Jagged Germany

Chapter 741

Chapter 741: Conditions of Empire (seeking monthly ticket)

In Berlin, the capital of Germany, an imperial meeting is being held in the imperial palace.

"Everyone, have you completed the preparations for the attack on Britain?" Qin Tian asked. For the German Empire, launching an attack on the British mainland has become the top priority at the moment.

"Your Majesty, the preparations have been basically completed. All the troops participating in the battle have arrived at the predetermined area to assemble and stand by. All the various combat materials needed for the war have also arrived at the ports of France. As long as the order is issued, we can Attack the British mainland immediately!" reported von Falkenhain, Secretary of State for War and Chief of the General Staff.

For this battle, the German Army has been carefully preparing for a long time. The German Navy completely trampled on the mighty British Royal Navy. But this time, the German Army will sweep across the British mainland and completely defeat the British.

"Where are the navy's **** warships, artillery fleet and transport fleet? Are they all in place?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, the navy is ready. This time, we will provide all support for the army!" The Minister of the Navy, Marshal Earl Tirpitz, reported.

Qin Tian nodded: "Then, the attack on the British mainland should be set in a week's time! I hope that the war against Britain will end within three months. In this case, the soldiers can go home for Christmas."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone replied.

None of them thought it was impossible for Qin Tian to defeat Britain within three months. After all, although the British have a crazy armed army at home, according to the information obtained by Germany, the size of the British Army, if it snowballs, will accumulate more and more, and now there are more than 4 million people. However, in the eyes of the generals of the German Army, they were nothing more than a group of rabble who had not been trained and lacked weapons and equipment. Once such a mob goes to the battlefield, it will be easily defeated. It is foreseeable that there will be a lot of people who surrendered to the German Army on the battlefield.

This made Germany's top leaders think that it would be very easy for the nearly one million imperial army of the four legions to sweep across the British mainland. It may not even take three months to defeat the British and end the war.

Of course, the reason why Qin Tian set such a deadline is entirely because it is already August, and the weather will be very cold in three months. If the war drags on to winter, it will not only increase the casualties of the troops, but also the logistical pressure will be very high. After all, to ensure that millions of troops fight in the cold winter, the logistics materials needed are undoubtedly huge.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet defeated the combined fleet of the island nation's navy a few hours ago. We sank a total of 19 capital ships, 8 armored cruisers, 13 protected cruisers and more than 20 destroyers of the island nation's navy." Till Marshal Earl Pitts then reported.

"Oh? Such a great result?" Qin Tian never thought that the expedition fleet would achieve such a great result.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The main force of the island nation's navy has been completely eliminated by us in this battle. Please give your Majesty an order on what to do next," Marshal Count Tirpitz said.

In Qin Tian's memory, the navy of the island country is still very powerful. At least in the early days of World War II in another time and space, the islanders fought the Americans in the Pacific in a panic. If it weren't for the fact that the industrial strength of the United States is much stronger than that of the island countries, it is undoubtedly difficult to say who won the Pacific War.

However, in this time and space, the navy of the island country in this period is not strong. At least compared with the German Navy, which overthrew the British Royal Navy, the gap is very large. Apart from the four 'King Kong-class' battlecruisers, there are no decent capital ships at all. The nine capital ships of the German Expeditionary Fleet are all cutting-edge battlecruisers. With a huge performance advantage, it is no problem to defeat the navy of the island country.

"Are we suffering a lot of casualties?" Qin Tian asked.josei

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet lost a light cruiser, and the battlecruiser 'Moltke' was hit by a torpedo and suffered minor injuries." Marshal Count Tirpitz said.

Qin Tian nodded. In this case, the loss is within an acceptable range.

"Your Excellency, the Imperial Navy once again won a big victory!" Falkenhain looked envious.

According to Qin Tian's plan, the army does not need to be dispatched for the time being against the island country. Therefore, this made Falkenhain very envious of the Navy's another big victory.

"This is mainly because the opponent is too weak. Otherwise, we would never have won so easily!" Marshal Earl Tirpitz said disdainfully.

"Everyone, although the islanders were defeated by us this time, their combat power should not be underestimated. We have eliminated the main force of their navy this time, which can be regarded as a death feud with them. Therefore, we must be prepared!" Qin Tian reminded.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The ministers all replied.

"As for the issue of the island countries, after their joint fleet is wiped out, you can contact them. If they are willing to return the colonies belonging to the empire and the colonies in Southeast Asia, and make a certain amount of compensation, then the empire will let it go this time. They are gone. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow and Minister of Foreign Affairs von Kidrun Wacht nodded. The army has won great victories on the battlefield. Well, it's up to them next.

Neither Prime Minister Bilow nor Foreign Minister Vachter believes that after the naval defeat, the islanders can continue to fight against the German Empire. Because they no longer have the capital to fight.

However, Qin Tian didn't think so. Islanders are notoriously stubborn. At the same time, they are notoriously greedy. The wealth of Southeast Asia is enough to make the islanders forget all dangers.

"If the people of the island country still refuse the conditions of the empire, then let the expeditionary fleet continue to launch attacks and blow up all the coastal cities of the island country into ruins. Let them pay for what they have done!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Earl Tirpitz, Minister of the Navy, said without hesitation.

Prime Minister Bilow and Foreign Minister Wahit hesitated a bit. They wanted to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything.

Qin Tian knew what they meant, and it was nothing more than this kind of large-scale killing of civilians, which would bring about bad effects. However, Qin Tian didn't care. In other words, in his mind, he never regarded the islanders as human beings at all.

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