack on the merchant ship, please save us!"

At this time, the island nations realized the crisis, and they helplessly prayed to the God they believed in, Amaterasu, for help. However, it was of no use at all.

One after another, island merchant ships were hit, caught fire, and then sank into the sea in the middle of the fire. Countless islanders jumped into the sea from merchant ships. However, it is dozens of kilometers away from the coast. It is almost impossible for them to survive.

Lieutenant General Spee indifferently issued an order not to rescue these islanders, and they had to hurry up and continue northward to attack more island merchant ships and fishing boats. If under such circumstances, the navy of the island country does not go to sea for a decisive battle, then they will have to take more drastic measures. In order to win, the German Navy Expeditionary Fleet intends to do everything this time.

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