Jagged Germany

Chapter 715

Chapter 715: Send to death (seeking monthly ticket)

"If the navy does its best, will it have no chance of winning?" Shanxian Youpeng said.

"Master Shanxian, the German fleet has too great an advantage. Even if the Imperial Navy tries its best, there may be no hope. If we are lucky, we may be able to defeat the Germans. However, that possibility , no more than 30%." General Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

Shanxian Youpeng frowned involuntarily. He knew that since the navy said this, it wasn't that they were afraid of death and avoided the war, but that they really didn't have much chance of winning. In that case, letting the navy fight is tantamount to letting them die.

Although Youpeng Shanxian is from the army, he also knows that it is not easy for an island country to build a powerful navy. Before the Sino-Japanese War, in order to build the navy, Emperor Meiji always took the lead in eating only two meals a day. The money saved was used for the construction of the navy. Other islanders naturally followed the example of Emperor Meiji. It is precisely because of this that with the concerted efforts of the island countries, they were able to defeat the Qing Dynasty, which was strong in foreign countries and capable in the middle, and won a big victory in the Sino-Japanese War. Since then, the island nation has embarked on a road of rapid development.

Now, although the strength of the island nation's navy has become stronger. However, their enemies were also stronger. The strength of the German navy is number one in the world. Even if an expeditionary fleet is sent casually, it is more powerful than the combined navy of the island countries. This gap in strength is enough to make the island nation's navy feel desperate.josei

"Gentlemen, what do you think we should do?" Shanxian Youpeng said. He couldn't think of any good way. It is almost impossible to keep the navy as much as possible while driving away the German expeditionary fleet.

"We need to expose the ugly behavior of the Germans to the whole world, and let all countries in the world condemn them!" Foreign Minister Takaaki Kato said.

"In this way, of course, the empire can gain the sympathy of the whole world. However, it is impossible for other countries to go to war against Germany for the sake of the empire. Therefore, there is no real significance." Shanxian Youtomo shook his head.

"The only way is to defeat the Germans. Only in this way can the crisis be resolved. As for the others, they will not be of much use." Okashinosuke said.

Everyone naturally knows that this is the best way. However, this method is also the most difficult to succeed! If the navy of the island country had the strength to defeat the German expeditionary fleet, they would have gone to sea to fight the German navy long ago. Who wouldn't want the credit of being delivered to your door! However, if you are going to die, you have to think twice.

"My lord, gentlemen. If the navy is required to go to sea to fight the Germans, the navy can go to sea to fight. However, the outcome is unpredictable. We will do our best to defeat the Germans!" General Yatsushiro Rokuro said.

No one spoke anymore, and if they did, the navy would send them to their death. If the navy wins, then everything is fine. But if the navy fails, or even the entire army is wiped out, then they have to bear the infamy of sending the navy to die. At that time, the consequences may be very serious. Even the elders with high positions and weights would not dare to say such a thing easily.

"Report, Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellencies. Hamamatsu was attacked by the German fleet." The Prime Minister's secretary reported profusely.

"What?" Everyone present was stunned. They couldn't believe that the Germans dared to destroy Hamamatsu after destroying Shizuoka.

"Damn, the Germans really want to destroy our coastal cities!"

"Can't let the Germans go on like this? If they attack our city again, then we will pay a greater price!"

"Hamamatsu is down to Nagoya. If the Germans destroy Hamamatsu and then attack Nagoya, what should they do?"

"No, the people in the coastal cities must be evacuated. Otherwise, the foundation of the empire will be destroyed by the Germans!"

"Damn Germans, why don't they go to hell!"

All kinds of curses filled the conference room. The entire island cabinet was in chaos because Hamamatsu was also attacked by the Germans.

"Yatsushiro-kun, the navy will attack immediately. Prepare to fight the Germans to the death! Now, we have no other choice." Yamagata Aritomo ordered.

"Yes, Lord Yamagata!" General Yatsushiro Rokuro replied. Then he turned and left the conference room, ready to go out.

"I hope God Amaterasu can bless us and defeat the Germans in one fell swoop!" Kaoru Inoue exclaimed.

"The Germans will go to hell! We can definitely defeat them!" Masayoshi Matsukata said.

Admiral Yatsushiro Rokuro returned to the Ministry of the Navy and informed Admiral Hayao Shimamura and Admiral Ijuin Goro of the cabinet's decision. The two also knew that by this time, it would be impossible for the navy not to fight. They absolutely cannot allow the German navy to plunder the coast of the island country. Although the army is powerful, it is impossible to deal with the enemy's fleet. Everything depends on the navy.

"Well, now we have to fight the Germans to the death. I hope we can defeat them!" General Hayao Shimamura said.

"I immediately ordered the fleet to get ready and set off tonight. We will fight the Germans tomorrow. If Amaterasu God blesses us, we may be able to defeat them. Otherwise, we will all die and fight to the last man!" General Ijuin Goro said.

In the evening, the bad news came again. After the German fleet destroyed Hamamatsu, it also bombarded Nagoya. Although the residents living in Nagoya have been evacuated in advance, there are still many people who are unwilling to leave their homes. Under the bombardment of the German fleet, Nagoya was reduced to ruins. You know, this is one of the few big cities in the island country!

That night, the joint fleet of the island nation’s navy entered Sagami Bay from Tokyo Bay through the Uraga Waterway, and began to search south for traces of the German fleet. They have no other choice now, they can only fight the Germans to the death. After learning that three major cities had been destroyed by the Germans, the officers and soldiers of the island navy were also filled with righteous indignation. They were like wild wolves, howling and wanting to fight the Germans desperately.

However, Admiral Ijuin Goro, as the commander of the joint fleet, was very solemn in his heart. He knew that this time they were going to die. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to defeat the German fleet.

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