Jagged Germany

Chapter 730

Chapter 730: Bravery

"Great job, we have eliminated eight armored cruisers and nine protected cruisers of the islanders. In addition to the five capital ships that were killed before, this is already a great victory!" Chief of Staff of the German Expeditionary Fleet Mao Major General Fu had a smile on his face.

"Yes! The total tonnage of the warships of the island nation that we killed has reached more than 100,000 tons. In the past few hundred years, this has been regarded as a big victory. However, the battle is still going on. We will continue to It will sink more warships of the island nation!" Lieutenant General Spei said confidently.

There are still 14 capital ships in the combined fleet of the island nation's navy. If they are allowed to escape, how can Lieutenant General Spei feel at ease? Although, except for the remaining three "King Kong-class" battlecruisers, the rest of the capital ships are just old pre-dreadnought ships. However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat! At times like this, there is no need to pick and choose.

Originally, Lieutenant Admiral Spee wanted to eliminate all the cruisers of the island navy, and then deal with the battleships of the United Fleet. However, now there is no way to attack the remaining four protected cruisers. Because, the lightning strike of the joint fleet of the island nation's navy has already begun. More than 30 destroyers launched an attack on the expedition fleet without hesitation.

"Attention all ships, prepare for the lightning strikes of the islanders! This is their last resort, as long as we resist, we will win!" Lieutenant General Spee ordered loudly.

The light cruisers and destroyers of the expeditionary fleet also took action. They were divided into groups and surrounded the battlecruisers to provide them with protection. The destroyers of the island navy are nothing more than small warships of three to four hundred tons. Not to mention the cruiser's 150mm main gun, even the destroyer's 88mm naval gun can pose a fatal threat to it.

Although, the total tonnage of the more than 30 destroyers of the Japanese navy is only more than 10,000 tons, which is less than half that of a battlecruiser. But every officer and soldier of the expeditionary fleet is ready to fight, as if they are facing an enemy. They know very well that these destroyers are not terrible, what is terrible is the torpedoes they carry. Even a 450mm medium-sized torpedo is enough to cause fatal damage to the battlecruisers of the expeditionary fleet.

Everyone sticks to their posts, and the cannons are all aimed at the destroyers of the island navy. Whether it is a large-caliber main gun, a 150mm secondary gun, or a 120mm rapid-fire gun and an 88mm rapid-fire gun, they are all ready to fire. Everyone knows very well that these destroyers from island countries must not be allowed to approach their capital ships, otherwise, the consequences will be serious. Those destroyers and cruisers are even ready to use their own hulls to block torpedoes for the capital ship.josei

Such things often happen in naval battles. Compared with capital ships, cruisers and destroyers are undoubtedly much cheaper. Even if it is lost, it will not have any impact on the German Navy. If a capital ship is lost, the combat power of the German Navy will be greatly affected. Therefore, it is undoubtedly much more cost-effective to lose destroyers and cruisers.


Following the order of the gunner, the three triple-mounted 380mm main guns on the battlecruiser "Mackenson" fired.

Heavy shells roared and smashed towards the destroyers of the island nation that were rushing towards them.

However, it is obviously not a good way to use the main guns of the battlecruisers to deal with these destroyers. Although the large-caliber main guns can tear these destroyers into pieces with one shot. However, it is obviously not easy to hit such a small target.

The 150mm secondary gun, 120mm rapid-fire gun and 88mm rapid-fire gun on the side of the battleship also started firing. Every cannon. They are all firing fiercely, trying to sink the destroyer of the island navy before launching torpedoes. Only in this way can one's own capital ship be truly safe.

Except for the battlecruiser 'Mackenson', the rest of the battlecruisers also opened fire. For a while, the sound of gunfire on the sea became more intensive, just like thunder.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battlecruiser 'Mackenson' and the two destroyers and a light cruiser responsible for protecting the battlecruiser 'Mackenson' were all firing fiercely. Perhaps because the battlecruiser "Mackenson" was the flagship of the German expeditionary fleet, they were attacked by four "Kamikaze" destroyers.

The dense shells fell into the sea, splashing a column of water that soared into the sky. However, the four Kamikaze-class destroyers were flying through the rain of bullets like arrows leaving the string.


A 150mm artillery shell hit the bow of the destroyer 'Hatsushimo'. For a destroyer with a displacement of only 450 tons, the power of 150mm shells is also amazing. A big hole was blown out of the bow of the ship, and the entire destroyer was stunned. Immediately, a raging fire was ignited.

But even so, Captain Yabu Masatake, the captain of the destroyer "Hatsushiro", still ordered to continue the attack.

"A little faster, we will release the torpedo as soon as we reach a distance of 1,500 meters!" Captain Yaw Masaki shouted.

In order to speed up, the boiler of the destroyer "Hatsushiro" has undergone forced ventilation, which allows this destroyer, which has been in service for ten years, to soar at a speed of up to 30 knots. Of course, this speed cannot be maintained for too long, otherwise, the boiler will be scrapped.

But even then, no one cares. Even if the boiler is scrapped, you have to rush to the enemy's capital ship, then launch a torpedo, and use the torpedo to sink the target.

Almost every captain of the destroyer of the combined fleet of the navy of the island country has such thoughts in mind. In order to defeat the German expeditionary fleet, they can even not care about their own lives at all. Everything is just to be able to win.


A 380mm shell hit the destroyer Hatsushiro. The huge power instantly shattered the destroyer into pieces. Captain Yabu Masaki's goal was killed before he could complete it.

The destruction of the destroyer "Hatsushiro" did not scare the destroyers of the other island countries, but instead aroused their fierceness and made them continue to attack.

Destroyers 'Kamikaze', 'Yayoi' and 'Kasaragi' are still charging. Charge against the fierce enemy artillery fire.


A 150mm artillery shell penetrated the conning tower of the destroyer "Kamikaze", killing the captain, Lieutenant Lin Yikuan, and other officers. However, the destroyer was still charging as if no one was commanding it.

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